Our minds, when young, and some of us even today, wellsprings of diligence and survival.
Our heroes were such characters as Robinson Crusoe, shipwrecked, castaway, on a Pacific island. On one of my 'round the world trips, (islands of the world) I considered what it would be like to be isolated on such an island, totally dependent on my own resources.
Today, many of us feel we are castaways, most starved people in the world. You do not need to be blind as this writer is totally blind, to feel that you are in a world of blind people who have no concept of what is going on around them, a world of deaf people, who do not hear what is going on around them, a world of addicted-drug addicts, who do not care what is going on around them. King Solomon tells us that the mercies of God are new every morning. (Lamentations 3:23) God always reveals to those who are faithful. His loving kindness is better than life (Psalm 63:3) Unbelievers do not believe this and, probably others, such as my lost relatives, but, even though totally blind, God has always revealed in my mind, and this is where all vision takes place, the eye only acts as a receptor of light, the appearance of everyone whom I meet, the world and the things around me. NOW YOU CAN UNDERSTAND HOW I HAVE TRAVELED THE WORLD, LIVED A PRODUCTIVE LIFE.
Weak, mortal, genus: Homo Sapien, creatures, so underestimate God and so overestimate Satin. To think, that people can murder other people, even the most innocent among us, and get by with it that, we can use the tissues of these little people for experimentation to improve our own conditions. I have detailed my experience in witnessing an abortion, the little hands-little feet. I have detailed my being asked to leave a scientific meeting because I expressed my horror with the “harvesting” of human embryos in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
Now, we will see how long the world tolerates such corporations as Pepsico, Nestle, Kraft who, attempting to find a tingling, tantalizing, taste bud sensation to replace salt and sugar in food and drinks, are using the tissues of aborted babies in experimentation. The nation of India is boycotting Pepsico because of this tragic, horrendous experimentation.
Children of God for life is calling for a public boycott of major food companies partnering with Senomyx, a biotech company that produces artificial flavor enhancers using aborted fetal cell lines to test their products.
In 2010, the pro-life organization wrote to Senomyx CEO Kent Snyder, pointing out that moral options for testing their food additives could and should be used. But when Senomyx ignored their letter, they wrote to the companies Senomyx listed on their website as "collaborators" warning them of public backlash and threatened boycott. Food giants Pepsico, Kraft Foods, Campbell Soup, Solae and Nestlé are the primary targets of the boycott.
Federal Law that the mother give elective permission to use her baby in experimental research. Of course, real Christians cannot believe that a mother would abort her child. Regardless of her attitude towards the biological father, a child which has her DNA and, much of the experimentation is because of certain DNA. More amazing, the fact that a civilized society would tolerate such experimentation involving taste, food, vaccines, or anything else. We have know for some time that aborted babies are used in the experimentation and production of vaccines. Only the Catholic church has outwardly objected. Other denominations like so much of the sin and depravity which surrounds us, hypocritically “goes along to get along” not sanctified, discerned enough, in the name of God and all that is decent to criticize and antagonize corporations and politicians. It is not easy to become a member of AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) but I left this group long ago because of their “political-correctness” bent, their antagonism toward justice, their sacrifice of science at the altar of money for corporations and government.
Do we actually expect to escape the wrath of God? We live in an age of deception... deceived from every direction. The only thing government, politicians, corporations, and, I'm sorry to say, most religions, want from us, is our money, the financing of their high lifestyle and our VOTES for it's continuation. Just as God looks over your shoulder when you vote, so He is looking over our shoulder and in our pockets and purses when we buy from these companies who insult the very word “civilized”.
I wish God would let the Devil have some fresh meat instead of working over time on some of us. Like Robinson Crusoe, survival of civilization is important, particularly for those who are being killed. Reportedly, 50% of the aborted babies are still alive when aborted... and, as quickly as possible, the dissection begins. As the doctor said in Macbeth, the last chapter, “God help us all.”
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