Hit The Road Jack
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back
No more, No more, No more, No more
Ray Charles
Another blind man, Ray Charles made this song popular. The black activist,Frederick Douglas, writer of another century said, “Tyranny is limited only by what the enslaved will tolerate.” This week, in Nashville, TN, agents of the government were going door to door investigating to see if citizens are prepared for any disaster... stored food, medicines, etc. and, certainly if they have weapons.
This is the way it starts. The last fortress of privacy and security, your home, and it is sacrificed in the name of “political correctness”, privacy and homeland security.
For over 50 years I have been a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, veteran medical army officer of the Korean Era. Shortly after 8am (approximately 4 years ago), I had left my house with my driver to check on some things, property, commercial buildings, on which I pay a tremendous amount of tax. Returning to my house, handicapped parking space clearly marked at my back door, I noted that my back door was no longer locked. I always precede the driver into the house. He was carrying two bags of groceries. Scaring me to death, I almost collided with two police officers about to leave my residence.
My driver, who still works for me, said, “What are you doing in this man's house?, He is a blind veteran.” One officer said, “We are here checking on him. I know that he is a veteran, there is a uniform hanging in his closet. Now, I ask you, the police had never checked on me before or since. What were they doing in my closet?
I have talked about this on talk radio, written at length about it, notified authorities about the unjustified, illegal incident but, no one seems to care. Not even my elected representatives in Raleigh or Washington.
In the Seychelles islands, a text book police state, totally ruled by a tyrant-dictator, who controls everything about the lives of the people there. A guard at the swimming pool at the hotel where I stayed told me how horrendous life is in a police state. As he spoke, severely beaten from not arriving home from work, walking the night previously before the 10pm curfew. He said every person on the island is CONTROLLED by the government. He said any uniformed officer can walk into your home at any time, without reason, get into the bed with your sister or mother and the defenseless, weaponless citizens have no freedom whatsoever. I have written at length about African nations where uniformed police officers can drag your baggage out of a vehicle onto a dirty road and rifle through all your belongings. I have described how uniformed officers can body search any female, anywhere, anytime, even to and including invading every orifice at the airport. I described the peace corps worker at the airport at Lagos, Nigeria still in shock from her treatment in Liberia and yet, America, bullies, scanning and searching. Planes and airports are still filled with INDIFFERENT passengers. Have you not noticed that today's law enforcement are combative, self-seeking, abusive, militaristic thugs. I can write about this until I am blue in the face and it does not create a ripple. The mire of trash, even in the rivers of these places, the fact that there had been no fresh food in the largest hotel in Lagos for weeks. I accompanied a diplomat to a huge aluminum plant where workers were treated as slaves. The British ambassador at the airport said, “You Americans send food to these desperate people here. Why not send metal garbage cans so they can keep the food from rats?” As I watched whole communes of Chinese communists early morning, outside, all around a large pot of rice, eating from their individual bowls I thought, and this is what the liberals in America desire for America.
Eight around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 different countries, it is not the communist philosophy, but what the communist philosophy has done to human beings everywhere. So many talk of “spreading the wealth” as if every “comrade” shares alike. More so than capitalism, the politicians live well, homes, vehicles, vacations, children in foreign schools. Godlessness leads to depravity. Opulence-prosperity in depleted Somalia because of the thievery of sea pirates,. America, $586 billion missing because of the piracy of bankers (ABC Worldwatch) $6 billion missing between Washington and Baghdad because of piracy (LA Times) $1.2 billion missing from MF Global because of the piracy of ex-Sachs, senator-Governor, John Corzine. In the meantime, Americans with a national debt of $15 trillion plus, a debt which can never be repaid... continues to work and pay at least those with jobs... those not occupiers, those not drawing welfare checks to the home invaders, our clothing invaders, our investing invaders, we should all join Ray Charles: Hit The Road Jack.
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