Christians did not invent questioning the leadership of God. The first days in the creation of the world, leading to the fall of man, and man was perfect in the beginning, (devolved not evolved since then) the hen-pecked wife of Adam, Eve, and the serpent, questioned God.
Very few world scholars will question man, created in the image of God. We think we go from victory to victory down the road of life. Early, we discovered there is one conflict after another. Only the Christian has a protective seal (I will never leave thee nor forsake thee) (Hebrews 13:5) We may be in darkness, but God knows where we are... the claim we have on Him and He on us.
The world, the flesh, the devil has tried to make all of us just livestock on the global plantation. Beginning in the 20th century, particularly in America, where animals do not have constitutional or God-given rights, men have been put on the same level with other animals. (research laboratories of Big Pharma have used rats and dogs, medical science has bowed to the altar of Baal and used the unborn, human beings in mental institutions and even veterans to accomplish “research” objectives)
This writer will never understand why liberalism, with it's philosophy of honoring the creature rather than the Creator is so attractive to academics and minorities, (blacks, gays, the poor) There is a relentless desire in the heart and soul of man to be free... free to succeed, free to express. Where did God find such men? The first 5000 years of human history, the earth was blackened with sin, horrible sin of men. God destroyed it all with a flood, except for seven individuals and a group of animals He chose to save. A great grandson of Noah, Abram, was located by God in Ur of the Chaldees and instructed to travel 600 miles North, just on faith. God discovered Jacob at Bethel, Moses on the back side of a desert, Paul on that 150 mile road from Jerusalem to Damascus. (a road which this writer has traveled) Just as a chosen race of people were delivered from bondage in Egypt after 400 years of slavery, stiff-necked, rebelling, questioning God's leadership. (manna for food, cloud of fire for guidance) He sent biting-stinging scorpions to sicken and kill them, in type-shadow, (Christ on a cross) Moses put a brass serpent on a pole and all they had to do was look at it for healing. Believers in God, righteousness promises before the cross (the cross, focal point of all history) believers, believers in the promises of God after the cross WILL most certainly, endure many persecutions of the world right along with the unbelievers. I am sorry to tell you, but we are not exempted from the problems of life... just sealed in the protection of God, now and forever.
Get real, those of you who claim the name of Jesus Christ, Christian, if you are 75 years of age, have been to church every Sunday from 11-12 every week of your 75 years, you have only spent 11 months in church... you spend more time in waiting rooms, at traffic lights. In air conditioned comfort, on padded pews, full-sleepy-satisfied, we think we are doing God a favor by being in church, that He needs us. From the beginning, slumber has always been a sign of deceit. God told Jonah to go in one direction, he went another, then, to the bottom of the ship and went to sleep. On the worst night of our Savior's life, the garden of Gethsemane, his three chosen disciples could not stay awake, sleeping as he prayed and sweat blood. In America, and I have never witnessed such in my long life, there is an intensity against Christians, against Christianity and most churches slumber and sleep. Satin knows more about the Bible than you do, that his time is short. (Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.) (Rev. 12:12)
With an imposter in the White House, occupiers and protestors in America and around the world, a four mile wide Strait which could cut off much of the world's commerce, California mandating the teaching of Islam, young people fighting over Air Jordan shoes, it is time for those under the protective seal to feast on Manna... in the desert, a type-shadow of God's Word.
I was in Mali, Africa having visited Timbuktu, the Dogon country, world’s oldest civilizations. At the Bamako airport, alone, my guide at the hotel, ill from eating to much sand, my trying to stay on schedule going to Johannesburg. The Mali air service had two planes, they ran into one another on the runway at the Bamako airport. Of course, as in many third world countries, natives infesting the airport, taking up the chairs, trying to sell a lowly tourist something. I was sitting on the floor at the side of the small building, totally defeated. I said, “God it is all over, you wanted me to travel the world. Let this be the last stop, I cannot fight the incompetence-insanity of the world, not in my condition.” About that time, God said to me, “Get on your feet, I'm not finished with you” and, About that time the airport manager came over and said, “doctor we have everything ready for you” I was put on a plane and all the way to Johannesburg, S. Africa the engines sang, “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” There, an airline official greeted me form the plane and took me to another plane headed for Europe. I was escorted through the large airport, carrying a sword I purchased in Mali, I overheard one small girl say to her mother, “look at that blind man with the sword, I wonder who he is mad with.”
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