The Stepford Wives, a novel by Ira Levin and two subsequent movies, the last starring Nicole Kidman portrays comfortable city life where wives have become docile, almost robots, almost oblivious to the actual occurrences in the world.
And, so it is with a large segment of today's society, world financial depression, increasing crime, military conflicts all over the world, and yet most men tethered to a television set, themselves fat and lazy as they watch fit young millionaires throw balls around. Mothers, comfortable in their apathy, rearing young children who must face the insensitivity of the homosexual agenda, fight and flight enslavement of the new world order.
A family on vacation, the Titanic sinking as they seek to board the Lusitania, lifeboat, Integrity, a word that can change everything, above the water line.
This writer finds that at the state house or the church house, we are trying to con God, thinking that we have Him fooled. God does not need us, can send angels to do His work. The mystery, that He continues to put up with us, that we are not willing to trust Him, after centuries of having proven His prophesies, promises, threats, we refuse to believe that HE IS BOSS! The great barrier is always honesty, our guilt, attempting to walk down the middle of the road, wanting to hold onto God and truth with one hand, Satin and deceit with the other. So it is with the congress still, as for hundreds of years, prayer at the beginning of a session, asking divine intercession and then going into a cloak room, bathroom, or tax-supported lunchroom to lie, cheat, and steal. So it is with the church house, divine symbolism more or less attitudes of worship (prayer-scripture reading-hymns) then using the tactics of the world, verisimilitude of pretenders to encourage faithfulness and mercies of God.
Pavlov taught us with his dogs that even free-will, thinking human beings can be taught to accept anything. Your congressional representatives, today's congress, just 230 years ago, would have supported the British Crown and would have called our patriot forefathers, terrorists as our ancestors along with Mr. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, tried to establish on this continent a democratic republic... a Christian nation.
Today's “lazy boy”, “fair-weather” patriots want a religion and patriotism that does not require commitment. Everything about Hitler's Naziism, Stalin's Socialism, Mao's communism was legal. Passing the congress, the uniform code of military justice (Article 125) has been changed in it's relationship toward Sodomy and Bestiality. At a time when veteran's health benefits have been slashed, democrat politicians are increasing their wealth at the rate of 750% through tainted stock trading, trading that put poor Martha Stewart in jail. The congress knows how to protect ex-Senator, ex-Governor, John Corzine, who, beyond his knowledge, lost 102 billion investment dollars. Surely, however slowly, in spite of the state-controlled news media, hard-working, tax-paying, citizen-investors may learn what Bernie Madoff told us, “The game is fixed.”
The Middle East, North Africa, so many of the world's picturesque cities... places of remarkable and unusual architecture, being destroyed by war. It is so easy to destroy, so hard to build. It takes real work ethic-talent-incentive to build cities, roads and bridge structures. There is so much work involved in the parental development of a precious child. There have always been the fangs of the abortionists, the drones of the military, destroying young lives. God alone knows the flood of tears, the volcanoes of pain, suffered by the intended and unintended continued spasms of world warfare. Even worse, that thinking people, through their own indifference allows evil to triumph over good.
The human spirit loves beauty, painting, photography, or even poetry. There was a time when most girls loved music, wanted to play the piano. Now, it is difficult to have instrumental music at the church. There was a time when boys loved athletic competition. Now, most want to sit and kill with video games.
I have been a talker on talk radio for many years. One of my friends said, “Tom, I have heard you say, this hundreds of times, People don't care.” He said, “You are right, they don't care.” Several times, this writer, streets of Jerusalem, Via Dolorosa, dirty streets filled with shops of hawkers. (at the time of Christ, streets had no sewers) as our blessed, naked, Lord, drug His cross through those dirty streets, I feel very sure that many onlookers were unconcerned and did not care. Have things changed today, Jerusalem, or your town, in the streets by your church, or even in your church. Whether the church house, school house, state house, on the way to the Goolog, did we forget to care about what happened to our country?
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