I first saw Lillian Hellman's famous play, Little Foxes, starring Elizabeth Taylor, in London. The play comes from the verse of scripture in Song of Solomon 2:15 “Little foxes spoil the vines”
For the real smart people among us, those depending on the wisdom of man, those who believe in evolution, NOT DEVOLUTION (I believe that man has devolved not evolved because when man was first made, God saw that he was good, every since, he has gotten worse and worse) The electronic microscope, the microbiologists, the electronics engineers, knowing the “power” of tiny things would tell us that it is the viruses of the world, the small “specs” in a grid that can shut off power, cause much disease and even cause many troubles with your computer.
We know that viruses have been perfected which can shut down the computers-nuclear warheads of our enemy.
A debatable figure in Biblical history, Desiderius Erasmus (1500) academic, theologian, Monk, rode a mule around France and is credited with much of the division of scripture (chapters and verses) A dutch native, a college there is named for him, Erasmus University, controls a research laboratory which has “tweeked” the more than deadly flu virus, so deadly that researchers have been asked not to discuss it, fear of terrorists capturing and spreading this virus which could wipe out civilization. Just think of several terrorists, a vial of this death on their body, just walking through the world's busiest airports OR, chem trails, with which we are all familiar, polluted with such.
It has just been within 150 years, with the invention of the microscope, the electronic microscope, scientists have some idea about the real power of small things. Just think, 150 years ago, surgeons learned to wash their hands.
Science, if we can believe anything science tells us anymore, that 45% of all people in Central America are suffering from malnutrition. I believe that 100% of all Americans suffer from a lack of nutrition. The need for the body to have nutrients and the almost total lack of the elements of nutrition from our food. For those same real smart people among us who believe in evolution, they should study the mitochondria. Each of the trillions of cells in the human body contains one of the buterols, obtained from nutrients regulating cell activity. How well I remember, muscle physiology, the all or none principle “when a muscle fibril is stimulated, it either responds 100% or not at all.” In the study of science, microbiology, even classic history, and particularly the Sovereign Word of God, there is no reason not to believe all and one surely must have a reason for believing none. From the darkness, depths, the chasm between the known and unknown, the most important knowledge has come to us, too small for the eye to see, too small for the ear to hear, but in absolute control of all senses. What vacuous head of intelligentsia, competent thought, knowing about “Little Foxes”, shuns belief in God, the Creator. I was in college in 1953, Watson & Crick announced the discovery of DNA. This should have put much of the mythology of evolution to rest.
London is preparing for the Summer Olympic games, 2012. Olympic athletes have been warned not to eat cow liver. The liver in man or animal is a filter. Clenbuterol is an agent fed to cows to build muscle and, because it is one of the “little foxes” can be mistaken as a banned substance, illegally taken by some athletes to build muscle.
Pope Benedict XVI tells us that true joy is never related to fun. Many of us have had little fun in life. If you live long enough, someone will betray you, someone you trust, employee, friend, associate, certainly a family member. There is no record of Christ ever having fun. The joy of the Christian existence comes from small things, fruit of the spirit, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance (Gal. 5:22-23)
Most adults have enough intelligence to show no respect for decadence-dishonesty. In navigating through a culture of indifference, I have found very few people who do not respect old people, veterans, have a love for small children, the disabled. I don't know from where they will come, tiny towns, remote villages, small nations, but God has a small remnant on the highway of righteousness, moving with the spirit of grace... a remnant that is His, a very small remnant the He will preserve and claim.
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