Green as the tobacco fields where I worked, I entered the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the fall of 1948. During the 8 years I was pursuing my professional education, commissioned as an Army medical officer upon graduation. Unbelievers... those who had no relationship with Jesus Christ whatsoever, were as committed and “religious” as “so called” believers are today. Today, there is little difference between the Christian believer and Satin’s unbelievers. Even among ministers of the gospel, God's Word is not considered word from God but rather words that various men wrote as coming from God. The country's most popular preacher, Joel Osteen (never attended a Bible college or Seminary, just took over after the death of his father), never uses the word sin. When recently asked about same-sex marriage, his opportunity to proclaim God's Word about the sacred union of man and woman he said, “I think God has better.”
Weather forecasters do not have a clue about forecasting weather, climactic catastrophes. They could not predict the recent October blizzard, the 177 earthquakes, tornadoes and other disasters of this past year, all over the world were a mystery to them. There is no mystery about happenings in today's world, already described.
The game is over in Europe, the launching point of western civilization. Miserable conditions in Greece, the cradle of civilization. Greek bonds cannot be sold and now German bonds. Germany, in past, the world's center of intelligentsia now on the brink. The world's second largest mosque is in Cologne,Germany... Christian churches throughout Europe turned into mosques. As in America, Muslims attempting to establish Islamic Sharia law replacing the US Constitution.
Your history book tells you that all political-religious uprisings start with street protestors. There are not enough police, prisons to control world upheavals as we find across the world... Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Iran, Syria, etc. And now, with the “so called” Wall Street Occupiers, American cities. Thousands, NYC, LA, and to a greater or lesser extent, every American city under the umbrella of jobs, inequality, fairness.
This week, North Carolina State University, America's fourth largest bank president, John Stumpf, Wells Fargo, shouted down by occupiers who had infiltrated the student body. This man who makes $18 million per year as president of this bank, with the usual jovial-Obama style-appeal to school team spirit was giving the usual bankers optimistic prophetic dream-tune. The thousands of unemployed, victims of communism, taught in public schools no longer swallow the drivel of political-correctness. Most have sense enough to know that the national debt can never be repaid. Most have sense enough to know that their living is headed downward.
Thinking Americans, mostly in the tea party movement have already discovered that America is on the brink of disaster. It has taken a long time to discover that politicians will promise anything for your vote, including a free lunch. “In the 50's”, people knew that money does not grow on trees, that there is no such thing as a free lunch. “In the 50's”, Christians did not watch the same smut and slop at the movie house and on their new TV sets as the non-Christians. “In the 50's”, remembering the Great Depression, the strangle hold of WWII, hard-working, god-fearing, tax-paying citizens did not expect anything from government... never thought about vacations, not working on holidays, benefits and retirement packages. We have seen what communist-inspired unions and government troughs have done to the work ethic. Over 50% of the population now live on entitlements.
Even today's students at “so called” Christian colleges are less moral than university students in the 50s. Much to my sorrow, much to my embarrassment, much to the sorrow of God, I feel personally cheated because I can no longer give money to a certain Christian college (a college where I had given hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years.) Twice, in one month, girls raped on this college campus, “hanging out” in men's dormitories. Why, on a Christian college campus, would their be inter-visitation in residence halls between men and women?
“In the 50's”, even college students were embarrassed to talk about homosexuality, abortion, new age religions.
I believe today's Christian is OVERWHELMED by the problems of the world. Instead of persevering, many just withdraw and, I'm sorry to say, many enable continuation of “play church” Christianity by giving their funds, buying the “Jesus junk” of trinkets, books from the televangelists and others who are putting up a facade in the hope that they are doing something good. (James 1:12)
The world, the flesh, the devil, and particularly “politically-correct” politicians, pastors., parents want the people of the world sitting in order in a box. One cannot do anything to improve the world while in a box. You must be outside the box to lift it and,the world, your country, your town, with the help of God, needs you to lift the box without any thoughts of a free lunch. Your freedom comes from your liberty with God.
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