This writer was in the Nation of Cameroon, West coast of Africa. Back then I had a shadow of vision in the left eye. In the wild expanses of the bush and croplands, I noted large baskets in trees. My guide said that is forage food for animals, there in times of drought to keep the animals from starving.
How well I remember the haystack, my work of stacking hay, stacking hay for the livestock. This was before the time of the hay baler (a mechanical device that packed and pressured hay into large bales which enabled hay to be stored in barns).
The news media and others have forgotten that American history has been built on preparation, even congresspeople are disconnected from reality-honesty. Ex Senator-Governor-Sachs, Corzine, does not know what happened to $1.2 billion for which he was responsible. Today's entrepreneurs because of regulations and communist encroachment are forced to go overseas to fulfill their dreams of advancement. The Marxist democrats and Mr. Obama would have you think Americans limit their dreams to the housing projects. Always, the dreams-aspirations of the middle class is to have a house on the hill. The worker wanted to become foreman, supervisor, perhaps president of the company. Even the clerk in the department store was glad to see the owner of the store prosper.
It has surprised some preachers to learn that some on the pews knew more than him... if the commitment is genuine.
This writer, working against liquor stores, was told by the Methodist Bishop, “It is none of my business how Methodist spend their money.” The Episcopal pastor said, “ There is no more harm in drinking a bottle of bourbon than eating an ice cream cone.” In the American experience , whether spiritual, financial, or educational, the human impetus-drive is to advance, to go higher, even to heaven, ambition.
Never think that your opinions do not matter, the publishers, news directors, are very sensitive about complaints, letters. Focus on the family and other morality groups, close down the TV playboy channel. In the trash of today's television viewing, children believe that homosexuality, same-sex marriage is normal. The world, flesh, devil would have children believe that immorality is “fair”. The public schools, electronic media have created a Frankenstein monster of disbelief in the morality and spirituality that gave greatness to this republic.
Ambitious Americans were sold on capitalism. Many refused the “parity” payments of FDR during the Great Depression. (each farm family received $2 per month) They paid for their vacuum cleaners, appliances, insurance policies, a few coins at the time on payday. They knew the silliness of trying to win points with God. “playing church”
America has been built on exceptional-ism, the thrill of success but, don’t confuse success with celebrity, think of Helen Keller and Madonna.
One of my friends, a college professor asked her students to write down the names of the seven wonders of the world. This appealed to this writer because he has experienced most of these seven. For instance, The Great Wall of China, The Taj Mahal, the great pyramid at Giza, the Panama Canal., the Empire State building, the island of Rhodes, Babylon, Stonehenge, Coliseum, Pisa. One female student was slow in returning her paper. She said, “There are so many wonders of the world - sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, love, beauty of nature, and the loving kindness of one person towards another.
The writer C.S. Lewis said, “At the end of life's journey, you will look back and your life will either have been heaven's beauty on earth or the damnation of hell on earth. It is not like finding a needle in a haystack to make the choice.
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