Aristotle said, “Beyond your ability to reason, you become a vegetable.” This writer has thought of this many times, witnessing the noise of the present day universe. A society, culture, community, of noise. Bad enough, outside noise... horns, human yells, barking dogs, boom boxes. Where does one find the time to meditate? There is a mentation (mental activity) in silence. Some believe that the earth is 13.7 billion years of age, that a light particle from the furtherest expanse of the universe has traveled 10 billion years to arrive and be seen. Can we even imagine the silence of even the furtherest expanse of the universe? A driver in a Jeep drove me far into the Sahara desert. For miles, nothing but sand and sky, the silence was deafening, when you have become adjusted to so much noise of every type. Blind for most of my life, noise is my “umbilical cord” with the outside world. I have learned to listen, very aware, several radios at the same time. Yet, most non-toxic brains hunger for quietness, such quietness as was lived on the farm, windows open at night. From the large pasture near our home, frogs in the creek, cows munching on grass, the large Collie dogs patrolling, using their own language toward one another, their guard posts of barns, chicken houses, etc.
Human reasoning validates the existence of God. All logic depends on non-contradiction. Satan, with God's permission, controls all areas of human habitation. The greatest joy of human existence, knowing that before the world was formed, God whispered our names, chosen, belonging to Him, choosing a people for Himself. With that knowledge, we can face anything else, and God throws something new at us every day, that is the reason that our relationship with God through Christ is just that, a relationship. It would be so simple if it were just a creed, something we could recite and eternally secure, get it over with. Some think, that just reciting the “disciples prayer.” (Matthew 6) which most call the Lord's prayer, is sufficient. Our Lord's prayer is found in John 17, because the disciple's prayer asks for forgiveness and Christ does not need to be forgiven, He was perfect in every way. I so pity the pretenders, the prejudice, the protestors of faith, who have no realization of the comforting, peaceful, healing, silence of those of the Holy Spirit within. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (John 14:16,17)
Do not trifle with God OR those who are His. “He has given us the armor with which to go into battle.” “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:11,12) T”here is a time for silence and a time to speak.” (Ecclesiastes 3:7) Possessors of God have been silent too long, as we have watched a masquerade politically and spiritually. The whole “armor of God” covers your entire front, controlled with a belt (girded) of truth. It is just necessary to dig in and “stand”. Your back is not covered, don't turn your back on the enemy.
Christianity, a history of solid people. Abraham was probably the richest man in the world at his time. Trace the twelve sons of Ismail, Princes with their own Kingdoms. Isaac, Jacob, foundations of Judaism. Paul, brought the church into existence, it would otherwise have been just a branch of Judaism. When you read Paul's letter to the Romans, you realize that he was a man of unusual education, preparation, associated with the nobility of his day, Rome and other world centers. Historically, unbelieving elitists have not recognized the basic qualities of the church, then and now. Silence is golden, but God loves the praise of His people. (Psalm 22:3, Matthew 21)
Christianity is not an illusion or delusion of word games. You are not your own. You were purchased at a great price. Jesus, the full, sufficient, wrath of God, for all the sin and sicknesses of the world, paid the price because He desired to please His father. Our redemption is not negotiable. The reason there are 41,000 denominations, so many thinking that God did not mean what He said. Simply because one is in the Niagara river, about to go over falls, does not mean that he is a fast swimmer... note- Osteens, Hinns, Shullers, etc. Not against flesh and blood, we fight against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Jehovah's Witnesses predicted the end othe the world, to the best of my memory, 1874, 1914, 1925, 1941, 1975, 1995. There are 42 million Watchtower magazines printed each month. The average church-goer cannot comprehend “nothingness into somethingness,” that the Creator of the world, just spoke one word, and everything was formed, a Spiral of Silence, entirely so he could have the companionship of man, tracing infinity, (symbol of 8 on the side) promising eternity... never ending.
Satan wants you to forget that he exists. In the noise of the world, political and spiritual patriots are fighting mosquitoes when elephants are charging.
With the JW more dates then that even!
ReplyDeleteI was born a 3rd generation Jehovah's Witness and we lived breathed and went door to door ad nauseam,declaring the imminent Armageddon and the only way to survive was to hurriedly convert to Jehovah's Witnesses.
Apocalyptic hysteria feeds right into the false prophets which were the Watchtower cult leaders.
Danny Haszard FMI www.dannyhaszard.com