I still remember the 1944 episode of Fibber McGee and Molly when their friend, Dr. Gamble, said he had to return to the hospital to perform an appendectomy. He said, “I will do an appendectomy from the outside but the patient will pay through the nose”. Fibber McGee accused Dr. Gamble of committing robbery with his stethoscope. Today's possessors of higher learning commit robbery not only with the stethoscope but the otoscope, microscope, telescope, and even the periscope.
Teaching us the new economy, Lehman brothers, Bear and Sterns, Merrill-Lynch, and certainly Goldman Sachs … you loan yourself 1,000 dollars then, you do not repay your loan but you write off the bad loan on your income tax.
Politics, so affecting our lives, makes no sense at all. We pay billions of tax dollars each year, maintain a standing military personnel of 1.5 million and a reserve component of 1.2 million expressly to defend the borders of this nation. We have learned to pay, “though the nose”, for the many illegal, undocumented people who just walk across the border. The Democrat administration wants to give the “30 million illegals”, citizenship status. There are more than 30 million in this country … there are probably half that number in California. All a Mexican man must do, is bring his pregnant wife across the border, and just before her water breaks, and she gives birth, the new child is an American citizen under the expressed guarantees of the American Constitution. Then, the entire family, including other children become Americans with all the financial structure, schools, hospitalization, welfare, jails, Social Security, all at the expense of the American tax payer. You can say what you will, we need to show compassion, the raisins in California cannot be picked without them, but it is a matter of prospective Democrat votes.
The Mexican man has not become as effeminate as the American male. I use Eduardo and Mario to work for me … hard workers, able to do anything … not afraid to climb a ladder. They just want a job, don't care about American citizenship, just want to make some money that they can send home for their family. In Mexico, they were trying to survive and keep up a family on less than a dollar a day. I will have to admit, that in their shoes, I would have come across the border too. The thing that amazes me, amazes everyone who employs these border absconders, their work ethic, their knowledge of how to do things.
We hear so much verbiage in this country about family values ... dead-beat fathers … courts trying to collect child support. La raza, meaning “the race” in Spanish, is an organization promoting not only the Spanish race but their ideals, values etc. When you have compromised everything you believe in, such as have the blacks with their politics, such as with the homosexuals and their politics, what do you have left to believe in?
The blacks are aborting 52% of their babies. How many babies do the homosexuals abort? We have seen the results of the pampering and pandering of the blacks and gays. Prosecution and persecution of the Latins will make them that much stronger as compared to the blacks and gays whose pampering is making them weaker.
In comparison, if Americans went South across the border to Mexico and created the same problems the Mexicans are creating here, Americans would be shot dead with machine guns.
America is good when to comes to the harassment and enslavement of it's own tax paying citizens. WCBS is reporting that all New Yorkers are “organ donors” whether they know it or not. The very last thing you want to do is to become an organ donor. There is just a few vital seconds between clinical life and clinical death. It is well known that many desperately ill people come back from the brink of death, usually in a vehicle fatality. It is a known fact that many, alive when arriving at the emergency room are put to death in order to harvest their organs rather than saving the victim. There is tremendous financial gain for many groups and many individuals from the sale of organs.
It is not just world wide financial banking institutions that are in the stealing business. Your very organs can be stolen. Check on the world wide organ market and see how much a liver or some other vital organ is worth.
DNA has proven that a large percentage of those on death row were put to death, though innocent. Stealing is not restricted to banks and emergency rooms. There is much stealing that takes place at the courthouse … prosecutors fighting and killing on their way up the ladder. Take the time to find out how many in political office were former prosecutors. Do you think that withholding vital evidence, telling a lie judicially camouflaged would slow down an ambitious lawyer who, when he looks in the mirror, sees a future state or federal power broker?
It is an exception when government does not lie to you. On every ballot, there should be one question at the beginning, “Do you trust your government, yes or no?” For anyone who checks yes, the ballot should be immediately thrown away. That person does not have enough sense to vote on anything else. I repeat, IT IS AN EXCEPTION WHEN GOVERNMENT DOES NOT LIE TO YOU. I have stacks of letters from government agencies. They say and do absolutely nothing. You can always depend on one sentence being in every letter from government … “you should hire a lawyer to take care of your problem”. This is the problem … lawyers. 75% of all elected politicians are lawyers … state and federal. Even Shakespeare said, in the early 15th century, his play King Henry the Sixth, “The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers”.
I am a patriot, what more could I give to my country? I do not believe you will find one citizen who writes more letters than I do to elected representatives, local, state, federal .THEY ARE ALL, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, DISHONEST. My own representative in the congress, a Democrat, knows me well. He is best known for bringing down a large check from the government, a photographic opportunity, with his name, instead of the government's, on the check. Pitiful the voting public who have no more intelligence than to swallow this type malarkey as he empties your tax paying pockets “through the nose”.
In New York City, along the streets, vibrant, ambitious black men have a game known as Thimblerig, or more basic, the “shell game”, using shells and a pea to rob you of your money. Obviously, local, state and national politicians have taken lessons from these shell game operators. Over and over, via the state controlled news media which enables this “grand theft” we see tax dollars going towards Washington, a few dollars returning, but most just disappearing in the malaise of voter indifference.
It is only when the citizen hears the bang of the judges gavel in the bankruptcy court that the tax payers nose become cognizant to what has been dragged through it.
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