Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Yankees, moving to the south, have told me, that they had rather have a good piece of southern cornbread than any type of cake. Southerners ate cornbread because corn was so much cheaper than wheat. We would know little of King David's great grandmother, Ruth, except that she picked up barley from the field. Barley was the food of the poor.

It was on a sabbath that the hungry disciples walking through a cornfield, (maize) plucked some to eat. Here we have Jesus' teachings concerning the sabbath, even healing on the sabbath. It does not surprise God that we are surprised at His omnipotence, His sovereign plans for everything.

On the night of the Passover, the death angel passing over Egypt, the first born of every animal killed unless the blood of the innocent, perfect lamb was on the door post... pointing to the time that the innocent lamb of God would shed His blood on a tree. A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. Matthew 12:20

Jesus' promise concerning the bruised reed is some of the most precious scripture. The six miles from Jerusalem to Jericho, a man, no fault of his own, robbed and thrown into a ditch... a bruised reed. The religious passed him by but a good Samaritan gave him the help he needed. (Luke 10)

The only time we find a record of Jesus' penmanship, writing in the dirt. A woman was brought to Him caught in the very act of adultery, a bruised reed. When He started to write, those holding the stones with which to stone her to death began to drop the stones one by one until there were none left, but this bruised reed was told to go and sin no more. (John 8) Strange that the man caught with her in the sex act was never mentioned

Search all literature temporal and secular, you will find no story as beautiful as that of the prodigal son. A father's younger son, wanderlust asked for his inheritance. Strange that this prodigal father did not slap this young man into reality rather he gave him an inheritance which he, in another country wasted. This young Jewish boy, feeding hogs, found he did not have a taste for “hog slop” He knew how well his father treated his hired help. This bruised reed decided to return home with repentance on his mind. We either have the mind of Christ or the mind of the world. Beautiful words, his father recognized him from a long distance, ran to greet him, kissed him. There was no denial of this son... judgment of this bruised reed but, who can blame his brother who had stayed at home, worked hard for the old man and behaved himself.

Remarkable parable-story of the lost sheep. The shepherd had 100 sheep, 99 safe, one lost... a bruised reed. The shepherd left the 99 and went searching for the lost sheep. We have no record of the judgment on the lost sheep, but when found, he put the lost sheep, bruised reed, on his shoulder and brought it back to the 99. (Luke 15)

Reality is that we cannot control reality. The boy had no business leaving a good home, wasting his father's money. The lost sheep should have stayed with the flock. The woman caught in adultery should have had a greater standard of morality, and the traveler to Jericho should have been more careful knowing that this area was a place of thievery.

Reality is about to sink in for Americans. Congress is a group of mobsters. Already moving across Europe, there is not enough money on earth to pay our debts. The chickens have come home to roost. Individuals and nations cannot spend more than they are taking in. There is not a person alive today who will see a good financial climate again, worse, the wheat will suffer along with the tares but, remember, the bruised reed he will not break. It has already been leaked that the United Nations planned the Libyan regime change... long before it started. Corruption gone wild. 13.5 billion Libyan dinars just thrown at Libya from England just as $9 Billion American dollars were thrown at Iraq. Next comes Syria and Dr. Assad... all of these wars and middle east intrigue involving America and WWIII. As never before, Americans will learn to eat cheaply even cornbread.


From the beginning, man has failed to meet God's Holy standards, today, more so than ever.

God's geometry is circular. Everything in His perfect creation circular... a circular universe, circular planets, circular grace. In the middle of a circle is complete redemption and protection.

The emaciated church, more interested in the world than the Holiness of God, has forgotten God's encirclement.

In this world of technology, the ludicrous addiction to cell phones, trash television, nano technology of the computer. The human being, God's chief creation has become very cheap.

In the hurricanes of recent years, including Irene, news broadcasts talked of shelters including “pet friendly” shelters. As was the case with Katrina in New Orleans, the old and disabled were neglected, but not the pets. Have you forgotten the nursing homes where old people were left to drown on their beds, caretakers fled. Have you forgotten the opening of the jails so the criminals could rape and plunder.

I often ask young people “Do you have elderly people who have been active in your life, who were an inspiration in your life?” You might as well ask them to recite the theory of Pythagoras. I realize that many children never know their own father certainly not their grandparents but, surely in the circle of life there are some elderly individuals who have inspired them or influenced them in some way. I was fortunate enough to have known all four of my grandparents... their remarkable lives and, they could still talk about their parents and other ancestors. I participated in the funeral of the first graduate of NCSU who died at age 100, a most remarkable man. I knew old doctors, lawyers, preachers who had such a great influence on my life, people with standards. With those around you, don't close the book until the story in over. You may be surprised by the events in many lives. I so wish I had spent more time with old people in my life. You cannot be deader than dead, it is difficult to talk to a tombstone. Your body like the bodies of those around you are temples not dumpsters... each valuable in God's eyes, red, yellow, black or white.

The first big funeral I remember was that of my grandmother. This was in 1937 the height of the great depression. She was a Lucas, one of the state's first families. It was a huge service at our old family church. Back then, everyone in the church walked by to take a last look at the person in the beautiful casket. I still consider the viewing of a dead body as very insensitive. Back then, everyone was buried, cremation was stories from missionaries. Today, 40% of all deaths are cremations (burning of the body to ash). In Florida, a new process, “liquefaction” the body is turned to liquid and is flushed into the drain, then sewer, then river, then ocean. In Sweden, a new process, Promession whereby the body by liquid nitrogen is rapidly freeze-dried. The old-timey funeral, the funerals of my lifetime, were a celebration of life. Of course there was always the death of a baby, accidental death of a young person, tragic diseased death of a young mother, always, without exception, even the poorest among us were given a farewell of love and respect. Many had burial insurance, almost all families had their own family cemetery or burial plot within a larger cemetery. Death was a part of life and everyone knew that the inevitable would happen.

Just living for today is a new “method” in the history of man. Las Vegas is one city I have missed in my travels. The city of glitz, showgirls, gambling, marriage chapels, water fountains shooting high into the air, slot machines, Jewish-mafia. Today, the unemployment in Las Vegas is 15%. 80% of all mortgaged homes are under water (The mortgage is more than the house is worth), many of these houses in Las Vegas are just burned. Two young men, from Las Vegas moved here next to my beach house. Desperate, defiant, troubled, youth, when they moved out were too lazy to pack their clothes, threw all of their possessions into my garbage can-cart. When I went to put my garbage on he street, I thought what is this? The clothing was perfectly good from what my blind eyes could discern. These are today's values for many of our youth. I took all the clothing, washed it and turned it in to the salvation army. The lack of values is the burned hole in the crevice of civilization.

President Obama and his family do not believe in work, just vacationing. Politicians, bureaucrats, more barbarians than civilized human beings. Your government now can go into your safety deposit box at the bank and your banker will go to jail if he reports such to you. $350B per year is spent in America on cancer treatment. Cancer patients who get no treatment live longer than those who get treatment.

Evey sin, every sickness has a history... past, present, future. Only the circular drops of blood from our blessed Lord, only His stripes can heal and redeem. It is within this circle of salvation that all should cling. Most desire the standards of men.

5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tainted Sexuality

The older I get, and, I'm old, the more I realize that 90% of faith is just raw courage. It takes courage to speak out in times of political correctness. The time has long passed for preachers, teachers, parents. Opinion molders of the world to speak out about conditions in the world. WE ARE EITHER CHRIST-MINDED OR WORLD-MINDED.

On my any trips to Africa, I would often cross a river on an ancient rope entwined vine bridge. One who is blind might do things that the sighted would not do. A weak board across a river, even with great faith, might get you wet. But a strong board across a river, even with weak faith will probably get you across.

It started after WWII. Ignominious words. Sexual innuendos... a lack of inhibition concerning matters which generations before us considered private. We notice more and more words which at one time were considered indecent coming to the vocabulary. Most are not embarrassed about anything anymore, seldom do you see anyone blush. Shame, concern are lost words in the vocabulary.

Would we ever have thought that one after another advertisements would feature erectile dysfunction or men losing their testosterone.

The gay agenda, liberated women made no secret of their attempts to change morality.

I get so sick of hearing normal heterosexual people say, I don't care what gay people do in their bedrooms. The problem, the most innocent of life, our young people, have been tainted with this perverted homosexuality... everyone either expecting or suspecting everyone else for being homosexual. The psychologists now are attempting to make pedophilia normal just as they have made homosexuality normal. Those who should most observe these changes in human behavior, pastors, physicians, decent parents, do not have the backbone to even discuss the matter. On one of my round the world trips, a marvelous lady from New York was accompanied by her nephew who had just graduated. From University of Georgia. (Originally from Georgia, her father was a physician and she said that he probably never made over $10,000 per year - mostly paid with farm produce.) she had become a secretary to one of New York's famous lawyers, whom she married. He was in the Mitchell-Nixon law firm.

She did not have children, only two nephews, and when each graduated college she took them on a trip around the world.

They asked me to eat with them. On the first night the small group was in the city of Johannesburg. She said, I have already seen the piercing eyes of some women in this dining room. They think my nephew is a “kept man” (I have know the stares of people in a dining room when a younger male would be with me, they thinking that I was a sugar daddy.) She said, It would be much cheaper for us to share a room but I paid for two rooms because I want to protect both of us in this world of sexual innuendo, people having sex on the brain, sex more important to them than sin.

IN ANOTHER hotel, another time, a young very personable, articulate guide was sitting with this old blind man. Having enjoyed a splendid day seeing the sights, having talked about many things, he suddenly became very quiet. I said, “Are you concerned that someone in this dining room may think you are a “kept young man” of a sugar daddy, simply because of the difference in our ages. How many of these people do you think you will ever see again?, you have my permission to walk to every table an say to hell with you.” My association with this older, well known professional, decorated veteran, is none of your business. What we have is friendship, integrity, something you probably know little or nothing about.

Such has happened with me, a heterosexual, old soldier, traveler, writer, worker, large taxpayer over and over again. I note that young drivers with me always go out of the way to let everyone within hearing distance call me doctor or let everyone know that they work for me.

THE GAY AGENDA HAS SUCEEDED IN EVERY WAY , made everyone, whether they realize it or not, cognizant-suspicious of tainted sexual living. Positively the worse, your own family. So anxious to attach sexual perversion to every friendship, to females, to males even young children both have a close friendship with the same sex. The star of an college basketball team told me himself, that he rotated roommates in hotels because closeness with another player often led to “rumors”

My wonderful cousin Louise, public school teacher, college trustee devout Christian invited her college roommate, Anne, who like Louise had never married, teacher, musician to come and live with her in the beautiful country home which her parents had left her. Louise's' sister Patty lived with her husband in a home nearby. After Patty's husband died, they all three lived in the large old home. Even-though they were all active in the church deaths one after another, leaving much money to the church, the rumors of the “heathen-church pretenders” still persisted.

There are many more instances, my life and yours. This is the catastrophe that the gay agenda, homosexual movement (Born, hatched in the hell of Godless communism) has brought on this nation... where two men are afraid to share friendship, two women are afraid to share friendship. It is the fault mostly of the Christian community that any attractive, articulate, accomplished individual, male or female beyond the age of 35 must now defend his sexuality. Even our blessed Lord was not immune from the disgusting blight of the 21st century gay secular media and their cohorts. After all, Jesus, 33, unmarried living with several unmarried men.

36% of high school students do not know where the government gets its money. 47% know nothing of the classics, all know about homosexuality With a national debt of over $100 Trillion when all entitlements are included, no human being living today will ever live to see an end to the present financial struggle. It has started in Europe an will roll across America. Even worse than the financial catastrophe, the moral catastrophe of the gay agenda enabled by a heathen secular media print and electronic.

8His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, until he see his desire upon his enemies.

9He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honour.

10The wicked shall see it, and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away: the desire of the wicked shall perish.

Psalm 112

Friday, August 26, 2011

Deja Vu: All Over Again

Charlie Chaplin was the most famous man in the world, the most famous movie star from WWI until 1920. Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Pat Boone, Bill Gates, Houdini, all famous in their time. Very few young people know little about these famous people who so monopolized the headlines. With the television, Ed Sullivan, Lucille Ball, Uncle Miltie (Milton Burl), even Archbishop Sheen were regulars in most homes. More regular than church attendance and certainly more important than prayer meeting.

I have never ceased to be amazed with the importance “supposedly” normal, rational, human beings putting values on certain things. Even The pretenders at the church house, the courthouse, the schoolhouse, even the White House, putting emphasis on nothingness when there are so many important matters in the world. One forty year old man was painting in my house. I was listening to a debate between Presidential candidates. He said to me in all sincerity “Who is that talking”. I said, those are the men who are running for the president of your country. He said, “I have never heard of them.”

Every day of my life, at five in the morning. I celebrate our Lord's supper in my kitchen, the bread representing the broken body of our blessed Lord, a sip of wine representing the shedding of blood on Calvary. I pray for my healing and the healing of every one in the world who needs healing, because Christ took all of our sicknesses, infirmities to the cross. I pray for all who have never experienced redemption through the shed blood of Christ. I am thankful that I have this knowledge and, thankful, that I keep up with happenings in the world.

God wanted me to experience the world, gave me the funds to travel the world... although blind, through senses, smells, and to listen to the world.

I was stupid enough to believe that people would be excited about my world travels (8 round the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries. I thought family and friends, people in churches, colleges, politicians, would be interested in photographs made by a blind man. Critical sites, my guide would take the camera and make the pictures. I have thousands of fantastic photographs. During the past fifty years I could count on one hand those interested in the photographs and two hands those interested in my travels. Most people are just lazy. Only interested in trash which they find on television. Most people, could care less that I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected medical officer veteran, who used his time, talent, treasure, while still having the energy to do these things. Even when I wear my veterans cap, rank of Lt. Colonel medical ca-duce and other military emblems does anyone take note. They simply do not care. I once asked a pastor who had driven me to many family funerals, etc. “Have you ever heard a member of my family mention my military service. Despite everything, I have worked hard, lived frugally, a philanthropist for a many worthy causes?” He said “No, they think of nothing but themselves.”

One, “so called” Christian college founded by poor people raising money at church suppers, I gave thousands of dollars for awards and scholarships. Each time anyone from that college came to my house, always wanting more money, I would give them a personal gift from my large collection of memorabilia and books. Before they had gotten out of town, I had dictated a note expressing my thanks for their visit. It is an insult to God and should be an embarrassment to most “thinking” people, that I never receive a response. Even those from the University where I give much more, making now a pretension of Christianity, always show appreciation. Recently, the President and Vice President of Mt Olive College, after we had gone out to lunch, in the living room of my house, to my embarrassment, said they would name a building for me if I would give a certain amount of money. They thought that I was too stupid to realize that the naming of a building was up to the trustees. Is this there “gimmick” in approaching all prospective donors?

One would think, that over the years, a man who had achieved what I have achieved in spite of everything would have been a regular speaker “certainly at a chapel service” to give some measure of inspiration to young people beginning their long journey of life's doubts and fears. In Mauritania, I saw slave girls herding goats. I was told that they were regularly raped, that in case of a child, the child was just put in a hole and covered over. In Mongolia, Before crossing the Gobi a Tibetan refugee male told me in broken English of his torture. Without bitterness, wishing to understand, a very old lady pointed out to me, many years ago, the scariest verse in God's Word. Before the LORD; for he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity. (Psalm 98:9)

Cross Cut Saw

An articulate black woman talked to me recently at a social function. She was telling me that she had just received her Masters and was about to start on her PhD. She related how hard she had worked to achieve this academic accomplishment and how proud her parents were of her. I said, “Is there a man in your life”? She said, “Through middle school high school, college, the thought has ravaged my psyche” “Where will I find a soul mate”? “The black men I know are not worth the ammunition it would take to kill them... dropouts, hangouts, no ambition, no morals, complete lack of character.” “Why, Dr., would I give myself to such a man?” This is the greatest problem for most educated ambitious black women. “I am not going to spend my life preparing for a good life to support a nothing. I want children but I want the father of my children to be respectable.”

Character determines destiny. The lack of character in males is not just a black problem. I am totally amazed with the feminization of males. I am told that there is no longer a competitive spirit in males... athletics, female conquest, or even personal and business ambition. Time after time, year after year, hiring young men to work for me and I can only use college graduates, I find their zest for accomplishment wanting, respect for an older accomplished person totally lacking. Three young men, working for me, fresh from military service, on the job, just walked off. Even before I left the military, many years ago, it was obvious that most young men entering the military were mamas boys. One after another, still holding on to the apron strings rather than go through the rigors of basic training would find some reason to get a chaplain or psychologist's excuse. Esprit De Corps is the greatest weapon the soldier possesses. Like team spirit on the athletic field, maleness is essential in war, athletics, religion.

I remember, when a woman could not use a female name after having written a book , she used a male nom de plume. I have not forgotten a woman on one of my arctic trips. She told me that even though she had graduated medical school she had never practiced because she was a woman. In the 1950s, when I was in school there was only one girl in my class. Dr. Margaret Swanson, professor of pathology (UNC-CH) said to me the time will come when women doctors can do something other than teach . From 1980 until now women graduates in all of the health care fields, law and most other professions, have doubled. Females now outnumber males in most professions, business, even politics. Unlike Michelle Obama, picking the pockets of the treasury in her mad flame as “Queen of the good life” (42 days , $10M spent on vacation this year) Many women politicians are consecrated conservative concerned Christians.

From the founding of my family at Morristown, NJ to the colonial Lucas family, who owned most of Wilson county, I have had a profound ancestry. It took me many years to realize it, outstanding ancestry, exceptional parents... all this, my life, made COMPLETE in my commitment to Jesus Christ. My father got much smarter when I went to college. I realize now that the entire community., the entire church had watched my parents, in their youth, and then marry. It was the Great Depression, few remember how hard it was. I was their first child, their wealth. I know now that the entire community and church watched the development of a child of these exceptional parents... the most attractive, social couple in the community. I remember the first time I came home from college, the large church built in 1874 by may ancestors, all so excited that Thomas was home from college. It was not me but my parents they were honoring. Time after time, people I hardly knew, church members,preachers, people I hadly knew would say to me (my parents attended all churches, loved to sing) “our church revival does not get started until we hear your parents in the congregation”.

Times were hard. My parents were the hardest working people I have ever known. My father was determined to make a man of me. The other boys in the small country school may have stayed after school and played ball. My father had me on one end of a cross cut saw, sawing wood for the “cook stove”, the “wood heaters” in the house, even the wood curing tobacco barns. Later, my younger brothers were not exposed to such hard work. Oil was used in the curing barns and heat for the house but, during those hard times my father owned 300 acres of woodland and wood was cheap. It just took two men with a cross cut saw to fell the trees saw, split, and prepare the wood for use..

I Started plowing early, one of our mules, “Nell”, taught me to plow. Treasure the memories of hard work, the competitive spirit, giving even your eyesight in warfare for your country.

GOD, give us men!
A time like this demands
Strong minds, great
hearts, true faith and ready hands;
Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
Men whom the spoils of office can not buy;
Men who possess opinions and a will;
Men who have honor; men who will not lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue
And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking!
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
In public duty, and in private thinking;
For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds,
Their large professions and their little deeds,
Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps,
Wrong rules the land and waiting Justice

God Give Us Men: Gilbert Holland

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Talk is Cheap

God has granted a special dispensation of grace to you and to me in order that I might get across thoughts which have bombarded my psyche for a very long time.

Almost every day, now in my 80's, a totally blind, 100% disabled service connected medical officer and veteran of the Korean Conflict, which took place over 50 years ago I think JUST HOW MUCH CAN A MAN TAKE. I do not want to portray the victim. My ancestry is beyond compare, my parents beyond compare but in Jesus Christ, I was made complete.

I was reared in poverty on an Eastern North Carolina tobacco farm, graduated from a small country high school, 13 in my graduating class. Because I was a member of Mensa, the county school superintendent made arrangements for me to go to the state university (UNC-CH) I worked my way through 8 years of professional training, passed all of the boards in order to be commissioned as a medical officer of the US Army. The days when I am on my hands and knees still cleaning floors , in buildings which I own, I think just how big a fool I was to have given my life to a country and people who simply don't care. We hear this “blabble” about respect for veterans. This blind veteran has never been able to get a white cane or talking watch from the veterans Administration But, like the 126,000 buried on foreign soil just wrapped in the flag of their country or the many others living or dead we did what we did for love of country believing it was important.

Christianity in hanging on by a thread in most places churches are more or less just club houses. I understand that in most, you never see a Christian Cross. Like the church at Sardis, a morgue or the one at Laodicea neither hot nor cold. I was sickened this past Sunday, listening to a local church service (Temple Baptist, Wilmington NC) a church in the throes of defeat, for the first time in history, two women ordained as Deacons. Where did they get this in the Bible?

With age, we realize how precious life is. In New York City, for every 1000 live black births there are 1489 black abortions. Worst, in the District of Columbia for every 1000 live births, 1600 abortions of black babies. Nationally 52% of all black babies aborted.

Representative John Lewis said, “bringing abortion to the attention of black people is like trying to divide them. In black liberation theology life must mean nothing. 37% of all white babies are aborted. The Catholic church, which could control 70% of all elections, voted 54% for Obama, the anti-Christ President. (For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.- Colossians 2:9) In Jesus, as unworthy as we are we find an umbrella of reconciliation with the one who is God, put on a tent of human flesh and dwelled among us, perfect in every way. I am the best example of his longsuffering, he put up with my sin and shortcomings, continues to give me grace by faith to keep on. He asks trust. When will those who claim His name trust Him enough to bear His Cross instead of the church changing the world, the world has changed the church. Never underestimate what God can do with the true church. Just think, a handful of followers without even a Bible in the first century, few Bible's until the printing press, men and women willing to risk all, that those whom He chose would be redeemed.

All the science, all the technology, all the wisdom has not contributed one thing to the eternal welfare of mankind, the mission being completed in Christ, the Christian being completed in Christ. Christ never ceased being God, could not sin, could not lie. He preached Himself.

In my blindness, perhaps I have seen more than many who are sighted and so it is with most who are disabled. A blind Friend, Catherine Vasalou lived and died here in this city. Born blind, never having seen anything, enjoyed talking with me on the phone. I did meet her one time, she told me she had never ridden in a Cadillac. My driver and I picked her up and took her to the beach so she could have my beach house described to her. After the school for the blind, college, she returned home, an only child, to care for her parents . While at the same time, supported the family by working as a secretary at a local hospital. I asked Catherine, “In all those years, did any church, any group help you?” She said, “ only once when my Mother died one church brought by some food by and one industry helped with burial expenses.” Catherine was a Christian, she would have loved church, could have played the piano. She said, everyone has ignored me in life and the funeral home has instructions just to take me to the cemetery and bury me. This is what happened. I can well understand, I want nothing either. To date, not one veterans group, civic club, church has ever done one thing for this blind veteran.

Talk is cheap, real Christianity, real civic clubs, other compassion evident. One man, I know, day after day, over and over, his Alzheimer's wife not knowing anything, was there every time to feed her her meal. At the funeral, the preacher said of my Uncle He gave up everything to devote himself to his wife. Later, my Uncle said to me “I loved her so much” When those who are playing church, learn to love that much, the entire world will change... for the better because everyone will want what Christians have.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Breaking Up

One of Neil Sedaka's greatest hits, “Breaking up is hard to do” the 5.8 earthquake receiving so much publicity on the East Coast must have been a great amusement in Japan, where earthquakes are almost a way of life. Not one brick fell, just a rumble as thousands of idle federal workers, who get 67 paid vacation days each year, became more idle and useless as they vacated their buildings. A helicopter hovered over the Washington Monument because someone reported that it was leaning and as is the case with the not so bright governor of North Carolina trying to entice tourists to the coast as the coastal areas were being evacuated.

The Mid 90's, series of Hurricanes on the North Carolina coast, my driver took me to my beach house to make sure it was “hurricane-ready”. Returning to my house in town about 5 miles away, I said “Let's stop at Wendys for lunch. As we pulled in the parking lot he said “The WECT news truck is here.” I was eating my sandwich, minding my own business but could not help but overhear the television people sitting in the booth next to me. A male was advising the female newscaster about presenting the news about the hurricane. “Make sure you mention the rushing waves, the bending winds, the scared homeowners, and make sure you throw in the word “Hazel”several times (The devastating hurricane that hit the North Carolina coast in 1954 I was away in the Korean War but my parents, their farm, 100 miles inland was devastated. Until their deaths, they never stopped talking about “Hazel”). What is wrong with honesty, are not things bad enough?

To the Christian, God is our refuge in time of need (Psalm 46:1) God wants you to be specific, your needs, “the toe on your left foot” He is able. King Sennacherib found that God is able after 185,000 of his soldiers were killed one morning just by one of God's Angels. (Isaiah 37:36 ) Perhaps there is no better place for shaking and quaking than in Washington, DC, if not the founding fathers rolling around in their grave unable to believe what is going on, surely some scare should be exercised or exorcised on members of congress or the supreme court. Lyndon Larouche, founder of the Political LaRouche Movement said “The herd must be often culled”. Early native Americans (Indians) culled their herds by herding them off a cliff to their death. We are all standing on the cliff. Our faith must control our circumstances not our circumstances our faith. Surely one with an IQ above room temperature should be able to determine that the state controlled news media manipulates the news just as Wall Street and “K” Street manipulate the stock market, the gold market. Has it occurred to anyone that the multiplication of advertising concerning gold, the purchase of gold, th price of gold is manipulation,. Remember, FDR and Richard Nixon did a very good job manipulating gold. Nixon closed the gold window at $42 per ounce. Yesterday, gold was over $1800 per ounce. It is believed that the Libyan War is more connected with Qaddafi's 143.8 tons of gold in his bank than his treatment of the citizens of Libya. Reportedly, NATO has removed his gold. NATO was never interested in Qaddafi previously even after the Lockerbie incident. I remember well, university students wearing Qaddafi T-Shirts. He was their hero. Why not, like Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, other world evil, children who love evil in comic books mature to love evil in adults. Has it ever occurred to anyone that 95% of all comic books are purchased by males... that 95% of all prison inmates are male.

Jesus Christ is the bright and morning star, came to save the world from evil. Seven hundred years before His birth, the prophet Isaiah wrote of His birth and sacrificial death. (Isaiah 53)

It is reported that one large industry, fraught with more Obama taxation found they must limit expenses. Their only alternative, reducing sixty employees. The only owner finally decided that the only fair way to choose these employees, were the ones who still had an Obama bumper sticker on their car. Some are still proud of “change” the increasing crime, the breaking up of American industry (NAFTA, CAFTA, etc.) Do you realize that 70% of your food comes from abroad... to say nothing of everything else manufactured by slave labor. The biggest ponzi scheme in history, you and your employer paying FICA tax and now the government is telling you the system is broke. Have you taken the time to calculate how much money you have sent to your government... one making $30,000 per year, $220,000 during his employment.

Where is your money?, Being broke is hard to do.


Rated as #57 on Billboard's songs of all time, the song “Age of Aquarius” came from the Broadway musical “Hair”. I remember seeing this show on Broadway and must admit it was my first experience seeing nudity on stage. Even though in London I had seen the play “Changing Room” in which there was some nudity. (Men changing clothes after a rugby game). Nudity has always been a bizarre experience for me because, like Adam and Eve in the garden with aprons of leaves, most human beings prefer clothing. Clothing is a vital part of Christianity. Clothing is referred to over and over in God's precious word. Just as we wore our best on Sunday so our soul's best is demonstrated outwardly.

Nudity is always associated with sin, even while Moses was face to face with God on Mt. Sinai, the children of Israel were dancing naked around a gold calf. There is nothing enticing about absolute nudity even at the Folies Bergere in Paris or The Lido, entertainers wore some clothing (I have attended both places) . The excitement of such clubs whether in Vegas, Paris, New York is more a matter of music, lighting, décor.

Pretending is not just a theatrical event, whether costumes or not. From the White House to the Church House we have become acclimated to pretending.

I hope the recent prayer meeting in Houston was not an exercise in pretension... a political event Americans have become so accustomed to pretension whether pretending about a building deciding to fall in Manhattan on 911, building 7, forty seven stories, next to the twin towers “supposedly hit by planes.” The third building was not hit at all, just decided to fall. Dumbed down Americans products of socialist liberal school systems, never questioned the inconsistencies of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City. A few, have questioned the murder of JFK in Dallas.

In the age of Aquarius, it is politically incorrect to question, after all, there all no absolutes, right-wrong/good-evil. Politicians and secular news media have forgotten the Eternals of Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Nature and Faith. They think some slick lawyer will be their advocate (I John 2:1) before a god of justice. God intercedes for His own, especially those who have known the rewards of honest labor. We have become masqueraders, worshiping our idols of technology. Someone pointed out to me a city worker, cleaning street gutters, talking on his cell phone. In the play, Fiddler on the Roof, we hear these words, there is no shame in being poor, but no honor either. (Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. (Proverbs 30:5))

It is a dark night of the soul, anything to detract, one war after another, one sensational headline after another, a mother killing her child in Florida or the lifestyle of another Arab tyrant. During the Civil War, children spent more time in homemade bunkers than in school. Their quest for honesty still prevailed.

Martin Luther's last sermon, 1542, he said he hoped Christianity would not become a witchcraft involving the supernatural. Today, witchcraft is the fastest growing religion.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Hundred Dollar Bill

In other commentaries, I have discussed my younger, eager, more energetic years following the Korean War (I am a totally blind, 100% disabled service connected medical officer, veteran of the Korean Conflict) Although partially blind, after the poverty of youth, the many years of working my way through school, I was determined that I would spend some of my life in practice. I firmly believe that 90% of faith is just raw courage. Then as now, I was determined to have my life count. In spite of the snickers of the heathen, I know I was chosen. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (I Corinthians 1:18) One of the oldest businesses, Goldsboro, NC, Parrot's shoe store. I did not have the funds for a fancy office and I knew my active days were limited. Mr. Parrot said, “A doctor had his office above my shoe store for many years. You can restore it and put your office there and I will charge you almost no rent and this developed. One day, Mr. Parrot said, “the hundred dollar bills are beginning to come in... families selling their crops, buying shoes for the family”. Today, only 2% of the population are involved in farming. Back then, over 50% of the population were farming. Fifty years before (1900) 90%! These people knew the honor of hard work, harvest time, taking their crops... cured tobacco, baled cotton, thrashed grain to the market for cash. They knew the honor of waiting and wanting new clothing, furniture, even health care.

I noticed that I was getting many 100 dollar bills, again. Then as now, the government is anxious to get it's hands on everything you make. Don't ever think for one minute that God grants favors to those who work hard, to those forever damaged by warfare. Like the tears among the wheat we learn to live according to God's rules. God created this world and we follow His rules. A huge portion of the human race attempts to break loose from His rules, such as in communism, the welfare state.

I decided to save all the 100 dollar bills that came into my office. At my house, I had the large family Bible which belonged to may great grandparents. Someone has said that the safest place to hide money is a Bible and we all know why. The unexpecteds of life, I decided to tell my sister about the location of the money. This is before I learned that your family members are the last people you can trust. This is before I learned that she and others had forged my name on papers dividing my parent's estate. Now, I have learned that the last people you should trust, this is a pity but true, your relatives and friends.

The greatest sorrow of my life next to losing my eyesight is being cheated of closeness with people (colleges, churches, family) simply because they are only interested in my money. As unto God, I have lived frugally, faithfully and just to learn, after having shared so much (money, testimony) that their only interest was in my giving not my living.

God wanted me to experience the world, though sightless,through it's noises and smells. In Godless communist countries, believers are sent to indoctrination camps where attempts are made to remove all traces of decency and Christianity. In America, we do not have to worry about indoctrination camps, we pay our hard earned tax dollars to have this done in public schools, colleges, and universities.

Those who work for a living, know the honor of buying the things that they want and need, are considered fools. Over 1/2 the population expects government to supply all their needs and most of their wants. From the White-house to the statehouse to the courthouse 50% of the citizenry are lined up for handouts. In fact, the communist government has made it so convenient that cash is no longer involved just a “pretending” plastic card. The first thing communism does is make you dependent on the state, obedient to the state.

When did human life become so cheap, work so rare and accomplishment so deceitful?

The state cannot allow truth to come through. The state wants you to forget your hardworking ancestors, who, through faith, built the cabins, plowed the fields and, through good times and hard times gave time, talent, treasure to the building of churches, colleges, and hospitals.

For darkness to succeed, there can be no light at all.

1Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.

2Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

3Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

(Psalm 100:1-3)

Monday, August 22, 2011


The 1962 book Clockwork Orange made into a motion picture in 1968 depicts sociopathic use, gangland mentality and language as opposed to religious values.

The gangs, in their British homes and schools had been taught decent actions and words.

Such a dichotomy exists today. Brittain, which at one time was the anchor of Christianity, sending hundreds of Christian missionaries around the wold. Today it is in the news known more for killing , looting, burning, and rioting. 10-14 year old girls have become prostitutes on the streets. Their boyfriends thugs.

I recently heard Frank Serpico, famed New York detective known for exposing the decadence of Manhattan police say that today's police are nothing more than thugs. When he was a detective, 100% of the police force were on the “take” . Shaking down business owners even elderly citizens, it was an ugly story.

Lawless Citizens elect lawless leaders. Law enforcement has learned that from the worst of us they hire thugs and criminals then force these laws on the rest of us. Lawless people have elected a President who spends most of his time hiding out. Such a DICHOTOMY, 49% of the population paying no tax, 51% expected to pay all of the tax. 59% living off subsidies (entitlements) of the government. Nearly 50% of all babies killed before birth, 52% in the black community. A religious faith known to support life, 54% of all Catholics voting for anti-life Obama. Even family, friends, preachers compromising with the world instead of standing up against the world.

Satin has an agenda. Nothing makes Satin happier than Christian compromise. I was sickened this weekend when a local baptist church (Temple baptist, Wilmington, NC) ordained 2 women as Deacons. The first time in history that a women had been so ordained in this once great church, now just a shell of pretension.

Conservatism is not the answer, righteousness is the answer... white house, state house, court house, school house, church house and your house.

Like a Don King fight, everything seems to be “fixed”. Obama won with One Billion dollars in campaign contributions, one half of which came from the banks.

From one end of the world to the other, the love of money determines the agenda. Don't be fooled, God is involved in every area of our lives. Usually there are about three disasters per year, this year already nine! He is talking but no one listens. He knows our decadent behavior. On Mt. Sinai, face to face with Moses, He knew what Moses did not know. The two and a half million children of Israel delivered from bondage, already dancing naked around a gold calf put together by the first high priest, Moses' own brother Aaron.

Someone , this week, called to my attention an article (I wrote in 1963) called The Weakening Church. The church is now more dead than weak. (Sardis) We are in the Laodicean age, remember, our citizenship is in heaven, we are just passing through, ambassadors, strangers, and pilgrims here. (I Peter 2) The black church has taken on a liberation theology many evangelical churches, emerging church, in the gospel according to Oprah, a new age theology. We know about the 25 lesbian Bishops of the episcopal church the modernism, homosexual pastors of the Lutheran, Methodist and other once evangelical churches. What would Moody, Truett or even Bishop Sheen say about today's church theology? The 15 thousand “Christian” radio stations and the many “Christian” colleges must amuse our blessed Lord. This blind radio listener can only find the gospel message on short wave radio. Baptists, like most Protestants have become a Dichotomy of political correctness... instead of the church changing the world, the world has changed the church. Someone told me that it is difficult to see a cross in a church, the cross the pivotal point of all history. The perfumed, sophisticated, padded pew warmers, when it is convenient to be there, cannot be told that unless they receive the gift of repentance will certainly spend eternity in hell. The dichotomy, God sent His son to save us but we prefer eternal damnation.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Land of the Living Dead

Over a long and eventful life, I have seen human beings treated more like cattle than God's precious creation. We are just herded around, airports, schoolhouses , government buildings, and even the church-houses. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.(John 10:10) Perhaps heathens expect no better but children of God expect to enjoy life, now and for eternity. I pray that I will never have to fly on another plane, one who has been around the world 8 times.(One trip 48 flights) Now, instead of a pleasant experience it is a matter of scanning, groping, pilfering. Don's tell me that Law Enforcement is interested in safety. On on flight to Manhattan, I took a .22 caliber pistol to a friend in my camera bag. Once, retuning from Manhattan, I had purchased 12 pearl handled steak knives. I just knew the safety crowd would catch them so I had them in a zip-lock bag that could be easily removed. They were all busy talking about something else. I have told of these instances on national radio shows. If law were interested, they would have investigated me found who let me through with these dangerous things that a terrorist could have used to cause problems.

We are a land of the living dead, p[particularly regarding health care. America is at the bottom of the list of all nations. For one who has traveled the world, every continent, seen health care in the most unimaginable places, one would think that we would be at the top of the list. There are 1.1 Billion doctor visits by Americans each year, 50 million pills taken every hour

In 2004. $104Trillion was spent on health care (15% of the national income). Rulers of the health care system, like every other system in our society, are at the top and are not affected by the plight of the common man... regulations, permits, license involving every area of life. I have visited every communist country. Believe me, there is no communist country more regulated than the United States. Perhaps the greatest hopes in medical treatment is that involving 1/4 of the population, antidepressants now revealed (Time 2008) more recently (WSJ), little or no help. Antibiotics are a failure. Accumulative, leading to cancer so ridiculous antibiotics for every child's fever even the development of the immune system depends on fever. Do not put anything in your throat if you cannot pronounce the words. Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). We were not created to be sick. Wellness depends on nutrition and fresh air. In this town, a restaurant operating for many years, serving real food, was torn down, replaced by a Walgreens. Now, 4 drug stores within 4 blocks. New drug stores constantly erected.

The taking of chemicals, slow suicide. Treatment begins with detoxification, ridding your body of the built up of toxins. Chemicals taken to affect one thing affects everything, particularly your nervous system, your brain. When I was in school, diabetes , cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's , etc. were rare diseases. Now, children sit in the house with video games and television trash. Starting in youth, they eat trash. The wrappings probably have more nutrition than what is wrapped. The body is starving for nutrition, chemical free water and exercise. The body will not digest synthetics or insecticides or genetically modified plant-food-meats. Most health care schools do not focus on disease. These greatest of vocations (medicine, nursing , osteopathy optometry, dentistry, etc.) should serve to make life easier, more abundant. The physician is blessed, all vocations are callings, just as much as the Christian ministry. In our Lord's Prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread” we thank God for the farmer, the processor, the server... all those who provide us with food, real food, nutrition for the body, starved cells.

We serve God by serving other people. It is fortunate that Big Pharma and big professionals can charge big fees and enjoy big lifestyles. God has put us where He wants us to work utilizing all knowledge. The purpose of every vocation is loving and serving your neighbor. (Matthew 22:37) We exercise the priesthood of all believers in our work. Through our talents, abilities, personalities.

The body is all chemistry and chemistry is all electricity. Chemistry is debilitated in America because of its love involvement with the drug industry.(Big Pharma, drug store on every corner) God does not want us drug addicts. Thank God, as a young practitioner, I knew old doctors who prescribed food, not drugs. (Stenhouse, Strosnider, Pearson) Christ took or sicknesses and infirmities as well as our sins to the Cross. My only child, my son, medical school, theology school, foreign missionary said, new believers (always pray first at time of illness) (James 5:15)

Unexplained (Unexplainable)

Unexplainable (Unclassified)

No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the
U.S. Military for 20 years, risking their lives protecting freedom, and only
get 50% of their pay. While Politicians hold their political positions in
the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and
receive full pay retirement after serving one term. It just does not make
any sense.

Monday on Fox news they learned that the staffers of Congress family members
are exempt from having to pay back student loans. This will get national
attention if other news networks will broadcast it. When you add this to the
below, just where will all of it stop?
35 States file lawsuit against the Federal Government

Governors of 35 states have filed suit against the Federal Government for
imposing unlawful burdens upon them. It only takes 38 (of the 50) States to
convene a Constitutional Convention.

This will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree, please pass
it on.

This is an idea that we should address.

For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress.
Many citizens had no idea that members of Congress could retire with the
same pay after only one term, that they specifically exempted themselves
from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from any fear
of prosecution for sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live
under those laws. The latest is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare
Reform... in all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We do not
have an elite that is above the law. I truly don't care if they are
Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever. The self-serving must stop.

If each person that receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in three
days, most people in The United States of America will have the message..
This is one proposal that really should be passed around.

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congress shall
make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not
apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall
make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does
not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ."

Addition: Dr. Morris

Alexander Pope said, in a new beatitude, “Blessed is the man who expects nothing for he will never be disappointed”.

The problem now, always, from the revolution which just a small % participated, until now, most just don't care. 1/2 the population pays no tax. 1/2 the population depends on subsidized living (entitlements). This 1/2 of the population does the voting. The politicians make sure they stay on the good side of the welfare non-producers. Here in NC, where democrats have ruled for over 140 years, the democrats make sure that every prisoner, every welfare recipient... and they know who they are..., votes. The man in prison, regardless of crime, his vote counts just as much as mine. I am a totally blind, 100% disabled service connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean era. In my condition I have never stopped working, never stopped paying taxes. If you believe this, The veterans administration has never supplied me with a white cane or talking watch. The last time I was at the VA hospital, Durham,NC, the Dr. said when looking at my record, your record is flagged. It says that you are a trouble maker, that you write letters to Washington and talk on the radio.

With all the lies, I have heard the truth one time, because I have been an activist for veterans, not that it does any good. For instance at this time senator Burr, Representative McIntyre are both on veterans committees. They both well know about this from blind veterans association and veterans groups everywhere. Now, and my pension and house adaptations for disability were never finalized for over 50 years, they want to take part of what is left.

Most Americans do not realize that our health care system ranks at the very bottom compared to all of the nations of the world With this Obama abomination, you may all get a taste of what goes on in a VA hospital... “Take a number and wait.” One VA technician at VA hospital in Durham, NC said to me as I was speaking about a colonel just before me... a real hero of WWII, scars, crippled shattered life. I said “You just saw a real hero”, This black technician said to me right to my face, “You old men should go ahead and die”.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Love and Lovable

Of Francis Thompson's poetry, his most famous line, “Love is a many splendor ed thing” Thousands of pop songs, hymns, contain the word love.

In a world of lust people still seek love. Many have found it impossible to find a soul-mate without the loss of soul.

So many claim to love God, if every church member were just like me, what kind of church would my church be?

So many claim to love country. If every citizen were just like me, what kind of country would my country be?

What if all disabled people just gave up? One day, I did not have a driver. Over the years, I have tried to learn many taxi drivers. I called one and as he was asking about many activities and aggravations, I said, “I should just give up” He said, “Doc, if you were going to give up you would have given up long ago.”

What if George Washington and the other founders of our republic had given up in the ice of valley forge, would we have a country?

What if Thomas Edison had given up after his first failure, the man who gave 1000 inventions to the world? What would our lives be like today?

What if Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Jonas Salk had given up?

What if Susanna Wesley had given up after the birth of many children but before the birth of John and Charles Wesley?

What it General Naman had given up after dipping in the Jordan River five times and did not follow instructions to cure his leprosy, by dipping seven times?

What if Moses had given up in the desert when the children of Israel; former slaves, began to complain?

What if the 126,000 American soldiers buried on foreign soil had given up on their country?

Reportedly, a vaccine is now give American servicemen to make them more aggressive. One mother said she could hardly recognize her own son. Two of the three last servicemen I have employed, under any stress, just walked off the job, one Army, one Navy, one Marine. Marine and Navy, under stress, just walked off the job.

What if all Americans spent money the way the President spent $2.5 million for two buses built in Canada, $50,000 per week for a vacation home on Martha's Vineyard and the millions involved for his wife's 42 days of vacation this past year.

What if Robert Zoellick, president of the World Bank is right and there is a tremendous shortage of food?. 1.25 billion people pushed into poverty, weather conditions in Russia and China, crops parched in 15 American states, a threat of famine in most of the world.

What if ,if in expanded warfare. Already, one third of all children are killed in Pakistan by drones.

Change always begins in the mind. Like standing on the edge of the grand canyon, it is never to late to stop walking. The sin and shame of abortion, homosexual trysts, sinking the world into poverty must be faced. The best example, the most beautiful story ever told, The Prodigal Son. When he found he did not have a taste for hog slop, he was ready for change. When Americans determine what if they do not change, what if their government does not change, what if their church does not change. We will know the absolutes of love and lovable. In thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalms (16:11)

Lounge Lizards

To the uninitiated, everything is obscure. Over the years, and I started writing fifty years ago, professional, religious and political magazines, I have discussed matters in which people are totally unfamiliar. Such are my travels through the world, every continent. What it is like to have grown up in poverty. The plight of the disabled (those in wheel chairs, deaf, blind, mentally challenged)... Trying to explain to people with no idea of the condition of living in a world of absolute blackness, blindness. Most people who sit on church pews have no concept of the Holiness of God, genuine repentance which most have never experienced. I heard both Billy Graham and James Kennedy say that 85% of those on church pews are unsaved. The man who so influenced my life Dr. RG Lee (Bellvue Baptist Church), said after his fifty years of pastoring one of the world's largest churches he would like to think that 10% of his congregation would meet him in heaven. After years of dynamic preaching and teaching he has concluded there is more alarm for those that attend church than those that do not.

Even in the country church, perhaps from traditions and habit, I saw people in the church time after time, hearing the message, their hearts just becoming more hardened. Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing. (2 Corinthians 7:9)

Many have never experienced repentance, thinking it is something they can do. It is a GIFT of God. In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. (2 Timothy 2:25) Every life is under a cloud of things in which we are not proud. I have never met a perfect man. In other commentaries, I have discussed my many business activities, investments. It is risky enough going to a doctor with eyesight certainly not one who is blind. So this blind veteran has been involved in many other types of investing such as real estate etc. God has forgiven me for owing properties in which large night clubs were located with all of the activities that go on with such a business..

One large club, one of the more beautiful, original architectural types of buildings in the county was designed by the same man who designed the Lincoln Memorial. Such unique architecture should have been preserved by the owners of the land site which I sold to a consortium from Chicago. They tore down this building and built a “rabbit box” type strip mall.

On occasion, someone would drive me to one of the clubs. I have never been a night life person, knew nothing of the night club business. A woman walked up to me, she said, “I know you must own this business, why would a man of your stature own such a building?” She told me that her name was Marie. Later, I asked the manager, “who are these women in the club such as Marie”. He said, they are Lounge Lizards... lonely, escaping, addicted women who just want company. I had asked Marie to call me as I had wanted to talk with her. Educated, good family, divorced, her drinking started at the country club. She said that the same people at the country club were church people so she better fitted in the club scene Bars and clubs become hangouts for lonely, escaping people who need something they have not been able to fill in life. For a long time, alcohol was the drug of choice. Now there are designer drugs (marijuana, cocaine, etc.) One black girl, at another club, needing to talk to someone, was a pitiful mess, perspiration pouring off of her, shaking. So many educated black women will not settle for the typical black man who is just a nothing.

It starts with the first drink. Before long, the social drink leads to a habitual routine. There are more alcoholics among women than men but, men are usually the ones who go for treatment and rehabilitation because of family-business responsibilities.

The most radical point in the entire universe is the Cross of Christ. Lethargy in th church, failures in other areas of society... seeking relationships, friendships. Young people, particularly singles find recluse in clubs, bars, artificial comfort. The Lounge Lizard, trying to find answers to her problems at the bottom of a bottled; tattooed and pierced. Losing her identity with religion she may never be forced to explain her failures to children, her lack of character, because she will probably never know the joy of family.

Between sin and God, there is a wall of separation which only Jesus Christ can remove. For the lost, the addict, those seeking solace by artificial means there is no three step or even twelve step escape. You first must come to a full realization of your failure. Responsibility belongs to you and you alone. It is not easy, it is hard. We hear much about choice, the choice is yours. The weather vane, the sun dial, do not lie.

For years, some of the world's most ignorant art are sold at a great price. (some paintings upside down, you could not make sense of them) The secular media, vile, contemptible have attempted to destroy good with evil. At this most pivotal time in world history, we cannot afford to be fence sitters. You may have sought escape or fooled others. God is still in charge (choose you this day whom you will serve. Joshua 24:15)