Through a long, eventful life, a consecrated, conservative Christian, any time, anywhere that anyone has ever cast aspersions against the church, it was not because of their unbelief in God, the mission of the church, or even the authority of our blessed Lord, but because of the church members themselves. As C.S. Lewis said, “Christians are the best evidence FOR and AGAINST Christianity.”
In the community in which I was reared, at the large country church built by my ancestors (1874), during a time of revival, some would “join” the church who had not experienced any conviction. Such was one girl in the community, perhaps she had been baptized but never went about the church otherwise, but her name was still on the church roll. She was known for whoring around with many of the community's more irascible men. At the church quarterly business conference the roll of church members was always read by the clerk. One could always tell the oldest members because they answered “present”, the younger member would say, “here.”
My maternal grandmother was one of the most talented/respected women in the community (she played the piano, was always called on to deliver babies). I had never known her to say one thing out loud at the church house. As soon as the roll call has been made, “are their any corrections?” She stood up, and everyone in the church was breathless. She said, “if Mary Bell Sasser's name stays on the roll of this church, then mine comes off.” Everyone knew that there was one woman in the community with mind and backbone enough to point out hypocrisy. Every church needs a backdoor revival.
I have been very outspoken about church activity and politics. In the black community, liberation theology has weakened and taken over the black church. There are more Baptists in eastern North Carolina than blackbirds according to the late editor Henry Belk. The Democrat party which has ruled eastern North Carolina for 140 years, aided, abetted and enabled by Baptist churches (Southern Baptist, Free Will Baptist, Primitive Baptist, etc.). I will repeat what I have said many times, the reason many Baptists do not associate with me anymore, “you cannot vote the Baptist ballot (abortion, same-sex marriage, liberality with every sin) and still call yourself Christian, Christ-like.”
Many have asked me my thoughts on the Libertarian party, the party to which many Democrats and Republicans have fled. My problems with the Libertarian party do not come from the fact that government has assumed custody of all individual rights, even though I am opposed to that, I believe in freedom. The Libertarian party seeks to maximize individual liberty, Libertarians seek to repeal all laws regarding homosexuality, abortion, drugs, custodial licenses and permits. I can agree with the Libertarians concerning economic issues, audit of the Federal Reserve, the stupid spending of money which we do not have, the attempt to make everyone a lackey of government subsidy and entitlement. I agree with the Libertarians about privacy, I despise surveillance cameras, spying on your every activity, flashing camera lights at road crossings.
The Libertarian believes that the only morality that counts is individual morality. I want to remind the Libertarians and the Democrats that we have become a PROFANE nation. God judges nations just as He judges individuals, judges the immorality of a nation, has been known to use one nation to punish another. God knows full-well that many Christians will be killed as He punishes a nation...there were Christians in Germany, killed during the air raids (allied bombs). The third World War has already started and many Christians, especially in America, will die and suffer because of the disobedience/decadence/profanity/sorcery of this nation. Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. (Proverbs 14:34)
The Libertarian believes that you can do what you please as long as you do not bother someone else. The founding fathers knew that our constitution would only work for moral people. Citizens with one gram of intelligence should know that the founding fathers, if they could return to life for ten minutes, would be aghast at the immorality of America.
Those who created our Constitution would not believe that we have politicians in Washington and a Communist in the White House stupid enough to believe that from those who made the mess you can appoint a committee of the same to correct the mess. Now, those who have read my commentaries in the past know that I am a registered Republican, God deliver me from RINO Republicans...those under the banner of Republican who are really liberal Democrats. We were all taken in by the Bushes (41 and 43), I can say without fear of contradiction that President George W. Bush was neither conservative nor Christian. In between the destructive forces of Clinton and Obama, he probably did more damage to our nation than any President before Obama, even Carter.
There are 15,000 Christian radio stations in America, I listen to such all the time: great speakers, great music, great messages. Toward the end of his presidency, the name of Bush was seldom heard. We as Christians know him, know his betrayal of the Christians in the Republican party. Most of these people have retreated to the “so-called” Tea Party. There is no room for ambiguity in Christianity or patriotism. The Republican party needs to clean up its act, chase down the street to the liberal Democrats, those liberal Republicans who want to socially control this nation through the liberal measures of increased taxation and decreased morality. You know who they are, they know who they are. Like the church, political parties from time-to-time must have a backdoor cleansing.
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