The 1962 book Clockwork Orange made into a motion picture in 1968 depicts sociopathic use, gangland mentality and language as opposed to religious values.
The gangs, in their British homes and schools had been taught decent actions and words.
Such a dichotomy exists today. Brittain, which at one time was the anchor of Christianity, sending hundreds of Christian missionaries around the wold. Today it is in the news known more for killing , looting, burning, and rioting. 10-14 year old girls have become prostitutes on the streets. Their boyfriends thugs.
I recently heard Frank Serpico, famed New York detective known for exposing the decadence of Manhattan police say that today's police are nothing more than thugs. When he was a detective, 100% of the police force were on the “take” . Shaking down business owners even elderly citizens, it was an ugly story.
Lawless Citizens elect lawless leaders. Law enforcement has learned that from the worst of us they hire thugs and criminals then force these laws on the rest of us. Lawless people have elected a President who spends most of his time hiding out. Such a DICHOTOMY, 49% of the population paying no tax, 51% expected to pay all of the tax. 59% living off subsidies (entitlements) of the government. Nearly 50% of all babies killed before birth, 52% in the black community. A religious faith known to support life, 54% of all Catholics voting for anti-life Obama. Even family, friends, preachers compromising with the world instead of standing up against the world.
Satin has an agenda. Nothing makes Satin happier than Christian compromise. I was sickened this weekend when a local baptist church (Temple baptist, Wilmington, NC) ordained 2 women as Deacons. The first time in history that a women had been so ordained in this once great church, now just a shell of pretension.
Conservatism is not the answer, righteousness is the answer... white house, state house, court house, school house, church house and your house.
Like a Don King fight, everything seems to be “fixed”. Obama won with One Billion dollars in campaign contributions, one half of which came from the banks.
From one end of the world to the other, the love of money determines the agenda. Don't be fooled, God is involved in every area of our lives. Usually there are about three disasters per year, this year already nine! He is talking but no one listens. He knows our decadent behavior. On Mt. Sinai, face to face with Moses, He knew what Moses did not know. The two and a half million children of Israel delivered from bondage, already dancing naked around a gold calf put together by the first high priest, Moses' own brother Aaron.
Someone , this week, called to my attention an article (I wrote in 1963) called The Weakening Church. The church is now more dead than weak. (Sardis) We are in the Laodicean age, remember, our citizenship is in heaven, we are just passing through, ambassadors, strangers, and pilgrims here. (I Peter 2) The black church has taken on a liberation theology many evangelical churches, emerging church, in the gospel according to Oprah, a new age theology. We know about the 25 lesbian Bishops of the episcopal church the modernism, homosexual pastors of the Lutheran, Methodist and other once evangelical churches. What would Moody, Truett or even Bishop Sheen say about today's church theology? The 15 thousand “Christian” radio stations and the many “Christian” colleges must amuse our blessed Lord. This blind radio listener can only find the gospel message on short wave radio. Baptists, like most Protestants have become a Dichotomy of political correctness... instead of the church changing the world, the world has changed the church. Someone told me that it is difficult to see a cross in a church, the cross the pivotal point of all history. The perfumed, sophisticated, padded pew warmers, when it is convenient to be there, cannot be told that unless they receive the gift of repentance will certainly spend eternity in hell. The dichotomy, God sent His son to save us but we prefer eternal damnation.
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