Of Francis Thompson's poetry, his most famous line, “Love is a many splendor ed thing” Thousands of pop songs, hymns, contain the word love.
In a world of lust people still seek love. Many have found it impossible to find a soul-mate without the loss of soul.
So many claim to love God, if every church member were just like me, what kind of church would my church be?
So many claim to love country. If every citizen were just like me, what kind of country would my country be?
What if all disabled people just gave up? One day, I did not have a driver. Over the years, I have tried to learn many taxi drivers. I called one and as he was asking about many activities and aggravations, I said, “I should just give up” He said, “Doc, if you were going to give up you would have given up long ago.”
What if George Washington and the other founders of our republic had given up in the ice of valley forge, would we have a country?
What if Thomas Edison had given up after his first failure, the man who gave 1000 inventions to the world? What would our lives be like today?
What if Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Jonas Salk had given up?
What if Susanna Wesley had given up after the birth of many children but before the birth of John and Charles Wesley?
What it General Naman had given up after dipping in the Jordan River five times and did not follow instructions to cure his leprosy, by dipping seven times?
What if Moses had given up in the desert when the children of Israel; former slaves, began to complain?
What if the 126,000 American soldiers buried on foreign soil had given up on their country?
Reportedly, a vaccine is now give American servicemen to make them more aggressive. One mother said she could hardly recognize her own son. Two of the three last servicemen I have employed, under any stress, just walked off the job, one Army, one Navy, one Marine. Marine and Navy, under stress, just walked off the job.
What if all Americans spent money the way the President spent $2.5 million for two buses built in Canada, $50,000 per week for a vacation home on Martha's Vineyard and the millions involved for his wife's 42 days of vacation this past year.
What if Robert Zoellick, president of the World Bank is right and there is a tremendous shortage of food?. 1.25 billion people pushed into poverty, weather conditions in Russia and China, crops parched in 15 American states, a threat of famine in most of the world.
What if ,if in expanded warfare. Already, one third of all children are killed in Pakistan by drones.
Change always begins in the mind. Like standing on the edge of the grand canyon, it is never to late to stop walking. The sin and shame of abortion, homosexual trysts, sinking the world into poverty must be faced. The best example, the most beautiful story ever told, The Prodigal Son. When he found he did not have a taste for hog slop, he was ready for change. When Americans determine what if they do not change, what if their government does not change, what if their church does not change. We will know the absolutes of love and lovable. In thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalms (16:11)
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