In other commentaries, I have discussed my younger, eager, more energetic years following the Korean War (I am a totally blind, 100% disabled service connected medical officer, veteran of the Korean Conflict) Although partially blind, after the poverty of youth, the many years of working my way through school, I was determined that I would spend some of my life in practice. I firmly believe that 90% of faith is just raw courage. Then as now, I was determined to have my life count. In spite of the snickers of the heathen, I know I was chosen. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (I Corinthians 1:18) One of the oldest businesses, Goldsboro, NC, Parrot's shoe store. I did not have the funds for a fancy office and I knew my active days were limited. Mr. Parrot said, “A doctor had his office above my shoe store for many years. You can restore it and put your office there and I will charge you almost no rent and this developed. One day, Mr. Parrot said, “the hundred dollar bills are beginning to come in... families selling their crops, buying shoes for the family”. Today, only 2% of the population are involved in farming. Back then, over 50% of the population were farming. Fifty years before (1900) 90%! These people knew the honor of hard work, harvest time, taking their crops... cured tobacco, baled cotton, thrashed grain to the market for cash. They knew the honor of waiting and wanting new clothing, furniture, even health care.
I noticed that I was getting many 100 dollar bills, again. Then as now, the government is anxious to get it's hands on everything you make. Don't ever think for one minute that God grants favors to those who work hard, to those forever damaged by warfare. Like the tears among the wheat we learn to live according to God's rules. God created this world and we follow His rules. A huge portion of the human race attempts to break loose from His rules, such as in communism, the welfare state.
I decided to save all the 100 dollar bills that came into my office. At my house, I had the large family Bible which belonged to may great grandparents. Someone has said that the safest place to hide money is a Bible and we all know why. The unexpecteds of life, I decided to tell my sister about the location of the money. This is before I learned that your family members are the last people you can trust. This is before I learned that she and others had forged my name on papers dividing my parent's estate. Now, I have learned that the last people you should trust, this is a pity but true, your relatives and friends.
The greatest sorrow of my life next to losing my eyesight is being cheated of closeness with people (colleges, churches, family) simply because they are only interested in my money. As unto God, I have lived frugally, faithfully and just to learn, after having shared so much (money, testimony) that their only interest was in my giving not my living.
God wanted me to experience the world, though sightless,through it's noises and smells. In Godless communist countries, believers are sent to indoctrination camps where attempts are made to remove all traces of decency and Christianity. In America, we do not have to worry about indoctrination camps, we pay our hard earned tax dollars to have this done in public schools, colleges, and universities.
Those who work for a living, know the honor of buying the things that they want and need, are considered fools. Over 1/2 the population expects government to supply all their needs and most of their wants. From the White-house to the statehouse to the courthouse 50% of the citizenry are lined up for handouts. In fact, the communist government has made it so convenient that cash is no longer involved just a “pretending” plastic card. The first thing communism does is make you dependent on the state, obedient to the state.
When did human life become so cheap, work so rare and accomplishment so deceitful?
The state cannot allow truth to come through. The state wants you to forget your hardworking ancestors, who, through faith, built the cabins, plowed the fields and, through good times and hard times gave time, talent, treasure to the building of churches, colleges, and hospitals.
For darkness to succeed, there can be no light at all.
1Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
2Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
3Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
(Psalm 100:1-3)
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