From the beginning, man has failed to meet God's Holy standards, today, more so than ever.
God's geometry is circular. Everything in His perfect creation circular... a circular universe, circular planets, circular grace. In the middle of a circle is complete redemption and protection.
The emaciated church, more interested in the world than the Holiness of God, has forgotten God's encirclement.
In this world of technology, the ludicrous addiction to cell phones, trash television, nano technology of the computer. The human being, God's chief creation has become very cheap.
In the hurricanes of recent years, including Irene, news broadcasts talked of shelters including “pet friendly” shelters. As was the case with Katrina in New Orleans, the old and disabled were neglected, but not the pets. Have you forgotten the nursing homes where old people were left to drown on their beds, caretakers fled. Have you forgotten the opening of the jails so the criminals could rape and plunder.
I often ask young people “Do you have elderly people who have been active in your life, who were an inspiration in your life?” You might as well ask them to recite the theory of Pythagoras. I realize that many children never know their own father certainly not their grandparents but, surely in the circle of life there are some elderly individuals who have inspired them or influenced them in some way. I was fortunate enough to have known all four of my grandparents... their remarkable lives and, they could still talk about their parents and other ancestors. I participated in the funeral of the first graduate of NCSU who died at age 100, a most remarkable man. I knew old doctors, lawyers, preachers who had such a great influence on my life, people with standards. With those around you, don't close the book until the story in over. You may be surprised by the events in many lives. I so wish I had spent more time with old people in my life. You cannot be deader than dead, it is difficult to talk to a tombstone. Your body like the bodies of those around you are temples not dumpsters... each valuable in God's eyes, red, yellow, black or white.
The first big funeral I remember was that of my grandmother. This was in 1937 the height of the great depression. She was a Lucas, one of the state's first families. It was a huge service at our old family church. Back then, everyone in the church walked by to take a last look at the person in the beautiful casket. I still consider the viewing of a dead body as very insensitive. Back then, everyone was buried, cremation was stories from missionaries. Today, 40% of all deaths are cremations (burning of the body to ash). In Florida, a new process, “liquefaction” the body is turned to liquid and is flushed into the drain, then sewer, then river, then ocean. In Sweden, a new process, Promession whereby the body by liquid nitrogen is rapidly freeze-dried. The old-timey funeral, the funerals of my lifetime, were a celebration of life. Of course there was always the death of a baby, accidental death of a young person, tragic diseased death of a young mother, always, without exception, even the poorest among us were given a farewell of love and respect. Many had burial insurance, almost all families had their own family cemetery or burial plot within a larger cemetery. Death was a part of life and everyone knew that the inevitable would happen.
Just living for today is a new “method” in the history of man. Las Vegas is one city I have missed in my travels. The city of glitz, showgirls, gambling, marriage chapels, water fountains shooting high into the air, slot machines, Jewish-mafia. Today, the unemployment in Las Vegas is 15%. 80% of all mortgaged homes are under water (The mortgage is more than the house is worth), many of these houses in Las Vegas are just burned. Two young men, from Las Vegas moved here next to my beach house. Desperate, defiant, troubled, youth, when they moved out were too lazy to pack their clothes, threw all of their possessions into my garbage can-cart. When I went to put my garbage on he street, I thought what is this? The clothing was perfectly good from what my blind eyes could discern. These are today's values for many of our youth. I took all the clothing, washed it and turned it in to the salvation army. The lack of values is the burned hole in the crevice of civilization.
President Obama and his family do not believe in work, just vacationing. Politicians, bureaucrats, more barbarians than civilized human beings. Your government now can go into your safety deposit box at the bank and your banker will go to jail if he reports such to you. $350B per year is spent in America on cancer treatment. Cancer patients who get no treatment live longer than those who get treatment.
Evey sin, every sickness has a history... past, present, future. Only the circular drops of blood from our blessed Lord, only His stripes can heal and redeem. It is within this circle of salvation that all should cling. Most desire the standards of men.
5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3: 5-6
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