Nudity is always associated with sin, even while Moses was face to face with God on Mt. Sinai, the children of Israel were dancing naked around a gold calf. There is nothing enticing about absolute nudity even at the Folies Bergere in Paris or The Lido, entertainers wore some clothing (I have attended both places) . The excitement of such clubs whether in Vegas, Paris, New York is more a matter of music, lighting, décor.
Pretending is not just a theatrical event, whether costumes or not. From the White House to the Church House we have become acclimated to pretending.
I hope the recent prayer meeting in Houston was not an exercise in pretension... a political event Americans have become so accustomed to pretension whether pretending about a building deciding to fall in Manhattan on 911, building 7, forty seven stories, next to the twin towers “supposedly hit by planes.” The third building was not hit at all, just decided to fall. Dumbed down Americans products of socialist liberal school systems, never questioned the inconsistencies of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City. A few, have questioned the murder of JFK in Dallas.
In the age of Aquarius, it is politically incorrect to question, after all, there all no absolutes, right-wrong/good-evil. Politicians and secular news media have forgotten the Eternals of Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Nature and Faith. They think some slick lawyer will be their advocate (I John 2:1) before a god of justice. God intercedes for His own, especially those who have known the rewards of honest labor. We have become masqueraders, worshiping our idols of technology. Someone pointed out to me a city worker, cleaning street gutters, talking on his cell phone. In the play, Fiddler on the Roof, we hear these words, there is no shame in being poor, but no honor either. (Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. (Proverbs 30:5))
It is a dark night of the soul, anything to detract, one war after another, one sensational headline after another, a mother killing her child in Florida or the lifestyle of another Arab tyrant. During the Civil War, children spent more time in homemade bunkers than in school. Their quest for honesty still prevailed.
Martin Luther's last sermon, 1542, he said he hoped Christianity would not become a witchcraft involving the supernatural. Today, witchcraft is the fastest growing religion.
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