The history of human civilization has been determined more by water and waterways than anything else. The political geographer knows that it is on the great bays and harbors of the world that you find the greatest cities (Shanghai, Hong Kong, New York, etc.). Transportation necessitated the building of cities at important bends in rivers. You can put a dam in a great river, build up the water behind the dam, mile after mile, keep extending the dam, but eventually, with enough water from glaciers, et cetera, the water will go over or around the dam.
You can only keep people in ignorance for just so long, eventually knowledge will spill over. Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (Proverbs 29:18) History has told us that man eventually learns the laws of nature. A country only 235 years old, we Americans are obviously slow learners. Frightened, stupid people do stupid things. After the “supposed” terrorist attack of 9/11, the Congress in an unprecedented 100 to 0 vote presented almost all balance of power to the executive branch. Little did they realize that a politician was on the scene, someone totally unknown, totally unequipped, totally everything that common sense would avoid, who had enough charisma to attract uninformed voters. Like his social security card, issued to a Connecticut man in 1890, like his forged birth certificate, like his lying about his mother's inability to get health insurance, like the inability of trained investigators to find anything about his scholastic records, he is the one with one hand on the wheel of the state, his other hand on the nuclear button which could decimate the world.
Weather conditions alone gives world citizens enough reason for alarm, unprecedented flooding in Australia and Pakistan, unprecedented earthquakes in Japan , New Zealand, Chile, and Haiti, the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the disaster with volcanoes in Iceland, extreme cold and heat, not only in Europe and Russia, but in America.
Just this weekend we hear about another earthquake in Japan, these unprecedented earthquakes have brought the once second-largest world power to its knees. We hear about famine in Somalia, Kenya, Sudan and other African countries. We forget that with the radiation from the nuclear disaster in Japan and other climate despair in this country, famine CAN cover the earth. Remember, 9 million Americans died from hunger during the Great Depression, and at that time 90% of the population lived on farms! When we go to the grocery stores and see the shelves full, we bask in our own confidence. In a national emergency, it takes only 3 days for all the shelves to empty, no delivery trucks on the highways, no gasoline, electricity, water, communication.
We think we have the world by the tail, “God don't bother us, we have the government.” Such supercilious, God-disparaging acts as same-sex marriage, recently legislated in New York state (really, two old women, ages 75 and 85, marrying one another!), the holocaust of the killing of the unborn, manipulation of the stock market for the benefit of the Congress (during the ridiculous travesty of “debt” questions), marking up then down, benefiting the portfolios of Democrats (last year increasing their net worth 750%). Are Americans too stupid to see the disconnect?
Love is a choice. Don't insult God by pretending to love Him...don't you know that the omnipotence of the One who threw the stars into space, knows the difference? Those of the same sex, regardless of age, know the difference between love and lust. It is inevitable that laws absurd enough to recognize same-sex marriage, group marriage, or even human-animal marriage.
Nothing could make Satan happier than to see human beings become slaves of science, and slaves of their own indulgence in lusts. Much of the knowledge of the world has been stolen. How well I remember the vault at the Wilson library in the University of North Carolina. I said nothing, I needed a job, but I remember the gay librarian giving the key to the library vault to one of his younger, cute conquests to plunder and cart off valuable manuscripts and books. I understand that this happens across the country, particularly in federal agencies.
Bill Clinton was not the first person to open top secret doors to the Chinese and the Russians. It is much easier for our enemies to steal research than to work for it themselves. Like so many other things that go on in our democracy, no one seems to care. Every republic in history has died from within, the rot always comes from two weaknesses: sex or money. Samson was great until Delilah gave him a “cropped” haircut, the fields had a plentiful harvest until 300 foxes, their tails on fire, wiped out the crops.
Wall Street is like a long rope, on one end there is “greed”, on the other end: “fear”. The securities market, in spite of Bernie Maydoff or even Martha Stewart, has been the launching pad for the poorest entrepreneur, giving hope to the smallest investor, but the greed of the “fat cats” and the fear resulting from the manipulation of the stealthy political manipulators, fear has become a blood-sucking vampire. Once, the careful, informed investor could expect a decent return, whether security or real estate. Now, the incongruent decadence of Wall Street has become a casino/gambling “high-stakes” experience. Combined with the unexpecteds and the uncontrolled partisan politics in Washington, such communist variables and vexations of Obama and his ilk, the investor seeks recourse under his mattress, probably the safest place to invest.
Try as you might, fool yourself if you can, within in the inner sanctum of your own mental-moral reality, you cannot disconnect black from white, right from wrong. Even the most desperate atheist with his natural law of conscience, even if he has never experienced the blessedness of the Holy Spirit of God, recognizes and realizes the differences between good and evil.
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