We should all call him blessed, Thomas Edison, holder of 1000 patents, items which make our life much easier...lightbulbs, power generation, recorded music, motion pictures. A man with only three months of public education, Edison once said that, “enthusiasm is a great language, but it takes knowledge for power.”
This nation is now cursed with the weakest, most inexperienced, most narcissistic, most improbable president to ever even think of occupying the Oval Office. The average interviewer in American industry would not have given him a second look, so totally impotent, a moral and security disaster, just think of using a social security number issued to another man in 1890, a forged birth certificate, absolutely no experience producing anything.
So...this impostor is 50 years old. At one of the jewels of this nation, the White House, which we understand now looks like Section 8 housing, he and “Mush-elle” entertained friends at a 50th birthday bash. Among their other escapades, the all danced the electric slide. I will never forget going to a black nightclub in the city where I live. Of course, I could not see, but the person with me, who had been invited by the owner told me that the dance floor, instead of being ground level, as in most civilized places, was up about 3 feet so that those sitting around the edges could see up the girl's dresses. I wonder if this is the electric slide so popular at the White House.
To celebrate the birthday, Al Jazeera is now in America, as would be expected, first in New York City. I understand one of the Arab oil tycoons put up $1 billion to bring this pearl of deceit here. Don't forget that Al Jazeera has an anti-American bias and has fanned the flames of terrorism across the Arab world. As if we do not have enough lying and distortion with the alphabet media in this country...incessant quaking and quivering by cleavaged, just-out-of-college girls about things of little or no importance (they talk about protesters, but ignore the reporter raped in Cairo).
We just had the 72nd anniversary of the greatest movie, greatest music, of the 20th century, The Wizard of Oz. The munchkins were paid $50 a week, but the dog Toto was paid $125. Perhaps this was the beginning of our collapse pertaining to human beings, especially babies. Now, some airlines do not allow babies (Malaysia airline), some restaurants do not allow babies (Double Windsor, Old Salty). In England, soccer star David Beckham and his wife have been condemned for having their fourth child. When Obama and the first lady were doing the electric slide, do you think they thought of the many children who will never play on a real slide because of their promotion of abortion?
In Somalia, 30,000 babies have starved to death, I wrote recently of the hospital in Botswana, Africa where I inspected the facility and found babies laying in their filth, covered with flies. One national radio preacher said he was tired of hearing me talk about flies...that the poor have always been pestered with flies, swollen bellies, early death.
The splendor of old men with gray hair, such as this writer, is that we remember when children were prized, when their souls were important. I attended the first Billy Graham crusade at Madison Square Garden in 1957. Now, Billy Graham is 93, George Beverly Shea is 102, Cliff Barrows is 88. Life goes on, everything changes except for the eternal welfare of the soul. Those of us in the sunset years know that we are born twice, and die once, if saved by the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ. For that vast number, particularly those who support the abortion and the same-sex marriage policies of the Democrat party, they are once born, twice-dead.
Doubt is a terrible thing with which to live. The mother hangs on to the success of her child, filled with doubts as the child develops. Don't give up, even children reared in church-going Christian homes, who were robbed of their faith by a heathen college, will have a faith of their own when they recover from their doubts. Everyone has a time of doubt (a dark night of the soul), it is easier to cling to the deck, then to have the faith to get off the boat and walk on the water. A new wave of deception and doubt sweeps the country. When the agnostic challenges you, among the many things you can point out as being beyond the wisdom of man to explain or understand: the shell of an egg, the clotting of blood.
God has a great track record. I sometimes feel that my life has been lived in a blender, so many ups and downs. Born during the Great Depression, now living through the Obama depression, I heard my parents talk about investors jumping from windows, I often feel that if I saw a someone on a ledge, I would say, “move over, I am ready to jump with you.” People worked their entire lives (at least one-half of the populations worked their entire lives) to provide for themselves (and the other half of the population that does nothing but live off of welfare checks). They work, thinking they will have some means/savings for retirement, although taxes to support the moochers and warfare have eroded that. As a small example, the plastic cover for an electric wall switch purchased by your government for Iraq costs $7, easily purchased in this country for $0.49, $9 billion sent to the Iraq and Afghanistan has simply disappeared.
You will notice that almost every watch and clock are round, we think that time will continue 'round and 'round, one day after another, losing all the values of time. Time is measured three ways: past, present, future. The modernist wants us to forget the past. In England, children are not permitted to win in an athletic contest, are not allowed to know who received the highest grade on a test. We refuse to think of emergency preparedness for the future. Our present time is like looking through a keyhole because time is the enemy of happiness, and from the White House, to the courthouse, to the church house, to the school house, the mantra is: “happy meal”, “have a nice day”, “just move on.” So unrealistic, our not wanting to face the facts of life...when you are in a hole, stop digging. There are no limits on the credit card. There are always escapes (liquor, sedatives, sex, or other addictions).
The heart is a muffled drum in a funeral march. We think the earth will continue going 'round, the hands on the clock will continue going 'round, but for everything, sometimes much sooner than later, a line is drawn. Every mind sees things that others do not see, for Joyce Kilmer, a tree “lifts its leafy arms to pray”. Francis Thompson, “love is a many-splendored thing”. The only thing Jesus took seriously was souls, “what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul?” (Mark 8:36)
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