Over a long and eventful life, I have seen human beings treated more like cattle than God's precious creation. We are just herded around, airports, schoolhouses , government buildings, and even the church-houses. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.(John 10:10) Perhaps heathens expect no better but children of God expect to enjoy life, now and for eternity. I pray that I will never have to fly on another plane, one who has been around the world 8 times.(One trip 48 flights) Now, instead of a pleasant experience it is a matter of scanning, groping, pilfering. Don's tell me that Law Enforcement is interested in safety. On on flight to Manhattan, I took a .22 caliber pistol to a friend in my camera bag. Once, retuning from Manhattan, I had purchased 12 pearl handled steak knives. I just knew the safety crowd would catch them so I had them in a zip-lock bag that could be easily removed. They were all busy talking about something else. I have told of these instances on national radio shows. If law were interested, they would have investigated me found who let me through with these dangerous things that a terrorist could have used to cause problems.
We are a land of the living dead, p[particularly regarding health care. America is at the bottom of the list of all nations. For one who has traveled the world, every continent, seen health care in the most unimaginable places, one would think that we would be at the top of the list. There are 1.1 Billion doctor visits by Americans each year, 50 million pills taken every hour
In 2004. $104Trillion was spent on health care (15% of the national income). Rulers of the health care system, like every other system in our society, are at the top and are not affected by the plight of the common man... regulations, permits, license involving every area of life. I have visited every communist country. Believe me, there is no communist country more regulated than the United States. Perhaps the greatest hopes in medical treatment is that involving 1/4 of the population, antidepressants now revealed (Time 2008) more recently (WSJ), little or no help. Antibiotics are a failure. Accumulative, leading to cancer so ridiculous antibiotics for every child's fever even the development of the immune system depends on fever. Do not put anything in your throat if you cannot pronounce the words. Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). We were not created to be sick. Wellness depends on nutrition and fresh air. In this town, a restaurant operating for many years, serving real food, was torn down, replaced by a Walgreens. Now, 4 drug stores within 4 blocks. New drug stores constantly erected.
The taking of chemicals, slow suicide. Treatment begins with detoxification, ridding your body of the built up of toxins. Chemicals taken to affect one thing affects everything, particularly your nervous system, your brain. When I was in school, diabetes , cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's , etc. were rare diseases. Now, children sit in the house with video games and television trash. Starting in youth, they eat trash. The wrappings probably have more nutrition than what is wrapped. The body is starving for nutrition, chemical free water and exercise. The body will not digest synthetics or insecticides or genetically modified plant-food-meats. Most health care schools do not focus on disease. These greatest of vocations (medicine, nursing , osteopathy optometry, dentistry, etc.) should serve to make life easier, more abundant. The physician is blessed, all vocations are callings, just as much as the Christian ministry. In our Lord's Prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread” we thank God for the farmer, the processor, the server... all those who provide us with food, real food, nutrition for the body, starved cells.
We serve God by serving other people. It is fortunate that Big Pharma and big professionals can charge big fees and enjoy big lifestyles. God has put us where He wants us to work utilizing all knowledge. The purpose of every vocation is loving and serving your neighbor. (Matthew 22:37) We exercise the priesthood of all believers in our work. Through our talents, abilities, personalities.
The body is all chemistry and chemistry is all electricity. Chemistry is debilitated in America because of its love involvement with the drug industry.(Big Pharma, drug store on every corner) God does not want us drug addicts. Thank God, as a young practitioner, I knew old doctors who prescribed food, not drugs. (Stenhouse, Strosnider, Pearson) Christ took or sicknesses and infirmities as well as our sins to the Cross. My only child, my son, medical school, theology school, foreign missionary said, new believers (always pray first at time of illness) (James 5:15)
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