God has granted a special dispensation of grace to you and to me in order that I might get across thoughts which have bombarded my psyche for a very long time.
Almost every day, now in my 80's, a totally blind, 100% disabled service connected medical officer and veteran of the Korean Conflict, which took place over 50 years ago I think JUST HOW MUCH CAN A MAN TAKE. I do not want to portray the victim. My ancestry is beyond compare, my parents beyond compare but in Jesus Christ, I was made complete.
I was reared in poverty on an Eastern North Carolina tobacco farm, graduated from a small country high school, 13 in my graduating class. Because I was a member of Mensa, the county school superintendent made arrangements for me to go to the state university (UNC-CH) I worked my way through 8 years of professional training, passed all of the boards in order to be commissioned as a medical officer of the US Army. The days when I am on my hands and knees still cleaning floors , in buildings which I own, I think just how big a fool I was to have given my life to a country and people who simply don't care. We hear this “blabble” about respect for veterans. This blind veteran has never been able to get a white cane or talking watch from the veterans Administration But, like the 126,000 buried on foreign soil just wrapped in the flag of their country or the many others living or dead we did what we did for love of country believing it was important.
Christianity in hanging on by a thread in most places churches are more or less just club houses. I understand that in most, you never see a Christian Cross. Like the church at Sardis, a morgue or the one at Laodicea neither hot nor cold. I was sickened this past Sunday, listening to a local church service (Temple Baptist, Wilmington NC) a church in the throes of defeat, for the first time in history, two women ordained as Deacons. Where did they get this in the Bible?
With age, we realize how precious life is. In New York City, for every 1000 live black births there are 1489 black abortions. Worst, in the District of Columbia for every 1000 live births, 1600 abortions of black babies. Nationally 52% of all black babies aborted.
Representative John Lewis said, “bringing abortion to the attention of black people is like trying to divide them. In black liberation theology life must mean nothing. 37% of all white babies are aborted. The Catholic church, which could control 70% of all elections, voted 54% for Obama, the anti-Christ President. (For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.- Colossians 2:9) In Jesus, as unworthy as we are we find an umbrella of reconciliation with the one who is God, put on a tent of human flesh and dwelled among us, perfect in every way. I am the best example of his longsuffering, he put up with my sin and shortcomings, continues to give me grace by faith to keep on. He asks trust. When will those who claim His name trust Him enough to bear His Cross instead of the church changing the world, the world has changed the church. Never underestimate what God can do with the true church. Just think, a handful of followers without even a Bible in the first century, few Bible's until the printing press, men and women willing to risk all, that those whom He chose would be redeemed.
All the science, all the technology, all the wisdom has not contributed one thing to the eternal welfare of mankind, the mission being completed in Christ, the Christian being completed in Christ. Christ never ceased being God, could not sin, could not lie. He preached Himself.
In my blindness, perhaps I have seen more than many who are sighted and so it is with most who are disabled. A blind Friend, Catherine Vasalou lived and died here in this city. Born blind, never having seen anything, enjoyed talking with me on the phone. I did meet her one time, she told me she had never ridden in a Cadillac. My driver and I picked her up and took her to the beach so she could have my beach house described to her. After the school for the blind, college, she returned home, an only child, to care for her parents . While at the same time, supported the family by working as a secretary at a local hospital. I asked Catherine, “In all those years, did any church, any group help you?” She said, “ only once when my Mother died one church brought by some food by and one industry helped with burial expenses.” Catherine was a Christian, she would have loved church, could have played the piano. She said, everyone has ignored me in life and the funeral home has instructions just to take me to the cemetery and bury me. This is what happened. I can well understand, I want nothing either. To date, not one veterans group, civic club, church has ever done one thing for this blind veteran.
Talk is cheap, real Christianity, real civic clubs, other compassion evident. One man, I know, day after day, over and over, his Alzheimer's wife not knowing anything, was there every time to feed her her meal. At the funeral, the preacher said of my Uncle He gave up everything to devote himself to his wife. Later, my Uncle said to me “I loved her so much” When those who are playing church, learn to love that much, the entire world will change... for the better because everyone will want what Christians have.
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