One of my friends who had been a member of the First Baptist Church for 72 years—and I often sat with her at church—was in a nearby nursing home. Of course, after she entered the nursing home and it was taking all her funds just to keep her there, people at the church forgot about her because she could no longer give money. She was ill, and I asked a pastor friend of another church to go by, visit, and pray with her. He told me, reporting on his visit, that she said, “I don't have time to talk to you, I have got to watch 'my story'.”
There is nothing in God's world as hypnotizing as television. Madison avenue advertisers learned long ago that women in particular are totally hypnotized by the afternoon soap operas. Often, in hospital rooms, patients become so hypnotized by television that they must be shaken into reality. They become completely addicted to them, transferring their lives into the actor's.
Hypnotism is the most dangerous activity with which a person can become connected. I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict, it was there that warfare became first involved in mind control, brain-washing, and hypnotism. The pseudoscience was unfamiliar to me even though I was a student of subliminal perception. A doctor/Colonel taught me much about MK-ULTRA (hypnotism, mind control), its use by the CIA, the Chinese communists, methodologies to manipulate mental states. Returning home, in practice, another doctor and I experimented with amblyopia ex-anopsia (a form of blindness in one eye). An optometrist, Dr. Otwell of Arkansas had invented an instrument which could excite retina nerveheads in the lazy or non-functioning eye. With other methodologies, I was successful in awakening the visual apparatus in the lazy eyes of many children. Much of this science was hypnosis.
I so well remember hypnosis used as entertainment (Memorial Hall, UNC Chapel Hill, and a famous quack in a Memphis auditorium, even entertainment on television). Books have been written on the subject, but I will not go into that here. Just like the revival meetings at the country church where people undergo a temporary transformation, forgetting that only God can awaken the soul, the art and science of this psychology cannot be disputed.
I am not proud of this story, but I can show the effectiveness of hypnotism. As of today, I have much rental property. A military couple moved into a furnished apartment, he worked at the hospital and knew my credentials. This very intelligent, fine-looking young man came by my house and said, “I need to talk to you, I need some advice.” He and his wife had been married for a few months, he said, “my wife is having an affair with my best friend, the best man at our wedding. There is no doubt about it, I know the truth, what do you advise me to do?” I said, “are you sure you want to end your marriage? Look straight into my eyes. You are not to touch her again in a sexual way...remain her husband, support everything, but if she makes a sexual advance, say to her, 'God will punish you for your betrayal of me' and nothing else.” About 3 weeks later she came to my door, the most sick woman I have ever seen. She handed me the keys to their house and said, “the house has been cleaned, everything is in place. My folks are in the car, they have picked me up and I am going home to die.” He had not said anything to me since that day of his initial hypnotism and I did not know what was going on.
Hypnotism is as old as time, started in the garden of Eden with a serpent hypnotizing Eve. Every unwed mother was hypnotized, every breached loyalty: man/wife, children, or even bullying...hypnotism. In our human inter-relationships, all summed up in one message: Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. (Matthew 7:12) There is nothing more important than self-hypnosis, just imagine a family in a covered wagon, wagon train, heading west, a mother killed by an Indian arrow. Think of the sorrow of digging a grave and leaving one, so-loved, in the soil, never to remembered even by a gravestone. Think of the sorrow of the relatives of the 3,000 killed on 9/11, 3,000 souls crying for justice. Think of the sorrow of the families of the 30 gallant young men who died in a helicopter last week...look at their individual bios. Has it ever occurred to anyone that our best/finest are always sacrificed in wars? Think of the global figures of getting through a recession, an Afghan war costing $10 billion a day. Karzai, like President Thieu of Vietnam, two of the most corrupt officials known to man. Think of the sons of Saddam Hussein, evil beyond compare, if one saw a wife who he wanted, the husband was put into a shredder.
All over the world, anger and protest, national leaders condemned, Mubarak on trial, in a cage, in Egypt, Qaddafi in Libya, Ben Ali in Tunisia, al-Assad in Syria. In these countries, human life is so cheap, but is it any cheaper than in America, where 53 million unborn babies are put to death, evidently of no consequence to the Democrat/pro-Obama/pro-abortion/pro-same-sex marriage party? Think of “London burning” (remember the movie, Mississippi Burning), young children looting stores stating to new reporters that their parents do not mind.
Don't confuse traumatize and hypnotize. So much of today's rebellious, heathen activity is traumatic. The “green” movement started after WWII, leading to irascible notions of climate change and hostile human activity. Perhaps, Ho Chi Minh or even Cuba's Castro souls could have been awakened through the entrangancy of careful hypnosis. Drugs have been tried and failed, human wisdom has been tried and failed, only the sovereign, incomparable love and grace of God can set the captive free. He touched me, Oh He touched me, And oh the joy that floods my soul! Something happened and now I know, He touched me and made me whole. (He Touched Me – Bill & Gloria Gaither)
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