Walking down the streets of Pompeii, I remembered Bulwer-Lytton's book, The Last Days of Pompeii, when Vesuvius erupted with hot lava, so fast and so deadly that even the animals in the streets were cemented in time and space. The boiling air was so instantaneous over the city that even the guard at the gate's hands were still on his sword, never drawn from his scabbard. There is no reason not to compare the last days of Pompeii with the last days of the 27 European countries, now in economic chaos, or America, in the throes of economic and social disaster.
It has come slow, but should have been so evident. Many have asked the question, over and over: “how did we get here?”...politics, news media, judiciary, law enforcement, all totally collectivized and totalitarian. Forgetting Judeo-Christian foundations, Christians deserting Christians, even Catholics deserting the churches of Europe (churches being auctioned each day). In Europe, there are more caskets being built than cradles, one of each six pastors is atheist. In America, the church has become more of a business venture than a spiritual inheritance. Pastors, preachers, and evangelicals are more interested in the collection plate than the baptistery; homosexuals in pulpits of Episcopal, Lutheran, and Methodist churches. Everywhere, liberals use the excuse of revolution against tyranny. As London and Manchester burn, riots in many other cities, we are seeing the total decimation of the middle class. Outwardly smirking, but inside cowards to the inevitable.
Certainly in Europe, but more so in America, from a very early age, the citizenry becomes zombies to the hypnotic captivity of television and computers.
Even the unbelievable loss of privacy and security at TSA (Transportation Security Administration) events (airlines and other travel plus athletic events), groping, scanning... offensive in every way. Thugs and bullies, now in law enforcement uniforms. Americans, having learned to accept political correctness, are living in a reality of disbelief. Very blasé, “I smell smoke, I hear the crackling of fire, but I really do not believe my house is on fire”.
A young American volunteers for the military services, not drafted, but volunteering, jumping through every hoop, investigation, examination to serve one's country. We send our very best to other countries, while at home their families and property are molested by the dregs of society. The young doctor, lawyer, engineer is required to show collegiate transcripts, proof of board certification, yet the president of our country produces a forged birth certificate. Licensed investigators can find no trace of his college transcripts, or anything about the man. It seems that no one remembers him at any school which he supposedly attended. He uses the social security card of a dead man (issued in 1890), his wife uses the social security card of a Mexican woman. How long did it take for such insanity to take over...the highest offices of government, control of the news and print media, academics without the desire for knowledge or truth?
One either side of the Cross, spirit-filled individuals have desired and fought for truth, decency, democracy. The demons of deceit and despair have taken over, as in Pompeii and throughout history, most desire to do things right in their own sight. In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes. (Judges 21:25) Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts. (Proverbs 21:2)
The government, the TSA, Homeland Security, IRS, and even the judiciary are a test to every man's freedom. We have become a socially-engineered society. The system of free enterprise, freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms is a challenge. Do you think for one minute that looting, burning, killing would be as widespread, particularly in England, where law enforcement has become an embarrassment, IF the hardworking, taxpaying, producing homeowner and shopkeeper possessed firearms to protect his property? These vagabonds of Satan would retreat if a few looters and burners were killed. Stalin and Ho Chi Minh killed many of their fellow countrymen only after they were weaponless, their firearms had been confiscated. If matches were illegal, only the criminal burners would have matches. Years ago, before his death, at a meeting in New York City, Gus Hall, Chairman of the American Communist Party, in a meeting that I attended, told us that America could be burned down overnight.
8 trips around the world, passport stamped in 157 countries...I believe I have seen more police states than the average citizen. Sure, there is some good in the worst of us, and some evil in the best of us, but as I told my friend Martha, who thought she could salvage gang members (“Tom, God loves them as much as He loves us”), “man is inherently evil and some become more evil with age, some think it is sport to rape and ravage.” In the Seychelles, Syria, and other police states, police dominate society, can go into another man's house, rape his wife or daughter at will, take his things with impunity. I want these sissy, prissy pastors, decked in their vestments, glistening in their piety, to acquire a backbone and warn people about the disaster which is about to overcome them.
Many in this world have experienced hell on earth, our forefathers who claimed our land for freedom, the thousands who have died on foreign soil defending our freedom, in spirit, expect those who live well from God's money to get involved. I expect the veterans who proudly wore uniforms to get involved. The great philosopher Yogi Berra said, “it's not over 'til it's over.”
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