One of Neil Sedaka's greatest hits, “Breaking up is hard to do” the 5.8 earthquake receiving so much publicity on the East Coast must have been a great amusement in Japan, where earthquakes are almost a way of life. Not one brick fell, just a rumble as thousands of idle federal workers, who get 67 paid vacation days each year, became more idle and useless as they vacated their buildings. A helicopter hovered over the Washington Monument because someone reported that it was leaning and as is the case with the not so bright governor of North Carolina trying to entice tourists to the coast as the coastal areas were being evacuated.
The Mid 90's, series of Hurricanes on the North Carolina coast, my driver took me to my beach house to make sure it was “hurricane-ready”. Returning to my house in town about 5 miles away, I said “Let's stop at Wendys for lunch. As we pulled in the parking lot he said “The WECT news truck is here.” I was eating my sandwich, minding my own business but could not help but overhear the television people sitting in the booth next to me. A male was advising the female newscaster about presenting the news about the hurricane. “Make sure you mention the rushing waves, the bending winds, the scared homeowners, and make sure you throw in the word “Hazel”several times (The devastating hurricane that hit the North Carolina coast in 1954 I was away in the Korean War but my parents, their farm, 100 miles inland was devastated. Until their deaths, they never stopped talking about “Hazel”). What is wrong with honesty, are not things bad enough?
To the Christian, God is our refuge in time of need (Psalm 46:1) God wants you to be specific, your needs, “the toe on your left foot” He is able. King Sennacherib found that God is able after 185,000 of his soldiers were killed one morning just by one of God's Angels. (Isaiah 37:36 ) Perhaps there is no better place for shaking and quaking than in Washington, DC, if not the founding fathers rolling around in their grave unable to believe what is going on, surely some scare should be exercised or exorcised on members of congress or the supreme court. Lyndon Larouche, founder of the Political LaRouche Movement said “The herd must be often culled”. Early native Americans (Indians) culled their herds by herding them off a cliff to their death. We are all standing on the cliff. Our faith must control our circumstances not our circumstances our faith. Surely one with an IQ above room temperature should be able to determine that the state controlled news media manipulates the news just as Wall Street and “K” Street manipulate the stock market, the gold market. Has it occurred to anyone that the multiplication of advertising concerning gold, the purchase of gold, th price of gold is manipulation,. Remember, FDR and Richard Nixon did a very good job manipulating gold. Nixon closed the gold window at $42 per ounce. Yesterday, gold was over $1800 per ounce. It is believed that the Libyan War is more connected with Qaddafi's 143.8 tons of gold in his bank than his treatment of the citizens of Libya. Reportedly, NATO has removed his gold. NATO was never interested in Qaddafi previously even after the Lockerbie incident. I remember well, university students wearing Qaddafi T-Shirts. He was their hero. Why not, like Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, other world evil, children who love evil in comic books mature to love evil in adults. Has it ever occurred to anyone that 95% of all comic books are purchased by males... that 95% of all prison inmates are male.
Jesus Christ is the bright and morning star, came to save the world from evil. Seven hundred years before His birth, the prophet Isaiah wrote of His birth and sacrificial death. (Isaiah 53)
It is reported that one large industry, fraught with more Obama taxation found they must limit expenses. Their only alternative, reducing sixty employees. The only owner finally decided that the only fair way to choose these employees, were the ones who still had an Obama bumper sticker on their car. Some are still proud of “change” the increasing crime, the breaking up of American industry (NAFTA, CAFTA, etc.) Do you realize that 70% of your food comes from abroad... to say nothing of everything else manufactured by slave labor. The biggest ponzi scheme in history, you and your employer paying FICA tax and now the government is telling you the system is broke. Have you taken the time to calculate how much money you have sent to your government... one making $30,000 per year, $220,000 during his employment.
Where is your money?, Being broke is hard to do.
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