Send In the Clowns is a song from the 1973 musical, A Little Night Music that opened at the Shubert theatre (which I saw at or near it's opening), involving romance and intrigue. Every time I think of clowns, I first think of the clowns at the great circus in Moscow (Bolshoi Circus), next I think of the clowns I have seen in the best whorehouse in North Carolina, the legislative building in Raleigh, but perhaps none will surpass the clowns, 435, determining our daily existence in our marvelous, beautiful Capitol building, Washington DC.
PJ O'Rouke said, “our only civil right is the right do as we please and accept the consequences of our actions.” Like we peons, this also applies to the 435 clowns in Congress. Politics is show business for ugly people, and last night must have been a “revolting development” for lookers on as they watched those attending the $36,000 per plate birthday bash for President Obama. Think of the ugliness of Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, or even Mr. Ugly himself, Harry Reid. At a time when ordinary, hard-working, God-fearing, taxpaying citizens are “digging in”, facing the Obama “great depression”, the administration is spending money as if you could pick dollars off of trees.
This 100% disabled blind veteran remembers when one penny would buy a nice piece of candy. During the OTHER great depression, we would carry one egg (worth one penny) to the country store to get such a delightful piece of candy. Today's spoiled youngsters will not even bend down to pick up a penny off the street, and in fact, dollar bills on the street are considered worthless too. I understand that in some parts of the world (Hong Kong, Singapore, Madrid, etc.) people laugh when you show them American currency (during my world travels, people were grabbing at American “green backs”).
One news reporter stated that Obama's favorite topic, regardless of the bad news of the day, is himself. He is a narcissistic impostor. How long will it take the intelligence agencies (CIA, FBI), security agencies of this nation to realize that there is a pretender/impostor leading a masquerade party, birthday or not? His pretension for citizenship, natural born to meet constitutional requirements, is a matter for the Supreme Court, the judiciary, the state-controlled news media and even the supposed moral leaders of the nation. Pastors, Christian colleges, etc. are afraid to be called “birthers” or “tea baggers”. The Tea Party movement is the only good thing going for this country at the present time. The “old guard” Republicans just “go along to get along”, are a disgrace to the ideas of conservatism. Members of the Libertarian Party, Independents, Constitutionalists and the few conservative “Blue Dog” Democrats have joined in the game of kick-the-can.
A recent article in the Washington Post by Jon Kyle warns of EMP (electromagnetic pulse), a nuclear event in the atmosphere that disabling all electrical circuitry on the ground. Electric service to commerce, as well as in homes, would be disabled. Not only refrigeration and communication in the home, but service at gas stations and every other service where electricity is required. This would open the floodgates of disease, and allow occupation from conventional military sources. The panic of spoiled Americans, not accustomed to stone age living, would lead to our total surrender. We enjoy the convenience of technology, but forget that technology can be a master as well as a servant.
The greatest question ever asked was asked at the illegal trial of our blessed Lord. Pontius Pilate, perhaps more interested in his 15 year-old wife than the Man on trial, asked, “what is truth?” In the movie, A Few Good Men, the words of Jack Nicholson will never be forgotten, we cannot handle the truth. We cannot handle the truth that a forged birth certificate, Chicago street fighter, Communist organizer, liar, cheat and thief is living like a king in the White House. A man who had a birthday party/pig-picking; the only preacher present... Reverend Al Sharpton. He may think that he is king, and that in the event of such a national catastrophe, such as a nuclear EMP disaster, whether defeated in an election or not, he will refuse to leave, remain in power. Will any of these cowards protest? I speak of the cowardice of the 435 clowns under the dome of the Capitol, the well-paid pastors, so afraid of offending anyone in this politically correct society, the intelligentsia (academics, school teachers, people who are supposed to prize free enterprise and free thought), the national Republican party, who would rather sit in the bleachers and criticize the game, than get out in the rough and tumble of real “knock down, drag out” political conflict. To date, the only people who are making a difference in Washington, in this state, locally, are those of the Tea Party.
Patriotism, like Christianity, is a state of mind, something that you don't just turn on and off. It is your very being. In Holland, 60% have left the Christian churches, 1 out of every 6 (so-called) preachers in these churches say they no longer believe in God. These masquerading, impostor clowns will one day give an account to almighty God, when every knee bows before Him. (Isaiah 45:23)
I graduated from high school in 1948, the same year that a young Jewish boy throwing rocks near the Dead Sea (Dead Sea Scrolls), heard one make a sound in a cave. I have been to that cave, these scrolls are shown in Jerusalem...the entire book of Isaiah, 66 chapters. The same year (1948), George Orwell wrote his famous book, 1984, in this book he described a nation where the virus of insanity had taken over...everything was upside down, black/white, good/evil. If you do not recognize this, maybe last week, when Mellon bank decided to start charging you for keeping your money instead of paying you interest for your money, when during a market crash (unlike FDR who made no trips during the market crash) Obama was spending and spreeing, Congress was on vacation as if nothing had happened. God help us all, clowns could do better, send them in.
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