Humpty Dumpty sat on Wall Street, Humpty Dumpty had a great (bizarre) fall, all Obama's crooks at the treasury department or federal reserve cannot make Humpty Dumpty a bull again. An old E.F. Hutton advertisement said, “when E.F. Hutton talks, everyone listens.”
I asked a young gay man once, “how do you attract another gay?” He said, “with your eyes.” This totally blind man said, “I would really be out of luck.” This week, as the stock market would vary between 1300 points in one day, others who are specialists in numbers must be blind. Wall Street brings the working man face-to-face with reality. Even those not invested in securities should have sense enough to know that the investment market controls everything: small business, jobs, loans, the future of your children and grandchildren. It is a fact that only 51% of the population pay tax and support themselves, the other 49% pay no tax at all. The top 1% pay 38% of all income tax, the top 10% pays 70% of all taxes while the bottom 50% pays only 3% of all income tax. 59% of the population depends on entitlements, and 52% of the population are subsidized in some way.
Every Christian is a money manager. You will give an account of how you spend the blessing of your prosperity. You trust the marketplace like you trust everything else, depending on the guidance of God. God helps those who help themselves. The 50% who pay no tax probably just “hang out” at the pool room, the beach or around some tax-supported park, library or halfway house. This totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical officer veteran who has never even been able to get a white cane from the Veteran's Administration is so tired of paying the kind of tax I pay for those in recovery (drug addiction, alcoholism, laziness). If this nanny state government did not continue to enable, encourage and cajole sorriness, all would find a job of some type and become taxpayers and not taxeaters. The only time most welfare recipients show any sign of life or interest in their country is when they are magically transported somewhere to protest.
Government produces nothing, it only has the power to tax the producers, and remember, taxpaying is voluntary. Income tax paying began with the 16th amendment in 1913. Karl Marx must spinning in his grave with happiness knowing how quickly this American republic has become communist. The total taxes paid this year is 2.17 trillion, yet we spend 3.82 trillion, we now have a total debt of 14.2 trillion. Even our lenders, such as communist China are concerned about our stupidity in economics. Our greatest deficit each year, and growing each year, is in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
For many years, when going to doctor's offices or other healthcare facilities, I always asked my driver, “how many people are here, what are their ages.” The answer, always, never changing: all old people. Of course, these old people, retired or on welfare have nothing better to do than to sit in a waiting room. How did we ever think that the taxpayer could pay all these costs? How did we think a taxpayer could send a retirement check, not only to those who had paid their FICA (money not in a trust fund, just an IOU in the treasury department), but checks to the illegal citizens and non-citizens who have never paid anything as far as FICA taxes? We hear of midnight basketball, the lock box for social security, “change”. Adolf Hitler's mantra, before he came to power in Germany, was “change”.
At the time this writer entered college, student aid was nonexistent. Today, there are over 240 federal programs to assist students. Few students work their way through college as did this writer through his 8 years of professional education. This writer lived on $1 a day for food. Recently, a young man working for me told me, “I eat out every night, I try to have smoked salmon at least one night a week.” Another female employee said her that sons would not eat leftovers...and citizens think this nation can survive with these spoiled, valueless, decadent, deceptive attitudes. Toil and effort, trust in the marketplace is a matter of past history. A nation that has thrived on free enterprise is dismayed by regulations and rebellion, today's college graduate's ambition is to have their nose in the government trough. The government workforce is paid twice that of the private sector with all the protective hedges, vacations, political party security.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8) We live in a time or world-wide peril. Today in America, crops are drying up in 15 states, hunger ravages Africa. There is surplus of maize (corn) in some countries such as Uganda, but because of government border regulations, there as here, people are starving: 3.5 million starving in Somalia, 12 million across the horn of Africa. As the top representative of United Nations said to me, when I asked him many years ago about situations there, “most African problems stem from African leaders. Largess from the United States only reaches about 1% of the African people who are in need.”
Money problems lead to 50% of all divorces, overeating, diabetes, obesity is responsible for most illness. I still cannot understand how Americans and Europeans can gorge themselves in fancy restaurants with expensive, unnecessary food when there are starving children in the world. With empathy, sympathy, desire to help, it is next to impossible to climb the bureaucratic fences of satanic nationalism which grips this country because of their decadent leaders. Like investing, stock market, real estate, or even old magazines sold online, God is the great arbiter of justice. For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always. (Matthew 26:11) Sovereign God can forgive murder, He will forgive laziness, but I cannot believe He looks kindly on it. He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame. (Proverbs 10:5)
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