If there is anyone not sufficiently depressed about America's future, Roseann Barr is running for president of the United States of America. The 58 year old comedienne who lives on a farm in Hawaii will run on a platform from the Green Tea Party with ambitions toward using the guillotine again to behead all capitalists and anyone whose net worth is over $100M. She might make exceptions such as Oprah Winfrey and Michael Moore because of their philanthropy in Africa.
A part of the American spirit, “stories involving rags to riches”. Perhaps the most famous one leading to the Horatio Alger awards, Horatio Alger, 19th Century success story... the story of a young man born in poverty who because of hard work attained great wealth and success. Alger is best known for his books concerning young men who attained great wealth through there initiative. The most famous book, Ragged Dick.
The overwhelming nature of these stories, individualism, an unwillingness to accept mediocrity. You are not stuck where you start. You find very few men or women whose biographies are well known, who came from elitist “blue blood” ancestors. They used what they had, their senses, their minds and excelled. In every case, it was a matter of hard work, much study, much reading.
We have lived in an age when individuals have come out of the closet. Gays have come out of the closet. Perverted sexual behavior which at one time was hid, is now brazen on the streets. Intellectualism has come out of the closet. Men like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, working individually in a garage or basement, not giving up on an idea from lack of money or encouragement, have changed the world.
Whatever floats your boat. Television has been the guarantor of talent which would never have been discovered previously. I was not just a matter of Major Bowes, Amateur Hour or Arthur Godfrey.,talent was discovered just because with persistence, perhaps working long enough to rent a studio and make a recording, great careers were started from the closet.
Making a much needed appearance now, more a re-appearance, the necessity for people to care for their own health problems. The time is here and it is only going to get worse, that you must care for yourself and your family. When I was a youngster, people did not trot to the doctor for just anything. The immune systems of children were not destroyed by antibiotics... AND WE WERE ALL BETTER OFF. Big Pharma and big assembly line - impersonal, medical, clinical, care, has probably done more harm than good. The three largest employers of the world, the Chinese Army, the nation of India's railway system, England's National Health Service (NHS). The NHS uses about as many robots as it employs people. Robots do everything except counseling with patients. With the robot type care Americans receive from professionals, most would agree, that things in your doctors office, hospital cannot get much more impersonal.
We live in a time of much knowledge, knowledge easily accessible. Instead of watching useless trash on television, and since you went to school and learned to read, use your learning skills to care for yourself... holistic treatments through supplements, herbs, enzymes, nutrition, clean air and drink. The body has remarkable ability to heal itself, IF you allow your body to do so with nutrition, God-given remedies found on and in the good earth.
You do not need a scientific education to understand that health care is largely common sense. Now, we are not talking about the need for Cryo-Surgery, Osteo Replacements, and other highly specialized health care. We must get laziness out of our systems, learn to care for this temple called the Human Body, because it is a temple not a dumpster and, in spite of the dream-world ideas that we can throw away our health to gain wealth and then spend wealth to regain health.. that the government can take care of our needs while we spend our money to take care of our wants... the time has come and it its staring us right in the face, that we must take care of ourselves and to a large extent, family and friends too.
At a time, that we want to take a pill for the sniffles or the dribbles, when it is easy to get to the Emergency Room for anything. In the case of a nuclear disaster or a horrific act of God, (this year 177 earthquakes) your ability to see professionals at a hospital or otherwise, may be zero. Hospital workers like law enforcement, firefighters, will be at their homes protecting their families. There will be no gas for cars or EMS to go anywhere. Without electricity, water, transportation, you are on your own and this could extend for weeks, months, or years. It may be necessary for you to become your own mortician. The pioneer, pilgrim spirit, which made this country great, may make a re-appearance and we could become again, “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.” Above all, you need good walking shoes, a nearby source of water, a shovel to dig a “slit-trench” for body waste, an Ace Bandage.
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