Carl Jung; 1875 – 1961, preeminent Swiss psychiatrist said, “God burdened man with thinking”. The problem is, people do not want to think, many do not have anything to think with and, they certainly do not want to know anything that will change their lifestyle, bad habits, etc.
This weekend, Las Vegas, Dan Wheldon, British race car driver, father of two boys, was killed in a fiery crash on the racetrack, he was attempting to win five million dollars. It does not make any difference how much money you have or how little you have, when death comes. Disease, health, and death all depend on your attitude toward your body, a temple, not a dumpster.
More Christians are killed by physicians and Pharmacists than anything else. The great Christian reformer, Martin Luther said, “Jewish Dr.'s had killed more Christians than anyone else”. We know that Jews have monopolized the healthcare fields. When this writer was so depressed, so tired of study, I looked around at all those Jewish boys in my class and thought, “with this many Jews, studying to be doctors, there must be money in what I am doing.” We know that the healthcare professions are filled with Jews, physicians, dentists, optometrists, osteopaths, etc. It is a definite fact, certain beyond dispute, doctors make money from patients because of the patient's ignorance. If the average patient would study their body, learn what is happening to their body, most could treat themselves. The body has a remarkable ability to heal itself.
Essentially, it all involves the alimentary canal, the distance from the mouth to the anus and what happens in between, what you put into the mouth. The garbage-sludge retained in the body, a feast-breeding group for microorganisms. Antibiotics kill germs in your body but do not remove the residue. Your most important bodily function is elimination, getting the rotten feces from your colon... particularly the waste of animal tissue “meat” you have eaten, the worst possible thing you can put in your body. Live, green plants (vegetables), fruits detoxify. Meats burden and tax your digestive system.
There is nothing better for your body than fasting along with drinking plenty of liquids particularly water. When you cleanse your body, it does not have that putrid smell. When you go into a steam room, the pores of your largest organ, the skin, sweat. The sweat smells exactly like a decomposing corpse, the worst smell in the world. There is nothing that smells worse than a decomposing human body. Other decomposing animals do not smell as bad because they do not have as much putrefaction in their body... mucous (which often you can cough up, etc.).
We have all heard about actor, John Wayne’s colon, pounds of putrefaction in his colon when he died. It is essential for the colon to be cleansed with colonic irrigation, making one look healthy, feel better, live longer. Dick Clark, television personality, attributes his continued youth and good-looks to colonic irrigation. Much of the old doctor's practice, treatments, involved enemas... a good cure for arthritis, diabetes and cancer. Disease, aging, death are largely determined by your colon. Fat globules, microorganisms, food and water intake, determine survival. Old people should eat off a a saucer, it takes very little food. Most old people I have known are only interested in another big meal and a good bowel movement.
Be good to your body, the temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:17) and your body will be good to you.
Man's inhumanity to man is beyond comprehension but it is nothing new, Assyria-Babylon, conquered 126 nations. Before the Jews were herded to Babylon in the Babylonian captivity, the conquerors first forced the King of Judah, and before they destroyed Jerusalem, to watch them kill his two sons with fire, then they gouged out his eyes before they killed him. Today, in America, 1700 children die each year of torture, one child beaten to death every five hours.
This very weekend four disabled adults chained together in a basement in Philadelphia, starving, so their terrorist-suspects could spend their social security checks.
In this economy, child abuse, rampant, because of financial stress in the home.
Stress is the “black death” of our nation. Before 1930, stress in the field of biology was unknown. Stress pertained to mechanics or physics
Now, stress is attributed to neurological and psychological problems, the failures of any animal. Signs of stress may be cognitive, emotional, physical, or behavioral. 47 percent of all sicknesses attributed to stress. The relief of stress, health of the body is dependent on the nutrition of the cells. Most bodies are starving from lack of nutrition. Although graves are being dug with a fork, the eating of junk food, which fill the stomach but give no homeostasis in the total health of the individual.
This aging writer can think of no better place to start educating people about their body than at the schoolhouse. The most vital part of a child's education should be nutrition, correct eating habits. It is an insult to the taxpayer, paying the bill for free lunches, etc., and should be an embarrassment to the education officials that the school's dieticians and teachers are so ignorant and unconcerned about caloric-intake in the schools. In all teaching, impetus on good health coming from calories not chemicals.
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