I spent much time today with my accountant. Unlike the 47 percent who claim American citizenship and yet pay no federal taxes.. Thank God I still pay taxes - local, state, federal. This totally blind 100 percent disabled, service connected, medical officer, veteran of the Korean Conflict - 60 years ago, still thanking God every day that I am still able to function and, He has blessed me enough over all these years that I still pay taxes.
Don't think for one minute that it does not bother me, God is able to forgive any sin, heal any wound. God forgets when He forgives but, He never allows you to forget and, you never get over poverty.
Looking back, completely transparent, His Sovereignty involved in seeing you through the many years of school so you could serve God and your country. Again, don’t think for one minuter it does not bother me what has happened to my country. It bothers me about current OCCUPIERS... occupiers on Wall Street, occupiers in other public squares in my country.
I have problems with many men who have occupied the White House, that big mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with 14 fireplaces, expensive servants, serving food to dictators and local agitators on gold plates... now occupied by a loan shark of last resort, a man who could not pass a CIA security clearance to become janitor in a public school. (hoax-forged birth certificate, hoax-fraud social security number, all records pertaining to education, etc., sealed)
I have problems with occupiers of many seats in government... administrative, congressional, judicial. So many appointees, filled by big contributors, people with a socialist-antiChristian-welfare-gay agenda. Members of congress, only there because of money, it is true, we have the best congress that money can buy.
One of the greatest documents written by man, the Constitution of the United States of America. Americans have freedoms and rights under this document but, we must depend on the veracity and trust of its enforcers, law enforcement, judges, and above all, it's interpretation by the Supreme Court. The lower courts and the Supreme Court, because of politics, have become a cauldron of political expediency.
I resent those in the seats of bureaucrats, offices, state-owned vehicles, etc. We all know, just as they know, that they are there with nice salaries, nice benefits, nice retirements, nice vacations, nice sick leaves, because of who they know. These occupiers of the bureaucracy have no idea of what those endure who pay the taxes to pay their salary. Every time I encounter one of the bureaucrats, a blind decorated veteran, they go out of their way to show how much they despise me and you.
I resent the occupiers of prisons who, on my tax dollars, live and eat better than I do. They could see how to lie, cheat, and steal, rape, pillage and murder yet, do not have a worry about paying bills for insurance, staying warm or cool, caring for those who depend on them. They do not care about rehabilitation because they have never lived so well.
I resent those who occupy welfare roles. Now I realize that many are justified, are drawing welfare checks, using their plastic grocery card to keep them from the stigma of food stamps, drawing an unemployment check, etc., stopping because of disability, many things they cannot prevent. But, many of these on welfare have learned to “play the game.” In Berne's book, Games People Play, we are told about all the games, especially the “dippers” from the government trough... welfare recipients, retirees from two or more government jobs, poachers of the disabled.
I resent the occupiers of seats in classes resulting from government grants... loans which they never expect to repay. Government largess in education has filled every type school with students who in a past world, because they had thrown themselves away, not caring about excelling in the lower grades, now find an easy life in the classroom... via the taxpayer. The ROTC student, students with government grants involving any course of study, receive more money than the disabled veteran. Community colleges, “so called” Christian colleges, technical schools (hairdressing, secretarial, air conditioning and other specialties), will work the system in order to pay large faculties giving administrators, teachers as well as students, easy living, a fantasy life of the rich and famous.
In world travel, I have seen what communism does to human beings. We are becoming it's victims in this “Land of the free and home of the brave.” Venezuela's Chavez is indoctrinating his puppet, Obama, and here are the ten foundation stones of the communist manifesto... READ AND WEEP.
Abolition of Private Property.
Heavy progressive income tax.
Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
Confiscation of properties of the discontented, rebels
Centralization of credit by state controlled, National reserve bank.
Centralization of communication and transportation by state.
Extension of factories and production, particularly farm land.
Equal liability of all labor, industrial armies controlling agriculture.
Combination of Industry and agriculture, abolition of distinction between town and country.
Free education for all children, combination of industry with children in production.
America has been occupied, lost the war without firing a shot.
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