Please don't ask me what's on my mind... I'm a little mixed up, but I'm feelin fine (words of Elvis Presley in his song All Shook up) We live in a mixed up world of mixed up values/.
I was sitting across the table at a a civic club luncheon from the pastor of a large baptist church. He was bragging about the expenses of his dog, veterinary bills, food and toys. It cost more for this preacher to feed his dog than I spend on my own food. I said to him, “Is this what our Bible calls “unnatural affection”” ? Of course I knew that the Bible was referring to homosexuality, (Romans 1:26, Leviticus 20:13) I realize that a pet gives unconditional love but, one having traveled the world, having seen so many starving children, I simply cannot understand the money spent on animals.
For instance, an employee, now working for me formerly working for a dog trainer. The owner, trainer of dogs received $50 per hour to train a dog, receives $50 for a dog to spend one half hour in a pool, receives $20 for an hour in the agility yard and orders special beef for the dogs of some owners costing from $5 to $20 per pound. Josh, another employee who, with his wife, spent over $50 per week for dog food for just one dog. I was raised on a farm where our dogs worked for their keep. They were fed table scraps, which they loved but they accepted the responsibility of patrolling the entire farm, keeping all the other animals in line.
In this world of mixed up values, where trainers are paid to discipline dogs but children go without discipline from anyone, where many adults as well as children can never afford to eat meat. God will supply His own discipline. Man is the only animal, with a soul, who knows that he will die.
There are 23,000 nuclear weapons in the word today. Half of these owned by Russia and America. There is no way to determine ownership or trace smaller, suitcase type nuclear weapons. We know that many terrorist groups have them... bought and sold like commodities. The most used terrorist weapon, plastic explosives, C4. Many innocent children, as well as animals will be killed by such.
When Jesus Christ left this earth, He said, “Occupy till I come.” (Luke 19:13) Many of the world's problems would never have appeared if follower's of Christ had heeded this admonition of taking His place, occupying, until His return.
Starting in Egypt, protestors about tyranny, now Egyptian coptic Christians being beaten down in the streets. Protestors in other places finally uprising against Muslim tyrants (Libya, Tunisia, Syria, Saudia, Yemen, etc.) now the popularity of protestation spreading to America. It is called occupying, communists and communist sympathizers, spoiled brats of American largess who do not know what they are doing. Freak show Hippie types, liberals and a few conservatives disgruntled with the world bringing on more rapidly than the world thought possible, acknowledge the corruption of both Wall Street and Washington, DC. Most of these folks are all mixed up, do not know what they are doing, or why. IF they were fit to occupy the shoes of working people, they would not have the time for such protestations.
These protesters and their organizations are financed by George Soros who is trying to buy the world, who made his billions in Satanic enterprises. (buying and selling Jewish humanity in Europe)
The one lesson history has taught us, more than any other, it is better to obey than sacrifice. (1 Samuel 15:22) Rebel liberals know nothing about Hitler killing 50 million attempting to occupy, to change the world. From dumbed-down schools and universities, these rebel liberals learned how to put a condom on a cucumber, but nothing about the history of the republic, capitalism, free enterprise, the honor of work.
Society is falling through our hands like a ripe fruit. It was scary enough for Obama to be elected the first time, a Marxist, Muslim sympathizer without credentials of any type (valid birth certificate, social security number, ethic of accomplishment.) even scarier, after a season of disaster, some still support him. If nothing else, this shows how mixed up people can become. The occupier of the White House, many occupiers in government must be removed.
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