One of my medical anatomy professors Dr, Rafalko, told me once about the perfect murder. He said, “You can take a hatpin like a woman uses in her hat, put your victim to sleep, run the hatpin through the pupil of the eye, penetrating the retina and the bone which surrounds the retina, into the brain and you will provoke a perfect embolism or stroke. You can withdraw the hatpin from the head of the victim, the cornea over the eye will almost never show the penetration of the eye, unless a trained eye looks into the deceased's eye with an ophthalmascope and they never do such in an autopsy. The patient will give every symptom to have died by stroke which accounts for many deaths. (the big three - heart attack, cancer, stroke). To the uninitiated, everything is obscure. Most people thrive in a vacuum of obscurity-ignorance. A young man, father of four children, was working for me, having lost his construction job. He said, “I owe more money on my truck than it is worth”. The bank had already picked up his car which also was underwater. “I am going to just give the bank the keys too my truck and try to buy a used one cheap”. He did not realize that he could not borrow money to buy anything and that the full amount of his previous loans, both car and truck were still owed and would forever be on his credit report (called deficiency balance). Forty one percent of all underwater houses have a deficiency balance. Even though you may give the keys back to the bank, since your mortgage is more than the value of the home, you would still owe the original loan on the home (deficiency balance). This amount will be forever on your credit report.
College students who try to evade paying their college loans (cannot get a job, job obtained – not enough to live and repay loans, etc.) will find that the deficiency balance will haunt them the rest to their life... always on their credit report, affecting future purchases of anything, even insurance. Such is the trauma of borrowing money to go to college and getting a degree in worthlessness. It is truly amazing the number of restaurant servers, taxi drivers who own graduate degrees. The American people have been sold a fraud, hoax. A college degree, even a High School diploma, promises you nothing unless you have natural God-Inspired, self-acquired, talent and ability to go with it. I learned long ago, you can be the best doctor in the world, able to recite data-statistics from your textbooks... graduate at the top of your class but, without personality-charisma, you can be very unsuccessful. Eighty percent of a professional's career success (doctor, lawyer, teacher, etc.) depends on your God given-acquired personality. Like the hatpin, hard to uncover or discover. We have a new CONFIGURATION in world activities. In this nation's activities, many places in America about fifty percent of all homes underwater. One Washington, DC expert has suggested that the underwater homes be bulldozed so new housing projects can be built, increasing construction jobs. This is the objective of the Obama Administration, to put everyone in communist type gulag, government housing projects.
In the new configuration, bankruptcy has become a criminal operation. Morality at the top affects morality at the bottom. Chicago type decadence and racketeers such as Daley of the Daley machine, Rahm Emanuel, and even the conspirator in chief himself, Obama incentivizes those on the lower rungs of the ladder to cut corners, especially , everyone living as frugally as possible during hard times, “MooChelle” spending $10 million of vacations this year. Her recent South Africa trip, according to Judicial Watch (using The Freedom of Information Act) cost the taxpayers over $500,000 which does not include secret service and other expenses. Her two young daughters were listed as “Senior Staffers” She took her mother, niece, nephew, hairstylist, make up artists and other staffers with her.
The Obama's are enjoying their life of prestige, pretension, with the taxpayer funded fleet of jets, mansions and all other “decadence” accorded the chief executive. This is a new configuration-deficiency which will stay on their record at a time when Americans are living as miserly as possible... indentured servants.
For 2000 years, this side of the cross, the public has chosen thieves. Those who wanted change chose Barabbas. As our blessed Lord died on a cruel cross, Barabbas was back on the streets robbing. The blessed story, two thieves on either side of our Lord, one asked for forgiveness. (Luke 23:39-43) Jesus told us to remember him at the communion table. The Obama's, like many of us, should learn about “the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches”. (Mark 4:19)
In my life, the people and things which I thought were so important cannot do very little for me (family, friends,money, degrees) but God can. Like us, those in power, in the darkness of the night will deal with self and selfishness... deficiency balance.
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