Michael Savage, popular radio talk host, national call-in show originating from San Francisco, perhaps the brightest, PhD - Botany, author of many books, often refers to the Bible. Recently, he was reading from the old testament, talking of how the Bible, of all books verifies itself, has predicted every event in history. He said, “NO one wants to hear me read the Bible... most people hate the Bible.”
The day will come when those who hate the Bible, even the pretenders on church pews who do not want to hear the Bible, study the Bible, will think of their foolishness.
Last breath here, first breath, there. One minute after clinical death, you will either be enjoying beauty beyond compare in Heaven or horror and ugliness beyond compare in Hell. You have one of two choices and as always, there must be two in order to have a choice.
You can be pro-life or pro-death. Choice of eating healthy or eating foolishly (only you can decide if your body is a temple or a dumpster) Choice of sexual purity or sexual promiscuity (all sixth grade girls are not promiscuous) Choice of looking the best you can with what you have or retreating in your ugliness (some are disabled or deformed, some are short, some have unattractive facial features, etc.) It would be a wonderful world IF everyone, were beautiful, healthy, wealthy and wise. God made you what you are, a unique individual. Of the seven billion people living on earth today, of the billions who have lived before us, just as He designed every snowflake, every grain of sand, there is not another, has not been another like you... special facial features, special voice, even special Iris flecks in your eyes. You are SPECIAL.
It is the unexpecteds in life that we cannot control. The Friday, March 11, Tsunami that hit the mainland of Japan, waves were 90 feet high... just wiped out everything for miles, ocean going vessels put on land. The thousands who lost their lives in this tragedy, like the thousands who lost their lives in 9/11/01 were industrious, charismatic people who went to work in the morning, they loved and were loved. A disaster has hit America every month this year, taking lives. Religious faith has nothing to do with it, God does what He pleases but, the choice of belief in a Power greater that ourselves is our choice. In 1995, only 1/2 of 1 percent of the people of Japan were Christian. Today, 12 percent are Christian.
I don't care how blasé, reckless, unconcerned a person may be. In the darkness on his bed, in the bedroom at night, every person's soul reaches toward belief. Each of us has the choice, the uncertainty is there. In 1982, the Tylenol scare, someone putting arsenic in bottles of Tylenol. One magazine states that 3200 people are killed in auto accidents each day (caradvice.com). On the highway, particularly in the flimsy cubicles of metal in which you ride a vehicle coming towards you in the adjoining lane is just a few feet from killing you, and so it is with so many things, hazards of daily life. You have the choice of living with fear everywhere or living by faith. God's word tells us 365 times not to fear. I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. (Psalm 34:4)
It is easy to understand why young people do not believe in anything anymore: 75%, after leaving home for college, never return to the church. They see the prosperity of the wicked gangsters in government, financial system. The average salary at the United Nations is $119,000 per year. Priests, pastors, politicians, teachers are at the very bottom of their list in respectability. Doctors, lawyers, dentists, big Pharma at the bottom of their list of respectability. You have a choice of being a model citizen... a model professional, or being a reject of society. All criminals are not in prison, many cross the boundaries or live close to the boundaries of lawlessness. Many have “honorable” before their names, have dipped the public treasury dry, now live at ease on fat pensions.
One university student worked for me one day, drove my car (me scared to death) one time. His father was a retired Marine General. His grandparents retired thoracic surgeons. Since his father was a retired General, even though the student's abilities were slim he had always lived like a Prince... ate out in a fine restaurant every meal, had worked with Greenpeace for many years, no salary. He told me, without shame, “I despise everything that is good or decent in the world.” He had made his choice.
I lived through the Great Depression, I have seen death, depravity, disease all over the world. I made my choice concerning self denial, living within a strict budget at least seventy years ago. I know what has happened to those who spend and spree. The most important boundaries in the world are boundaries you impose on self. In this Great Recession when prices are rising dramatically every day, what will happen to the 47 percent who pay no income tax, the 47 percent so-called middle class who are heavily taxed, when milk prices rise to $10 per gallon.?
In eight 'round the world trips, many horrendous sites. Perhaps the worse, the death wagons in Bombay, India (wagons going down the streets every morning picking up dead from the streets, human beings being born on the streets, living there entire lives on the streets and then dying on the streets. Mother Theresa could not save them all.
I could never understand prostitution, whoredom. A human being, female or male, who would sell the most private part of their existence for money. It is now the American system, State houses, courthouses, church houses. We made the choice to forget our boundaries and every day we experience the results.
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