I was the world's poorest college student. My roommate, Stewart Mooring, asked me if he could borrow twenty dollars, he was desperate for the money. When I was much younger, probably grade school, I heard a real old preacher say, “You can probably count your real friends on one hand, someone to whom you can go and ask to borrow twenty dollars. They give you the money without asking any questions.” I loaned him the money nothing attached. When someone sent me a news clipping of Dr. Stewart Mooring's death, prominent radiologist, Rutherfordton, NC, that was the first thing that occurred to me, he never repaid my money. Now, I know he did not forget the loan. Several times, even in medical school, he had reminded me that he was going to repay my money.
Friends remind me, almost daily, the financial condition of the world and yet, the restaurants are still full, people spending and spreeing... each American citizen owing the government forty-seven thousand dollars on the national debt. Most, especially the fifty percent who pay no taxes, the fifty-seven percent depending entirely on government entitlements and subsidies could not come up with one thousand dollars.
Our real security. Eternal security rests in salvation by grace through faith in truth and Jesus Christ is truth. (John 17:17)
The insanity of the world is that there is no limit to money, as my mother reminded me many times, dollars do not grow on trees. There must be something to back up the worth of money if not, you can have a $100,000 government bond, a piece of paper with a signature, and it is just a worthless paper. Much of it is being printed, fiat, worthless pieces of paper. European banks are being asked to forgive the nation of Greece's debt, worthless to fifty percent. Many of the occupiers on Wall Street have watched too many television commercials about credit cards being settled for pennies on the dollar.
There are many forms of robbery, inflation the most insidious. Most people understand personal robbery, personal hunger but do not understand the inflation of prices. Incrementally, they just keep going up like the famous “frog being slowly cooked on the stove.”
I was in Argentina, Bolivia, during their worse inflation, people in stores, constantly marking up prices. Not enough time to remove the old price, just marking through the old price and putting on the new.
Representative, Dr., Ron Paul, the only presidential candidate with down to earth common sense has proposed a $1 trillion CUT in government spending. This will be necessary in order to bring America back to it's sanity. Gruesome, awesome, it will affect everyone, particularly elitist federal bureaucrats.
We are living in an environment where protectors become oppressors. Governments, law enforcement, have forgotten that there is no honor in oppressing the citizens they are supposed to serve. Citizens are victim of a “Swithblade” society. (Switchblade Drones are kamikaze type specialized warfare equipment, from high up guided warheads can eliminate specific targets) If not enough mayhem in actual wars, the most prosperous country, Libya, being systematically destroyed by greedy investors, anxious for their oil. Not just the greed of those in Philadelphia, starving and not able to get their SS checks, in England, old, frail people with Do Not Resuscitate on their paperwork, being killed early to alleviate their expense to the government.
China kills more prisoners than any other nation. Iran is second, but in Iran more children on “death row” than any other nation. Young people in Iran put to death because of sex and drug addictions, tortured, never getting a fair trial. Muslims, who usually leave drugs alone now, in Somalia, such horror, that Kenya is invading. It is estimated that 40,000 have been killed in Mexico, involving drug traffic this year.
So, economic problems in America seem almost trivial, when, in the big picture, the Capitalism like the Socialism, there is a matter of lying, cheating, stealing. As the doctor said in the last chapter of Macbeth, “God help us all.”
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