On the farm, we learned early as children the mechanization-art of churning milk for butter. Probably, old as history, people were taught to put raw milk into large stoneware barrel type containers with a wood dasher, in which you gave the soured milk continuous motion until the butter formed at the top. Earliest churns were made of wood, the later electric churns were made of glass.
Cream rises to the top of raw milk and the cream churned produces butter. The butter is removed from the buttermilk, molded into cakes of butter about one pound each. My mother sold the butter, and many times the buttermilk. Buttermilk was used in the making of dough for bread.
It is from the familiar farm chore, exercise in producing butter, that the term churning arises, which is applied to many things. More so than any time in our nation’s history, even during the civil rights movement, we are seeing a churning in national life.
It has not happened accidentally, carefully planned. In the new world order, globalism-conspiracy of the super rich power brokers, this super power is being churned into international obedience. Incrementally and, because everything must depend on news media, print and electronic media have become state-controlled. If it were not for talk radio, you would never know of many developments., law enforcement, the judiciary, education, financial systems, all in obedience to politically-correct control. Control, like talking points, coming from the administration. Congress, under the guile and sorcery of administration threats. There was a time that money flowed from the people's house (House of Representatives) now, the administration makes all of the financial decisions. The president has become a loan shark of last resort.
So cleverly the president and longtime democrat control of the congress, longtime control of all bureaucracy, channel money, controls government. Republicans, out of power, even though in the White House, several times in my lifetime, know that democrats will out vote them, out maneuver them in every agency and almost every State. Republicans so itch to be popular with the press, Hollywood, academia, big money-giving corporations. Republicans, like most of us, have learned that democrats and sinners are more popular. Republicans itch to attend the big, sinful democrat bashes and cocktail parties. Republicans even have welcomed in to their mix, log cabin homosexuals, because these sinful-shameless gays and lesbians are so much fun... their campy attitude, their lack of restraint. Republicans, conservatives, Christians, itch to attend the big Hollywood-New York show-business parties. Republicans like the abandonment of morals found in the leisure-welfare class, non-working democrats. People who do not have jobs can play all day. One half this population fits this category, the 47 percent who do not pay any tax, who live casually, leisurely off the 50 percent “conservative worker bees”.
So, churned up, the other 50 percent of the population of America, now organized loosely, organized into the tea party... a mystery to the elitist Rhinos.
Rhinos (Republicans in name only), liberal republicans want to be democrats. They love the party mood, lack of morality of the democrats. Many Rhinos even believe in the killing of babies, same-sex marriage, increased taxation. Rhinos, like back-sliding Christians, are not willing to pay the price of absolutism. There are absolutes of right and wrong, saving and spending, black and white. Rhinos like the ambiguity of gray, not willing to pay the price of responsibility-opportunism-conservatism. The left, communist democrats, know where they stand... spending, spreeing, killing babies, sexual immorality. The right, Republicans, knowing that they are supposed to walk on the narrow road of moral conservatism, vary toward the middle of the road, a most uncomfortable and dangerous place, as proved by Bush 41, Bush 43, Dole, McCain and other Rhinos.
So, to the rescue, the rescue of a rapidly falling nation, the splendor, the integrity of the tea party movement... real conservatives, real defenders of the republic.
Herein, you have the difference, tea party patriots of the right compared to Wall Street protestors of the left.
America today is like the Viermark Republic just before Naziism . The brown shirts, mostly homosexuals had taken over the financially ruined Germany. Shame on Congress, ruining the military with the sexual problems of others. Shame on Congress, not knowing the difference in job producers and job consumers. Shame on academia, especially college students, particularly patriots, parents, pastors, willing to accept things as they are, the dumbest philosophy in the history of man.
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