Edmund Burke said, “Those who don't study history are apt to repeat it.” having lived through a large part of a century, I find the study of history more fascinating than ever.
About the time I graduated from the University, 1952, America saw the founding of several foundations... Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie. They were a place for the rich to put there money in a tax exempt manner. Tax exempt for the giver and a tax-wise procedure for the receiver, largess from these foundations financed planned parenthood, the Kinsey Reports and other groups involved in sex research. About the same time, heretofore banned magazines called pornography or “girlie” arrived on the public newsstands, Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, etc. Movie stars and starlets who had appeared on “true story” magazines fully clothed, looking their best, such as Elizabeth Taylor, Kim Novak now, “showed it all.” It has never failed, sin, stripping, nakedness, always goes with idols. (at the foot of Mt. Sinai when Moses was on the mountain face to face with God, a gold calf idol, children of Israel dancing naked around the idol) The Kinsey Reports continue unto this day (Indiana University.) To show how things have changed in this day of the gay agenda, same sex marriage, homosexual preachers, Alfred Kinsey spoke at UNC-CH and no announcement was publicized about his appearance.
50 years before, we have the founding of the ACLU, the establishment of the income tax. Marxist uprisings in Russia leading to the deaths of 26 million Russians and the tentacles of communism extending around the world.
The last decade of the 20th century, levels of political intrigue never dreamed of 100 or 50 years previously, whereas just a few decades before, a politician could win office using a few thousand dollars invested in posters, now millions to get elected anywhere for anything. The super rich who finance political campaigns, control the politician. This applies to industry as well as individuals. Large corporations do not mind paying tax or fear regulation, it forces smaller competition out of business. Large corporations, Like universities, science research institutions bow at the alter of government largess and control. Scientific groups and colleges do not care if they get private funds, could care less about alumni donors .
As in communist countries, bigness tells the story. In every 3rd world country, where Russia had taken over, Russia had built a stadium or other large monument to communism. The peasants and serfs looked at their enslavement by totalitarianism as wonderful-enriching bigness. For instance, Warsaw, Poland, largest building in the Capitol, a gift from Russia
Big pharma, big industry (Monsanto, WalMart ) Their lobbyists and friends in high places control your future. In the mathematical sciences such as physics, NASA will control your future. In healthcare fields, big pharma controls your future. In real estate, mortgages, securities, big banking controls your future. Obama spent nearly $1 billion to buy the Presidency and he will spend even more attempting to hold it. His worse nightmare, Herman Cain, who has become very popular with very little money, simply because Americans, after 200 years of racial conflict can easily see the contradiction in the character of these two black men.
Mid 20th century, education changed, the public school became a place for entertainment and indoctrination. The pseudo-profession of psychology got started, abolition of rights and wrongs... a complete change in vocabulary. Bad became good and sweet became sour. We heard nothing of homosexuality before 1950. Only the occasional arrests for “crimes against nature”. Now, first line denominations, (Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Church of Christ, Presbyterian, Methodist) Lesbian females and gay males in the pulpits. Military chaplains forced to marry same-sex couples. The enlistment of trans-gendered people into the services. The world's greatest military superpower afflicted by the homosexual agenda... incrementally women move from the office desk-nursing hospital to the front lines. The world's greatest center of denomination activity, sender of 90 percent of world's missionaries to foreign fields, ordaining women preachers and deacons in direct conflict with God's Word.
In 1775, John Adams, 2nd president wrote his famous book on military discipline. The contents of that book is used until this day, describing conduct of officers and enlisted.
Your surest foundation, forget these other tax exempt entities. Look in the sky (Psalm 19:1) When you have doubts, remember, your sins were forgiven before you were born. Watch a father and son walk down the street. It is not the son hanging on tho the hand of the father, but the father, his strength and eyesight, holding on the son, eternal security... the surest foundation. For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. (Proverbs 2:6)
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