Totally blind for most of my life, I've not been in a “regular “ store for years but, I understand the Holidays get mixed up, Halloween decorations already confused with Christmas decorations, and somewhere in between, Thanksgiving. Halloween, celebration of evil and the devil, now outspends Christmas, a “supposed” celebration of the birth of our blessed Lord. Of course the satanic forces of agnosticism, humanism, gluttony, have taken over all holidays, including Thanksgiving, strictly an American holiday where we are supposed to give thanks for the blessings of the year.
Neiman Marcus, the Dallas, Texas department store, has already come out with it's Christmas catalog. Each year, ridiculous costs on ridiculous things.. gift. This year a Yurt, the type housing structure which I saw in Mongolia when I traveled there, probably the type tent, outer structure which Gaddafi used in Libya and when visiting New York City. This “camping outfit”, felt-covered lattice structure with candelabra, plush carpets and pillows, retails for $75,000. A Fendi diamond and sapphire encrusted women's watch for $15,000, and for the child, a retro Victorian Flower Tricycle for $499.
Much like the White house, which serves Kobe beef at $200 per pound. Last night's World Series baseball tickets sold for $340.00. Such indecent extravagance on the part of some fellow citizens makes the millions without jobs, the millions losing their homes, the thousands in active warfare (5 wars Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, etc.) feel as peasants to the elitists of the world. In my lifetime, 81 years, America has been on a war footing with the common man just trying to survive while those involved in the military-industrial complex, and government workers live “high on hog”. This blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer, veteran of the Korean Conflict, has never been able to get a white cane from the government.
Most assuredly, God has shown his graciousness to America but, in His wrath, good will suffer with evil. Why do you think we will escape? It is impossible to predict the weather unless you understand weather. We understand that He has always exerted His Power and authority. The 53 milllion babies killed in supreme court-approved, legalized abortion, (1973) the stupidity of same-sex marriage, gays and lesbians in the pulpits, the cities of Libya leveled, innocent women and children killed by drones, and the list goes on, “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)
Life is very uncertain. Each week we hear about deaths from food contamination (Cantaloupes, Listeria – 16 dead, 40,000 deaths per year from junk food {telegraph.com}
I told a woman working for me, I need to eat green live vegetables. She brought from the grocery store a clear plastic bag of salad. She said, “You can eat this it has already been washed, I have seen them put it out at buffets in restaurants.” I said to her, “Get the magnifying glass, which we use inspecting silver trademarks.” I said, “I remember, I know what I am talking about. Look at the stems on the leaves... small specks of dirt, manure, etc. not washed from the leaves.” I said, “If this junk is left on, think of the microorganisms which you cannot see”. It is the small foxes that spoil the vines. (Song of Solomon 2:15) It does not take an Abrams tank, nuclear bomb to kill you. The most desperately sick people I saw die, died from food poisoning.
Use the intelligence which God gave you. Many have fled public school indoctrination to home schooling. Many have fled the pretending and pretentious of the modernistic, agnostic church to true worship in the home. Many have fled the alchemy, pseudo-science, hospitals, and private computer-driven caregivers to the personal care from holistic, alternative healthcare.
Africa’s most prosperous nation, greatest oil reserves, beautiful cities, 143 tons of Gold in their bank, Libya, has been flattened, turned over to nomads. The world's oldest city, Damascus and Syria is probably next. (Isaiah 17:1)
In His book, He tells us over and over about His truths, His plans for our life. We are watching the financial systems of the world die from the weight of their own lies. We have just seen 1 man, Gilad Shalit, (Hamas prisoner) exchanged for 1000 other men prisoners. It is difficult to build a house during a storm, to find a lifeboat when the water is rising. Man only has the ability, the choice, of reproducing himself. The preamble of the individual life should be particularly in these times where actions so affect “Holy Lands”, which is more important, “things” or humanity? Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (1 John 2:15)
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