It has been said that the dirtiest thing known to man about every germ found in the lexicon of microbiology is found on fiat, paper money. A friend of mine, PhD in bacteriology, told me there is one thing dirtier than paper money, that is the handle on a commode In a public bathroom. Most people flush the commode before even washing their hands.
To further satisfy his suspicions, authenticate his study, he asked the manager of a large shopping center with an appropriate excuse, to let him watch the cleaners of the bathrooms. He said they cleaned, wiped off everything about the toilets, except the handle of the commode. In his petri dishes, in media, he was able to cultivate about every type of bacteria found on the handle. This writer has spent a lifetime studying the survival of the species... just how reckless we human beings are in what we put into our mouths, touch with our skin.
In spite of what the law books say, always putting human beings, made in the image of God, (Genesis 1:27) on the same level with the lower animals. The lower animals, with some exceptions, (hogs) in order to survive are very protective of themselves and their young. Thank God every day for your immune system and try to strengthen your immune system. The greatest vector in your existence are the things at the end of your arms called hands. The muscularity, neurology of the hands, colon, coordinated with the eyes: phenomenon of human existence. Watch a great pianist, great surgeon, even a seamstress yet, with the same hands we constantly bring bacteriological death into our very existence... touching poisonous door knobs. Anything which others have touched or handled along with the history of “previous touchings”. We have that well-worn custom of shaking the hands of people having no earthly idea where that hand has previously been.
It is like deserting a sinking ship constructed of cardboard, rescued by a lifeboat constructed of tissue paper. It was only 150 years ago that surgeons, cutting and sewing, seeking to save lives, learned to wash their hands. The Titanic was a ship which could not be sunk but now, it is on the bottom of the ocean. Of the hundreds aboard, just a a few hundred were saved in lifeboats, bounced around in icy seas... almost lost. Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, famed WWII pilot was on rough seas in a raft for three weeks before rescue after his plane went down in the Pacific.
Most people carry around burdens, excess baggage, their entire life, seeking rescue. There is no sin which God will not forgive, no wound that God will not heal. The greatest joy of life, the thrill of existence, the Christian's lifeboat of salvation, assured of help “in time of need”. (Hebrews 4:16)
Have you ever seen an autopsy?, not a pretty sight, you open up the body, study everything, all organs, all tissues, to determine the cause of death. To the protestors on Wall Street, the people of America, still concerned about their country, I have done an autopsy of America. It is a matter of the seven deadly sins, to much pride in wrongdoing, anger toward one another, envy toward one another, laziness of many, lust-fulness (the objective of gays and the gay agenda) of many, greed of a few, gluttony (obesity) of a few.
The Middle East is rife with protests, long victimized-oppressed people seeking justice from ruling tyrants. The super rich, globalists of the world are puppeteering these orchestrated “coups”, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya. Syria, Turkey, even Israel. Like the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, holocaust in the Middle East leading to a confrontation, East against West with the involvement of Russia and China.
Like peeling back the layers of an onion, incremental-ism beyond comprehension, satanic forces... knowing exactly what they are doing, have taken over America. Firstly, the media, print and electronic, must be totally under their control. Dumbed-down by a wrecked education system, Numbed-down by CIA and other government agencies bringing in illegal drugs: further enabled by Big Pharma and prescription drugs, made cheaper by people who feel like they were cheated. An education system, judicial system, healthcare system, all kneeling at the altar of political correctness... all kneeling at the prison cell of government tax largess. A president with his loan-shark mentality of treasury bail outs. Churches, cathedrals, temples, whose leadership had rather be popular with the world than right with God, and, some of you in your stupor, think this nation can survive such profane decadence. As Gomer Pyle said, “Surprise, Surprise”. Communists as well as conservatives protesting there on Wall Street. Where have they been as our country drowned? Do they think they are a lifeboat? These very people who voted for the controllers of the “spigot” (Obama, Bernanke, Geithner, Goldman Sachs and their ilk, etc.) Where were these people when the congress exempted themselves from Wall Street racketeering. Poor Martha Stewart who had some insider information – went to jail. A Wall Street lobbyist said, “It does not cost me anything to give important information to congress-people.” Even Bernie Madoff said, “The game is rigged.” Who would think that fluctuations in the stock market of several hundred points per day are not manipulated. Fortunes have been made with computerized trading. Democrat congress-people have increased their wealth 750 percent in one year. Every government official, elected or otherwise, making money from warfare, should be in prison.
Remember, $9.4 trillion of wealth has been lost in the stock market in the last three months. Losses suffered by hardworking, God-fearing, taxpaying, average investors, just trying to get ahead. 100 years ago, General Smedley D. Butler said, “War is a racket.” Yes, protestors, there is much to protest form the God-fearing, hardworking, tax paying citizen who are paying the price. Not you, if you had a job, preparing for a job, or were aware of what has been going on for a very long time, you would vote differently, live differently. When a country has lost it's morality, integrity, it's Christ-centered foundation, only God can save us.
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