In the 1967 musical Hair, which I saw on Broadway. The most popular song, of which you heard almost constantly on the radio, a medley of two songs - Age of Aquarius and Let the Sunshine In.
Sunshine has always been a wonderful sanitizing agent. In this age of Androgyny (Webster: a mixing of masculinity and femininity) I will attempt to cleanse today's culture with light. We are told that men prefer darkness to light. (John 3:19) In my lifetime, the homosexual agenda, attempt at the confusion of masculinity and femininity by entertainers, secular media, and liberal educators. Anthropology, archeology and every social science tells us that every pagan religion is marked with rabid homosexuality. An attempt has been made to bring pagan Androgyny into the Christian religion... homosexual pastors and priests (Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, etc.), lesbian bishops (at least 25 in the Episcopal church) This week, a practicing homosexual was ordained into the Presbyterian ministry. (Scott Anderson, Madison, WI). God's Word is very specific about the sex of pastors and bishops. We don't know what scripture was used to get it started, several denominations have ordained women into the ministry... most prominent, Methodist. Now, some of the oldest denominations on this continent are making the attempt, not only ordination as ministers but as deacons (Free Will Baptists, Southern Baptists). Women have a definite role in the church but not as bishops, pastors, or even deacons.
There was never a time of more paganism, more homosexuality, affecting the church than at the time of the earthly ministries of Jesus and Paul... Roman rule, Roman paganism. Tradition tells us that even King Herod was married to two men. So, the Androgyny of same sex marriage is nothing new.
The latest paganistic romanticism with the Androgyny of the confusion of sex started after WWII. Women had left the home to work in defense plants. The absolutes of right and wrong, publication of pornography in magazines sold on newsstands (Playboy, Penthouse, etc.) because of an innocuous 23 word prayer, prayer and bible reading taken from the schools (1963), legalized abortion (1973). Schools and colleges turned over to academic totalitarian, non-conformist atheists. No longer were High School or College students taught that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. At the schoolhouse, the courthouse, your house, God was looked upon as a bellhop... anxious to meet your needs instead of you meeting His. The feel good sermons to “itching ears” of such modernists “actors”, playing preacher as Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, Jim Baker, Oral Roberts brought agnosticism to a new level. Taking flight from the redemptive Power of the Cross, even the Baptists and other evangelicals who had rather be popular with the world than right with God. The average baptist pastor more interested in his pastoral package (vacation, hospitalization, golf club dues), than soul-winning. Not just the Mega-churches, but most pastors and Christians unable to comprehend how the apostle Paul at the height of Roman tyranny towards Christians, blood running down his legs from a back lashing, thrown into the stinking, dirty stocks of a Phillipi jail, at midnight, (the other prisoners watched) (Acts 40:25)) as he and Silas sang hymns.
There was never any confusion about the maleness, BOLDNESS of early Christian men.
Dumbed down by today's schools. Numbed down by today's big Pharma, poisons in our water systems (fluoride, chloride). Chemicals leaching from plastics into everything, destroying maleness. The poet Gilbert Holland as in his poem, cries in vain (God give us Men).
I was once invited to hear “Reverend” Troy Perry, head of the Metropolitan gay churches, speak. Started in California in 1971 with 14 members now, nationwide, over 40,000 members. His entire presentation was an attack on America's traditional churches, making fun of the women in the church, the hypocrisy of the men yet, these gays claim to be Christ-like. Why not start an Androgynous denomination-church of your own. Satin has a church (1960 Anton Lavey - Satanic bible promoting carnal self, membership secret), wiccan, Europe and North American, organized witches much as Christian church but in hives, covenstead, loose membership covering world.
The first chapter of Matthew gives us the genealogy of Jesus. Three sections of 14 ancestors, 42 in all , many flawed men and women, including King David, continuous battles of real men and real women against Satin. (the only disgrace, Babylonian captivity of 586BC) There has always been rebellion of some type against the Creator. The Creation, the creature, has learned and will learn that “to obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22)
America, greatest super power now a traitor to sexuality. Incrementally, women moved, since WWII, slowly to the front lines. A lesbian working in one of my businesses “I was a “token” helicopter pilot in my squadron. She got paid, the billet, but never flew a helicopter.”
America, greatest denominations. Incrementally, women slowly move to the pulpit.
America, greatest wealth, children, sensitive, confused, cheated of mother and father in the home.
God give us men! A time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands
Gilbert Holland
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