God's greatest creation, Genus: Homo, the human being. We, looking back, see historic human beings far different than they were when they lived their lives. We must put flesh on them, realize that, as us, they were living their lives one day at a time. For instance, the three million children of Israel had no idea why they were marching around the city of Jericho. They were just told to march and keep their mouths shut.
Elisha, great prophet of the old testament, was busy plowing with 12 yoke of oxen, when Elijah, perhaps even greater prophet of the old testament, threw his mantle over him as his successor. In obedience and transformation (Romans 12:1), for 11 years, Elisha followed Elijah.
This writer, about 12 years of age, was plowing with a two horse plow on our farm of many generations. I stopped to let the mules rest for a while, laid back on the “good earth” looking up at the sky, studying God's creation (Psalm 19:1) knew totally, without question, my belief in the Creator. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. My belief in the Creator (John 1:1) determines my existence. I have failed God many times, but God has never failed me.
My university Physics professors taught that the universe is made up, 85%, of dark matter. No one has ever found one thread, one iota, of dark matter but, we are able to study the GRAVITATIONAL PHYSICS of planets around the sun. We are content to know that the planets move around the sun with precision, at exactly the right speed, at very exact distances. The scientists will tell you that comets do not collide with the sun, but we know they do.
Early kings and astrologers had the time to study their fascination with the universe. Just imagine those kings with their large, probably thousands, entourage moving toward Jerusalem where the Shekinah Glory of God was manifest in a very unusual star. God is Boss, He can do what He pleases, and certainly He used His magnificence in magnifying His magnificent son. The star moved on, five miles away to the town of Bethlehem over the place where the child was born, near the fields where probably millions of angels announced His birth to poor, humble, shepherds.
I am bewildered, and so are those who actually study, not satisfied with duplicity concerning the cult religion of Mormonism.
In the small community where I was reared, there was a small group, mostly people of the same family, Mormons. They had built there own, very attractive, LDS church. My small High School graduating class, 13, had three Mormon females, one male Mormon. They, like other members of their family, the cleanest, best behaved, people I have known. From my experience, one side of the world to the other (there are many Mormon churches on the Pacific Islands, etc.) I have nothing but praise for Mormon people.
My problem with Mitt Romney, Glenn Beck, Mormon politicians, (there are more Mormons in federal government than any denomination.) the deception of their belief with the claim of Christianity. In the Mormon church, the local leader is a Bishop, 12 churches become a stake. Mitt Romney is both a bishop and a stake president. The book of Mormon is primary, the Bible, secondary. Jesus and Lucifer are considered brothers. Mormons consider Jesus their elder brother but, above all, the most deceptive of all, after death the male Mormon rules his own planet with his many wives.
LDS, in recent years, claimed to be Christian. Joseph Smith, first priest of the Mormon church, member of the Masonic Order. Like Brigham Young, second priest of the Mormons and Mason, set up the rituals of the church and temple along Masonic order lines... secret activities, handshakes. The book, Can Mitt Romney Serve Two Masters, authored by a women from this town where I live, whose father was a local bishop here, tells of her marriage in the temple, the special secret rituals, stripped naked, bathed, special underwear, etc... both she and her husband. Now, everyone is not a Temple Mormon. Enough money must be given to become a Temple Mormon and the officials have the right to check your books. There is much discrimination against Mormons. Until recently, people of dark skin color were not allowed in the denomination. Perhaps the greatest heresy, God physically impregnated Mary, the mother of Christ, and that Jesus, was physically married to His friends, sisters, Mary and Martha.
We are all familiar with the clean, well spoken, Mormon missionaries. Glenn Beck, popular media personality, is their first evangelist.
As was the case with George Romney, father of Mitt, president of American motors, governor, presidential candidate, Masonic order has tiptoed around Mormonism, explaining David Barton's attitude. (many Masons in his family)
And of course, you have the likes of Joel Osteen, who believes Mormons, like himself, are Christians. Joel Osteen knows nothing about Christianity or anything else. Never studying scripture, never in a seminary of Bible college, not even having a suit to wear when his preacher father died. The money was good, with instructions from mama, he took over. And as it is with many “play-church” people, making Satin very happy, we just go along to get along. After all, in this day when the Christian church, above everything else, is hated in America, why should anyone care, deceivers or pretenders?
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