To the uninitiated everything is obscure. Dumbed down from the government schools. Numbed down from Big Pharma and other addictions. The American people do not have a clue about what is going on. Spoiled, obese, diabetic, pathetic in their ignorance, just keep your mind on television trash... millionaires running up and down a ball field, your gut full of GMOs, your brain numbed by fluorides and chlorides in your drinks.
New thoughts on judicial-due process restraint. New methods of military combat. Keeping the enemy, even American citizens in check-control by droneing, a new killing machine.
Two American born terrorists with family still in this country, Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, killed in the nation of Yemen by drones. (small, model airplanes, navigated from great distances, with the ability to discern facial features and drop a tremendous pay-load.)
In the Mumbo-Jumbo of Washington politics, a commander in chief totally over his head in the military as well as domestic policies. We know of drone usage in Pakistan, North Korea and even over metropolitan areas of America. It is agreeable with everyone that terrorists should be snuffed out but, is it agreeable that the disagreeable should be subjected to judicial-subjective activity. Who will be next, political opponents? Writers of questioning blogs? At least, in the old days, the antagonist wore black pajamas and arrived in black helicopters.
In a time when the average college student graduates $20,000 in debt, no jobs available, when liberals such as Anita Dunn and John Podesta crying about the super rich not paying their fair share, lobby for rich corporations such as Google, Apple, Facebook to be exempted from overseas taxes. The paradoxical-hypocrisy never ends. Both the rich and the poor, left and right feeling sorry for selves, hitting a mutual funny bone. Both republicans and democrats, right and left, jousting to screw the taxpayer with additional taxation... at least the few who still pay taxes.
Manipulating the stock market, not just a democrat party activity. (Democrats, Washington politicians, increasing their net worth with wild market fluctuations... 750% on the stock market last year). Wall street, hedge funds shorting stocks making obscene profits for banks and democrat politicians. In the past, warfare like stock trading was up close and personal. Even in WWII, many were killed with the bayonet, in the stock market you had the ticker tape in your hands.
To the 47 percent who are working, paying taxes, investing, the loss in the stock market of $9.4 trillion in the past three months has become very personal. With wars, field grade officers get promotions, Colonels become Generals. Always, it is the boys and girls from the poor homes that are killed along with innocent civilians ( From March, 2003 – August, 2011 over 110,600 deaths (AP)). Has your life really changed since the deaths of Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden? Think of the billions of dollars that could have been saved if these smart men wearing brass, scrambled eggs on their head gear, HAD “DRONED” HUSSEIN OR BIN LADEN.
The American taxpayer, God-fearing, hardworking, has greater enemies than Muslim tyrants. Specialist on the Great Depression, Ben Bernanke is public enemy #1.
Hitler's chief of propaganda, Herman Goebbels, must be very old now. He surely was kept alive, preserved in Washington, DC. Where else would Bernanke, the democrat party, the talking points fed to the media's propaganda originate?
David Wilkerson, pastor, author of the bestseller The Cross and The Switchblade prophesied before he recently died, that an earth shattering calamity was about to happen. Americans do not care about prophets but profits. Even if it comes from building war machinery to kill others resulting in the killing of their own children.
I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:2)
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