In the cocoon, isolation of darkness, blindness, the quietness of the night, living alone, you awaken from deep sleep and wonder about the time. For some reason, the electricity was off. I can usually tell the time by radios. BBC - London, gives the time and I make the four hour adjustment. My talking watch was “acting up” and I could tell nothing from it.
I had an epiphany of what it must have been like in the young life of Helen Keller, not only blind but deaf. Just think of that remarkable mind, totally isolated. Of course, she did not have a wealth of information about anything, having never seen, heard, just a mass of protoplasm in a silent world of darkness. Think what it must have been like when there was finally a breakthrough because of the genius of one woman able to reach her mind and finally communicate. Keller, buried in the floor of the National Cathedral. Washington, DC, is buried next to her wonderful teacher, companion, Anne Sullivan. (The Miracle Worker) She went on to graduate from Radclifffe college, political activist, writer, speaker, traveled the world, friend of presidents, an inspiration to the disabled. We are told that there are more deaths from stress, in these economic-financial times than heart attacks and many of the other usual death causes.
I have often said that there are things that I wish I could erase form my mind,... that I saw, when young, when I had eyesight. One, as a young medical student, Millington's veterans hospital, Tennessee, just outside Memphis. In one room, four WWII veterans, absent arms or legs... no limbs. They were just trunks, with heads, on special beds, someone having to do everything in the world for them. Of course, men in this condition do not live very long because of the stress of their condition. I don't know which is worse, to be totally helpless or semi-helpless still trying to live as normally as possible. I still believe that people who work for me, know me, think that I am blind only when they are around me.
George Foreman, world heavyweight boxing champion, said, that when he became a Christian he felt that had been raised from the dead. This is exactly true, because, when we are saved through the atonement of Jesus Christ, we have been raised from the dead. “Dead in our trespasses and sins, raised to walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:4)
Those who are just playing church, sophisticated, comfortable, card signers perhaps having experienced the baptismal pool (dry sinner, wet sinner) never knowing the joy of the Lord's table, the trust of eternal security, should have this epiphany. We are blind, deaf, helpless until we are a new creation.
The scientific world is being stressed now by new mutations produced by genetic changes in germ-bacteria warfare. The use of antibiotics has led to super germs. The use of weed control, such as Roundup, has led to super weeds. Not much publicity yet, super mold invading everything, just as super staphylococcus is invading most healthcare facilities, such as hospitals.
Because there is no longer any need for excellence, pride of accomplishment, even hope for capital in the scientific world, most are “asleep at the wheel.” Bowing at the altar of government largess, foundation funds, the scientists had rather please government and foundations, than solve problems. There is no longer stigma of failure, embarrassment of peer review, in the world of “political correctness.” Everyone just goes along to get along.
A scary thought, one that someone, someplace, should be thinking about. Viruses, all around us, biological as well as technological. What happens if by fate a molecular nucleotide, a modified reaction of genetic engineering, multiplies, and all viruses are supposed to multiply, much of the world's population could be wiped out overnight.
The best and most beautiful things in the world can be felt in the heart, the living word awakened my soul. These words from Helen Keller described the importance of our senses, senses which so many take for granted. Who is brave enough to present this message to the drug addicts, intent on destroying their God-given senses through elicit drugs, prescription drugs, or even beverage alcohol. Who is brave enough, from the pulpits and podiums of our nation... pastors, politicians, presidents, not only to warn populations concerning death from addictive diseases, but eternal death from ingrates not realizing the majesty of design, the human body with it's senses and immune system.
For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. (Psalm 139:13-14)
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