A young man working for me, age 34, wife and four children had lost his job in construction. I employed him to repair and refurbish buildings which I had been delaying.
He had been reared in a home of spiritual unbelief, his wife a cradle Catholic. They had decided that their children needed spiritual guidance. There was a large mega-church close by which some of their friends attended. So, on a Sunday morning, the family went to church.
He told me they enjoyed the band and the music. (this is one of those new, liberal “play-church” activities, drums and drama, bells and smells) They became thoroughly confused when the congregation had a communion service, the bread and the wine. I was not sure that these modernistic congregations even observed the Lord's Supper. The recurrent ordinance of the new testament church, the greatest act of the Christian life next to the initial ordinance, baptism. I fought any minister or pastor conducting this most important of all worship services, in not describing to visitors and even long-time members the importance and significance of this memorial service... which in most congregations is observed to infrequently. This worship should be observed often. This writer observes this act every day of my life... the taking of a taste of wine in thankfulness for the remission of my sins through the shed blood of Christ, the taking of a small piece of bread in thankfulness of the healing of all sicknesses and infirmities. Jesus bore all our sins and sicknesses on the cross (Isaiah 53)
This particular congregation boasts 31 pastors, one, just responsible for lighting effects. The adverb worthiness apples to the action of this faithfulness... memorial service. Pastors should make sure that this spiritual act is the greatest action in the Christian life, not a dysfunctional practice.
President Obama has declared the 112th Congress dysfunctional. My unsolicited advice to him, the entire American government, dysfunctional, the American education system, dysfunctional, the law enforcement-judicial systems, dysfunctional, all media activity, print-electronic, dysfunctional, healthcare, Big Pharma, dysfunctional, commerce-industry, dysfunctional, military services, dysfunctional. Above all, something that the founders and saints of old would never believe, religious-spiritual structure of the nation, completely dysfunctional.
THE WORD IS REDUCTION. Nationwide, the lifestyle of the American family has been reduced $1,315.00 this year. Every college, the large ones and the small ones, speaks of remedial study, reduction. High School graduates, unable to perform on a college level, matriculating simply because, to date, someone is paying the bill. With all our knowledge, research, billions spent, new developments, the advertising of drugs is more effective than the results... one of two males with cancer, one of three females with cancer. It was Viagra, now testosterone, then compliance to defiance, then 11% of the population on stress reduction.
Amazing that the Wall Street Occupiers, Capital punishment protestors, equal female rights promoters, defenders of children, are so quiet when one nation is blasted off the earth with aircraft, a national leader is assassinated. (Libya and Gadaffi) When did the attitude of capitalism, free enterprise, democratic spirit of compassion, lead to the destruction of the dysfunctional, through the force of drones and the farce of deceit.
To show the effectiveness of Obama's dysfunctional leadership prowess, the following American cities are in bankruptcy, the capitol-Washington,DC, the 2nd and 3rd largest cities, Los Angeles and Chicago, Detroit and Cincinnati and even Honolulu... a tribute to his leadership, his bailouts, his sell-out to socialism. Private investors, hardworking tax-payers, refuse to finance socialism. Europe is dying, bankers and tax-payers expected to take a 60 percent loss because of Greece. June, 2011, $826.5 billion owed on credit cards edged out by college student loans in the amount of $829.7 billion. In many states, 50 percent of family homes “underwater”. (more owed on mortgage than home is worth) Who is saying what about whom, dysfunctional you.
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