My driver pointed out a sign in front of a mega-church recently, it said “a new type of Christianity”. If you have not realized it yet, the world has gone completely crazy. Insanity has replaced sanity. I suppose, that in the new Christianity, Sin and Christ's redemption, is no longer important.
Perhaps pastor Rick Warren (The Purpose Driven Church) was right when he said “the preachers should just throw softballs.” He, like so many pastors and pew-warmers think they are just playing games with God. The Robert Schullers, Rick Warrens, Joel Osteens, Brian McLarens and others completely ignorant of God's word, will remember their “emerging church”, a new-age religion at “pay-day some day”.
In Hindu temples, I witnessed Hindu mothers sacrificially throwing their babies from tops of the temples...this is what they call “religion”. In Buddhist temples, I saw the worship of monkeys...monkeys all over the place being fed food which would have satisfied the hunger of children in nearby villages... this is what they call “religion”. On a South Pacific island, where they still fight with bows and arrows, and use polished pebbles for money, I saw young girls behind fences prostituting themselves to the “gods” who walked around in white robes...this is what they called “religion”.
Survival of our constitutional republic depends on a virtuous people. Look at your newspaper headlines, is all virtue gone? Evil takes over when good people do nothing. Evil people know that this nation must be “flooded” with illegal, undocumented aliens taking over the vote, the public schools, the health-care systems, the welfare systems in order that our constitutional first amendment (free speech) and second amendment (self-protection with weapons) rights can be taken over. We must lose our freedom of speech and our ability to carry weapons to fall completely under government control.
In all voting, at the top of the ballet, there should be one question, determining your vote: Do you trust your government? Anyone who votes yes, their ballot should be immediately thrown out. They do not have sense enough to vote for anything else.
For instance, in the Katrina hurricane disaster, drowning, dying, starving people were denied food and water until government force came through the city and removed all guns. The government lies, first words, people were firing their guns at recovery forces just as in Kuwait Saddam were throwing babies from incubators. We know this was all lies, and we could give many more.
In Bolivia, I saw the feeding of a 12-foot Boa constrictor with large rats. If you had a boa constrictor around you and he was squeezing you to death, and the constrictor said to “I will lighten up if you promise to give me everything you own.” Would you have any assurance that the boa constrictor would keep his word? This is the position Americans find themselves in in 2010, squeezed, squeezed, and then squeezed again with increased taxation: local, state, federal and soon international. Increased squeeze with licenses and fees, increased squeeze with controls on every area of your life, including your most private: health-care...all with the promise that “hope and change” are here and “happy days” are here again.
We do what we do because we believe what we believe, and most of our beliefs come from “stinking thinking”. In this time of political correctness, sorcery and spoilage, parents of children who will live through it should start thinking. We older people, many of us lived through the Great Depression, have “been there and done that”.
Patriotism 2010 means turning your children over to useless public schools where now it is alright for cross-dressing, sexually-confused teachers to appear as role models. At least one-fourth of all US school districts have dealt with the sexual abuse of children by teachers in the past ten years. Locally, several teachers have already been fired for sexual activity or pedophilia. We laugh at the so-called “sex offender list”, next to the local university campus, four sex offenders live in one apartment complex...evidently all living with section-8 housing assistance, food stamps, and other support from the taxpayers.
Patriotism 2010 means subservience to international, financial crooks. If you want to get seriously ill, study Goldman-Sachs and other international financial bankers. These crooks are totally in charge of international finance. To add insult to injury, they get large bonuses for their thievery, such as the 200 million bonus to Henry Paulson, former Secretary of the Treasury and C.E.O of Goldman-Sachs. Bernie Madoff, one of their pals, now in prison because he would not share his cocaine drugs (SEC knew his office was referred to as the North Pole), founded Nasdaq. He and wife Ruth, like Paulson, Rubin, Snow, O'Neill, Summers all living in penthouses looking down at the peasants trying to survive on the streets of New York City. Has the new patriotism degenerated to the place that a Greenspan or a Bernanke through words can magically make currency from thin air. Control not only on the world's money supply, but the destiny of hard-working, god-fearing, tax-paying citizens. Has this patriotism actually degenerated to the place that tax cheats like Geithner, Holder and Rangel can avoid taxes while being listed among the ten of most corrupt Washington politicians (judicial watch).
Patriotism 2010 means “don't ask don't tell” has evolved into “let everyone know you are queer”. Just a small percentage (Homosexuals comprise 3% to 4% of the total population, Blacks 13%, Disabled persons32%) disrupting the entire military at a time when cohesion is needed. Recently, my driver had taken me to my bank at midday, he said “You would not believe what is walking down the street: A 40-year-old man in drag”. We went into the local McDonalds, lo and behold, this same example of decadence came into the fast-food place, must to the amusement and disgust of the customers. Can one even imagine what military, esprit de corp, will be like when real warriors expected to perform in patriotic service of their county will endure with such accidents of nature, interfering. Why not just ask our enemies to walk in and take over? We seem intent on treason.
Patriotism 2010 mean leaving thousands of P.O.W behind in an unpopular war. We know this happened in Vietnam, veterans tried to bring their comrades home. Such politicians as Senator McCain hindered the process because he was more interested in his wife, Cindy, one of the world's richest beer distributors, getting the distributorship for vietnam. This is just one example of how and why America loses because of lost, once sacred principles of right and wrong.
We have bargained away our freedoms, America was great because America was free. Freedom does not come cheap, and we have cheapened patriotism in the year 2010. We went through slavery, child-labor, tenet-farmers, mill-workers, the sweat and tears of warfare, to wind up giving it all away to a gay agenda and liberal communist philosophy promoted by those who have paid little for the experiment.