When this writer arrived at Port Vila, New Hebrides... south pacific islands, I could not help but think of Dr. Samuel Johnson's book on the New Hebrides Islands. (Hebrides, an area of Scotland) More important, I remembered early missionaries John Paton and John Williams.
These men described the uncivilized cannibalism of the natives. John Paton actually slept on his wife's grave to keep the cannibal natives from digging her up. Today, a modern hotel, beautiful Christian people, one would never know that at one time these people of the New Hebrides were completely uncivilized. Today, western civilization, particularly America, we have abandoned our senses returning to a perverse person hood.
Even in my lifetime, after 5000 years of civilized behavior we would never have believed that Americans and particularly churches in America would recognize same sex marriage. In the most rampant, decadent, pagan-ancient civilization where homosexuality was practiced there was no such thing as same sex marriage. The most heathen homosexuals recognize the importance of the institution of marriage between male and female. ABANDONMENT of family always leads to perversity.
We do not expect modernistic, socialistic denominations such as the Episcopal and Lutheran who have put lesbian and gay bishops and pastors in the pulpit to join in the fight against perversion but, it is sickening indeed to find the largest non-Catholic denomination, the baptists with an “air” of political correctness running from this fight. As with the republicans in New York state who voted to recognize “same sex marriage”, they always come up with one word - “fair” They want to be so fair with the gays, lesbians, pedophiles, prostitutes of politics, FAIR TO SIN. They always come up with the same mantra, “God loves the sinner not the sin”, an ABANDONMENT of the Gospel. If there is one thing in history, theology, biology on which every mind should agree “one flesh” comes about with the child of a man and woman. Every child is precious not only from conception but from the very mind of God.
Rhinos “Republicans in name only”, members of the NRC (National Republican Committee) tell Christian republicans to concentrate on the economy, to leave off the social issues. I want the Rhinos, the NRC, to know that our nation is financially bankrupt because our nation is morally bankrupt. The same applies to the matter of abortion. We cannot kill thousands of babies each day with impunity... not a Christian nation... America is not Godless-China.
On my first trip to communist China, after the Nixon reopening in 1973 (I was on the first plane of Dr's and lawyers who went over for a visit after the reopening after Nixon) I was told about the one child policy, that couples preferred a boy baby. The creeks and swamps were full of drowned girl babies. God does not have a timetable, calendar, wristwatch but, He will have his way with China. From 1799 – 1892, even the supreme court of America declared this a Christian nation. America, in the 20th century abandoned Christianity. Since 1973, an infamous court decision, 53 million babies have been killed in the holocaust of abortion and , some think we will escape the wrath of God. The spineless politician, the spineless preacher, have a dire understanding of what has happened to past civilizations, even empires, who have “spit in the face” of the Sovereign God of the universe.
Today, we abandon God on our road to socialism led by an anti-Christ President. Democrats have become Marxists, republicans “dizzy” socialists. Republicans provide cover for Obama, hold his coat while he is in the bathroom. Evangelical Christians are so afraid of being called racist... you can call baptists – evangelicals – fundamentalists, hypocrites, modernists, anything but racist. Any thinking American able to do research, two brain cells still functioning know that Obama is an impostor and a liar. Patriotism, free enterprise, love of country flows in the veins of a Christians who know the history of this blessed nation. Every time this totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer and veteran of the Korean conflict thinks about his hard-working, god-fearing, tax-paying parents, grandparents, ancestry all of the way back to their landing on the shores of this nation, I cannot help but think that today's politicians, pastors have abandoned their senses.
Don't leave national repentance up to Rick Warren, Bennie Henn, Joel Ostein they have been bought off by their love of the world, flesh, devil.
My first air rifle, small shot, I was so anxious to shoot something. I saw a bird near the ground. After I shot the bird, I found her nest with two baby birds in the nest... waiting for the return of their mother.. now dead. This experience, early in life, cured me as a “wild game hunter” rather, then until now, my love for life and the giver of life whether an innocent bird or innocent baby... way... truth... life (John 14:6)
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