Farm life Is marred, in crop production by uncompromising, always present, always growing WEEDS. Before the time of chemical control (and I have been told by friends and family that I know nothing about modern farming), farm life was a matter of fighting WEEDS. With hoe, plow, brush ax you were always fighting WEEDS (referred to as “tares” in the Bible) which always grew back. WEEDS or tares have an ability to wrap their roots around the good crop. The liberals have tried to hide this fact.
My entire life, I have been aware of the effort to control population growth. (eugenics) The Illuminata-Builder Bergers and other-control people still see the need for the elimination of the unwanted people, people which Margaret Sanger, founder of planned parenthood, called WEEDS. Margaret Sanger, nurse, sex educator, birth control activist, founded planned parenthood in 1921. The movement was later financed by the Rockefeller Foundation who, until this day, along with the American taxpayer provides most of the financial support for planned parenthood Strictly a liberal agenda, Godless. (In spite of the fact the the Rockefellers were Baptists, Riverside Church , NY).
During the Eisenhower administration, John Foster Dulles, his secretary of state, took John D. Rockefeller on a world-wide trip showing him the need for control of the worldwide population, predictably for people of color. The present secretary of state, Hillary Clinton received the Margaret Sanger award last year. Among the largest contributors to planned parenthood such as George Soros, Bill gates, warren Buffet. The largest planned parent abortion clinic in America and the largest abortion clinic outside china is located in Houston, TX, the country's fourth largest city and located in a minority section. Today , 52% of all black babies are aborted 1500 each day (In NYC, 1489 abortions for each 1000 black live births, Washington, DC 1600 for each 1000 black live births). In 2010, Planned Parenthood revealed a total income of $1.1 billion. Taxpayers shelled out $363 million to pay the abortion provider's bottom line through federal and state grants and contracts (or 33% of its entire income).
We have always known that to lower the population of the earth you just have to castrate all males. Much more acceptable particularly to democrat liberals, black socialists, Baptists and religions of the social gospel, chemical castration, fluoride into the water systems, leaching chemicals from plastics, agenda of same sex marriage makes eugenics socially acceptable.
We learn more each day about the effects of dye-chemicals in clothing and every other way that dyes come in contact with the skin and what they do to the systems of human beings. While I was in college, there was a White House conference on mental health, this following the Korean War in which mind control was such a part. Before this, most informed had never heard of ADD or ADHD. Today 20 million children are under the care of psychologists. What for centuries had been normal for all mammal animals, males, who are active, exercising, climbing, running now must be under chemical control... drug-induced apathy. The DSM manual (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), In 1952 was just a few pages with only 22 diagnoses, in 1994 130 pages and in 2000 943 pages. (1994 only 293 disorders and 2000... everything a disorder). “Follow the money” The school system gets just as much for a student with a mental complexity as for a blind or deaf student. Big Pharma sells barbiturates. Parents should understand that these disorders that pay them money when their child is a student, stays on their record when the student looks for employment. Validity and liability have hot been proved with most scholastic problems, ADD ,ADHD. Sure, the child is quiet and stares at the book but comprehends nothing. Psychotropic drugs lead to servility even worse, effeminization of the male, servile robots. Barbiturates are not candy. I have said it with oldsters, I say it with youngsters, the toxicity of chemicals will slowly destroy the body,... slow suicide. Many parents have traded running, jumping, climbing of their precious male student for a catatonic, effeminate robot... a controlled WEED.
“Mental health” is like “military intelligence”, fascinating nomenclature.
When will the black caucus in congress, the black ministerial group predominant black educators in black colleges discover the the black male student has become a “throw away” member of society. I don't have to cite the dropouts, addictions, street drug sales, imprisonment.
The thing that has perplexed me most in this “war on drugs”, the person in dark clothes selling drugs on the street corner or the person in a white coat prescribing drugs in a clinic or even schoolhouse. With addiction, you pay in one way or another for the rest of your life but, red yellow black or white you are precious in God's sight...precious from the time of inception in the womb until your natural death at the end of life.
Human “WEED-CONTROL” has become a trillion dollar a year business. We are all on a giant roller coaster, ups and downs... normal as living. When you see a father on the street with his son, holding on to the hand of his son, amid danger, it is the CONFIDENCE of the father holding on to the son rather than the son holding on to the father that gives assurance the Creator, our Heavenly Father gives us such confidence an assurance
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