Regardless of education, much of the history, archeology, geology of the earth is conjecture. We have a tortured earth, God in His infinite wisdom shuffled the crust, great mountain ranges, great veins of coal in unexpected places (coal veins have no consistency some have oil, others do not, with some coal you find leaf fossils in which you can actually determine an ancient tree) There were surely tremendous magnitude earthquakes as the earth opened up the great lakes, where most of the world's fresh water is found, like waves in the ocean, moves across to form great productive plains.
A Magnitude 10 earthquake is crossing Europe, financial-banking problems which will affect the entire world. Even, George Soros, torturer, mover, shaker, speaking of a double dip USA recession said, "I think we are in it already," (said to CNBC) Soros, one of the world's richest men, financier of the democrat party-Obama and has his foot in all Middle East activities. Like Axelrod and others in the present administration, would join in the destruction of America (David Axelrod, assistant to Obama was born in Moscow, grandson of Leon Trotskey assistant to Stalin).
If Christians are not involved in politics then the gospel is not important. This totally blind veteran is sickened that Americans are not concerned about their country, particularly Catholics and Baptists (“supposedly” pro life-anti abortion, pro family-anti same sex marriage, pro family-anti homosexual agenda and defamation of the military services.). Catholics who voted 54 percent Obama and who control 70 percent of the USA vote, Baptists, largest non-Catholic denomination who are supposed to be fundamental-evangelical in faith and practices. I could never return to a Baptist church because baptists have taken flight from the ideas that made America great.
Our second president, John Adams, said, “The constitution is only for religious and moral people, the unbelievers just don't care.” I find that baptists have become an unbelieving, pretending denomination, particularly in their colleges and larger churches.
If those who “claim” the name of Christ were serious, they would be concerned about the illegal alien in the White House... a man whose SS# 042-68-4425... found on his selective service form, tax forms, other papers concerning his Chicago house, is a fraud. There are 452 million social security numbers in America, easy to obtain, any Sheriff's department can do it, very few are fraudulent. Obama's, belonged to a Connecticut citizen.
Those of us in the military know the hoops through which we jumped, paperwork involved, investigations done, for an officer's commission. Obama could not obtain security clearance to get a job as a janitor in a public school. Reportedly, the public heard him lie, Bill Ayers lived in his community, his children went to school with Ayers' children, Bill Ayers' children are 23 years older than Obama's. His father went to school on the GI Bill although his father was never in the military. One thing after another like this, yet the media, pastors, veterans groups, silent.
Perhaps, just perhaps Americans will awaken when, because of the pending financial disaster... the Magnitude 10 earthquake hits here, store shelves are empty, moneyless ATM machines.
Synagogue of Satan’s, Bernanke, federal reserve will just keep printing worthless fiat paper money. Much to our embarrassment, NC's Perdue will try to throw out the constitution, Rhinos will just keep talking. A real nightmare, in 10 years, resulting from Obama's opening the military to the gay agenda, high ranking gay commanding officers, wearing weapons, in charge of the few Christians left in charge of the military service and the country. When children leave home, go to college, 75percent leave the church. A nation's greatest wealth, civilized citizens from civilized two parent homes. The government does not care if a married man and woman love each other. The country-government depends on their production of quality citizens. This is the reproductive process, a process which Obama and the gay agenda does not comprehend.
The world is a better place because of once Christian America... blessed of God. God does not care for false religions (Rev. 17). The atheist, dog eat dog, classless tragedy, Hindus, human beings in a caste system, Muslims, destruction and hatred, etc. God designed the world and everything in it to please Himself, a system of absolutes for mankind, involving totally sin's ruin and Christ's redemption. (John 17:3) It is not too late for God to forgive our ungratefulness.
We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us: for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God. (Jeremiah 3:25)
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