Emotional Filters
One-third of our lives is spent with our eyes closed. Sleep is a perfectly natural part of living and, when we sleep, most of us dream. I have been convinced for a very long time that there is not enough significance paid to dreams. Scriptually, dreams were a large part of the biblical life. Have you ever considered how different history would be if Joseph, one of Jacob's 12 sons, had not been a dreamer? Now, Joseph, whose preminance in the old testament cannot be denied, a type of Jesus, just as Isaac, Abraham's son, was a type of Jesus, talked about his dreams. Son of Rachel, the wife who Jacob loved, coat of many colors, despised by his brothers because of his father's favoritism, was sold by his brothers into slavery (the Twelve Tribes of Israel). I believe that the iron shackles which bound him in the slave caravan actually immuned him to a life as God's chosen. He could see the lights of Hebron as the caravan proceeded toward Egypt. We have no record of Joseph being a cry baby, lamenting the jealous-despicable brothers. Living by faith refusing Potiphar's wife (Genesis 36-37), his consistent “character” even after dreams and his elevation as ruler of Egypt. Remember, he dreamed about years of famine and years of plenty. Which brought Judaism into Egypt, their bondage. The passover, observed until this very day, the history of Judaism and the Holy Land, persisting until this very day.
The flight into Egypt after Herod's vindictive attempt to kill all male children, was due to a dream. Jesus, as a baby, probably saw the great pyramid at Giza.
Nostradamus dreamed about the future. Edgar Casey dreamed about the future. Abraham Lincoln dreamed about his own death. Very few people will discuss their dreams. This is truly a tragedy because just as Jeane Dixon predicted the assassination of John F. Kennedy, may have made predictions. Most of us are considered nuts if we even talk about such. For instance, in a dream, I have seen the destruction of Washington, DC, all those monuments, the capital on the ground.
Long ago, I wrote that if the US Federal Government had one iota of intelligence it would have distributed it's federal buildings to other areas of the country rather than to have everything centered in one place. Would it not make sense to have the Defense Department isolated from Washington, DC? Why is it necessary to have the FCC, FTC, IRS, federal courts (supreme and appellate), the judicial departments, FDA, FTA, all these departments crowded into one District of Columbia...a prime target for terrorism.
Most Americans, tranquilized and hypnotized by a state controlled news media have become enslaved to political correctness afraid to say anything, anywhere, anytime. Those who think clearly are considered “smoking something”. Thoughts of beauty have always involved the thoughts of beauty after this life. Thoughts and actions of hatred, ugliness are the thoughts those hell bound. In my experience, whether terrorists, politicians, power brokers, even relatives and friends, hell bent on earth, means hell bound later. The most pessimistic, antagonistic people I have known do not realize that they have accepted the enslavement of control. God's greatest gift to man is freewill. Everything involving faith and grace is free. Everything involving hatred and control, the totalitarianism of gutless communism enslavement.
We have lost the war on illegal drugs. The war with prescription drugs is just beginning. Every prescription drug has at least 100 side effects, many have as many as 500 side effects. You do not find drug stores in Islamic countries. So toxic our environment, so little nutrition in our food. Fifty percent of all Americans take prescriptions for anxiety or stress. Many have only drug induced sleep.
There is no reason for any Christian to take an antidepressant. The Christian faith is the most stress free way of life. Christianity is not something just to talk about, like Conservatism. The real Conservative is conservative in everything. The real Christian is Christan in everything. It must be real. Real in your food intake, real in your liquid intake, real in your work (there is nothing but honor in labor regardless of the type labor), real in exercise. I will assure you upon the authority of God's word, that if you live the real Christian life you will have few sicknesses, few stresses, few sleepless nights, real dreams, emotional filters.
Mind altering drugs have over 500 side effects. Most American human bodies are starving to death from lack of nutrition (junk foods, processed foods, liquid, artificial, sweetened poison). Food as given to us by God, plain water (not water with a toxicity of fluorides and chlorides), daily exercise, the wholesomeness of social groups – interchange with other human beings, such as church, will give you the health you need, the health that drugs and money cannot supply.
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