Mark Twain said, “The most beautiful sight in a foreign port or foreign land was an American flag flying at full staff.” 8 trips around the world, every continent, I can appreciate his enjoyment seeing an American flag flying from a ship or at an American embassy on embassy row at any foreign capital city.
More beautiful than the American flag, looking across any foreign city, church steeples with the Christian cross. The church itself has done something that the ACLU, the courts, secular state-controlled news media, organized atheism, has never been able to do. Churches have removed the Christian cross, not only from their exterior but the interior of the sanctuary. Many years ago when this writer had some sight, more energy, when churches actually appreciated a message from an actual Christian, I was in many churches... houses of worship, where you never saw a cross. The cross is the pivotal point of all history, the epitome of Christianity. It is not possible to have too may crosses at a church. I am firmly convinced that every born again, saved Christian, should wear a cross on the lapel of a coat... YOUR TRUE IDENTITY. I have recently ordered a large supply of crosses. I intend to give one to every Christian I meet. The time has come when the Christian must be identified in every way possible.
In my Facebook online memories, there is a photograph of me as a young child with a cross on my lapel. I well remember how proud I was to wear that cross, identifying me as a Christian... separating me from the world. There was a time when young girls wore crosses around their neck. I so admire the Catholics who unashamedly wear the cross, who unashamedly display the cross in the church, who unashamedly display the crucifix in every classroom, in every worship service, Sunday School class Fixation on the cross is our privilege.
In Europe, especially Italy and England, which Muslims have invaded, crosses and crucifixes have been taken from the schools. In Charlotte, North Carolina, a Christian building was rented to Muslims and the crosses removed. When Muslim Obama spoke at Catholic Georgetown University all religious symbols, including the cross, were covered. So politically-correct, so weak, so ashamed of our Savior, Christian churches themselves have done something which the non Christians could never have accomplished. This is the arrogance of unbelievers, mostly just playing church. More unbelievable, removal of the word church from many church buildings, houses of worship. Replacement with such words as vineyard, praise center, outreach, etc. So many do not want the word church associated with their group. Can you imagine any Christian faith group not wanting their center of worship identified as a church, the bride of Christ?.
We expect the world to act like the world, often being surprised when people of the world act like sinners. We expect Christians in a church to act like Christians and we should not be disappointed when they act like those of the world. The first words from an unbeliever, criticism of those who pretend to be believers.
The world gets angry when Christians act like Christians, stand up for Jesus Christ, display of the ten commandments, display of Christmas scenes, belief in prayer by military Chaplains, desire prayer at athletic events, commencement exercises. Universities founded by Christians now do not have prayer at graduation. Princeton University, founded as a Christian school at it's beginning, ministerial graduates were given a new suit of clothes, by the 5th Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City. To show how far Princeton has gone down the drain of atheism, bio-ethicist, Peter Singer, advocates abortion of children even after birth... murder of a child, if the child does not meet certain specifications.
I can tell you without fear of contradiction, that the Christian-Church supported college, even the small ones, from everything I have learned, are not different from the non-religious school.
Starting in 1963, prayer out of the school, 1973 legalizing abortion, one satanic step after another... organized religion attempting to do what only the canvas artist and lawyer are best at doing making the color gray out of black and white. In the forest of personal affairs, world conflict, national hypocrisy, the Christian should not lose sight of that one great tree in the forest... the tree on which our blessed Lord was crucified.
On a hill far away, stood an old rugged Cross
The emblem of suff'ring and shame
And I love that old Cross where the dearest and best
For a world of lost sinners was slain
Hymn “Old Rugged Cross”
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