The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. In my long eventful life I have found that truth is the last thing people want to hear. As was the case at the illegal trial of our blessed Lord, pilate and the other corrupt politicians spoke of truth. Even the mobsters who control government today from the White House to the courthouse know nothing of truth. But, they think thinking people buy their nonsense.
IF, the general public, worldwide, knew the truth about the conditions of the world it would not be the usual refuge of divorce, suicide or euthanasia. But, as Dr. Frankl said about conditions in the holocaust camp, one would just start running for the fence, get shot and end it all.
Like early explorers heading to the polar areas, or even westward in America there were no maps, no guidance, just the overwhelming space. I feel sure early astronauts had the same feeling.
The first day I learned, as a veteran of the Korean War having starved going through the years of schooling for commission as a medical officer, that I would be forever blind, I was overwhelmed, first with grief then with bitterness. It has been the overwhelming love of my Creator, who chose me for this life, that I have been able to endure.
In my cocoon of blackness for over fifty years, until this very day, (81) still working, living alone, taking care of myself, managing my property, when a new assistant comes in to start work (I usually employ 3 or 4 to help me) my first words “don't be overwhelmed by my business, my life-activity”. When they see the thousands of 1st edition books I have spent a lifetime of collecting and now sell online, the other memorabilia which only a blind man on eight around the world trips could collect, I know they are overwhelmed. I tell them that in life's activities if you are going to be a responsible productive person, like eating an elephant, just one bite at the time.
How well I remember when I thumbed through my new Grays Anatomy. I thought How would I ever learn these parts of the body. I thought the same thing with pathology, physiology, astronomy, even God's precocious word. I knew nothing about stock market investing, but I have learned it and the same with Real Estate. Asking God, many times, “why me”? I always got the same answer and he deals with me on a one to one basis “because you can handle it” Life is not what you do when everything goes well but what you do when everything goes wrong.
After my parent's death, my accountant said to me, after the family lawyers had sent me final papers, “You did not sign these papers, your family forged your name.” I said, “With the “Unsaved” temporary grief is replaced by permanent ingratitude and greed.”
We live in a world where people are overwhelmed by the the desire for things. The love of the world, the counterfeit offerings of the world has replaced God's grace and mercy, our knowledge, that if we are His, “He will never leave us or forsake us.” (Hebrews 13:5)
One of the finest men I ever knew lived next door to me, Bill, graduate of Williams College ancestral colonial New England family. Sick for many years, able to afford continuous help, he died, the body was hardly cold. I have never heard such a racket. Surviving relatives, fussing and fighting over his things, running out the door carrying things to their car. Dr, Messick, friend and past president of ECU before he died, told me that we were one generation away from barbarians.
My family founded Morristown, NJ, I have the 1766 survey of the first farm. I am convinced that our colonial ancestors wanted the freedom with which God has entrusted us. But, God is a jealous God. He knows what He is doing. Jacob, wrestled with God. Two wives, one he loved and one he did not love but Leah gave us the twelve tribes. Judah, Jesus and would not the world had been do different if Rachel's son, Joseph, had not been sold into slavery... Egypt... the long history of Judaism.
As overwhelming as it is, the Bible hides nothing. Ancient history in this morning's headlines. Besieged by incorrect information, politicians controlled by a state controlled news media our world is overwhelmed by mediocrity, ambiguity, anti-Christ leadership.
God's sovereignty, God's geometry, comparisons, the sun the size of a basketball, Jupiter in comparison the size of a golf ball, but, our earth, our world is one-tenth the size of Jupiter. Just think, however, the Creator of the universe interested in me?
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