The greatest question of my life, why Christianity does not satisfy? I am convinced that in the DNA, cell structure, of every human being chosen by God, there is a DNA marker.
IF you are a Holy spirit-filled child of God, it should be so evident not only to you, but to everyone with whom you come in contact.
On one of my three trips to communist China following the reopening, I was At Xian... spectacular tourist attraction where Em porers entire army of porcelain figures are slowly being recovered from the earth.
Three Chinese men, and they all look the same, because all Chinese are dressed the same, walked up to me and said, “I believe you are Christian.” I said “yes” and they said “we are Christian.” I shook their hands, gave each one of my cards, and wished them well. My nosy communist guide said to me, “What did those men want?” I said, “they wanted to practice their English.”
In my long life, WHY, if one has a divine nature living within, the very spirit of God living within, why is It necessary to involve oneself with other entanglements. I have known grown men, free masons, much more interested in their masonic identity that their Christian identity... their handshakes, their pens, their rings, same as in college with “Fraternity brothers”. My last church membership, a 3000 member church, Wednesday prayer meeting, maybe 30 people, and it was necessary to serve lunch. Same church, same people, women's bridge parties, men's golfing parties, the men's bible class went to Las Vegas each year for an outing.
On the plantations, the slaves had a language between themselves which the master could not understand. This was their connection. Their consolation, their “oneness”. I believe there is a new tribalism in today's world... young people in bars, elitists in country clubs. Civic and fraternal clubs where members are carefully selected.
When you possess the Holy spirit of Jesus Christ, you possess a divine intelligence, a divine nature. An intelligence which will guide you in food, words, actions. God will not allow you to put poisons in your body, aspartame, nicotine, addictive substances. Aspartame, synthetic sweeteners, more addictive than cigarettes, the most dangerous poison you can put into your body. Your body is a temple not a dumpster, your divine nature will not permit pornography, cursing, idol worship, taking God's name in vain. The ancients, at worship, prostrated themselves on the ground. Praise, Holiness, was real to them.
If you have not been considered “nutty”, if you are not considered “different” in your own family then there is something wrong with your faith, your religion. A recent poll, 82% of all people say they believe in God... so does the devil. God has a 52% approval record, a perfect track record. The world, flesh, devil, wants to ensnare you with a social gospel. After all, does not everyone go to heaven when they die, regardless of how they lived on earth? Most unsaved, I know, cannot stand real Christians on earth but think that they will endure them throughout eternity. God does not allow sin in heaven.
Just as blacks, pagans, fraternal people, have a special language, so do gays. Language in a gay night club is completely different. Females love gay men because they are good dancers, unlike real men who are usually very poor dancers. Females like gay hairdressers, interior decorators, clothing designers because they are so sensitive. These women are called “Fag-Hags”. Don't tell me that people pulling and prodding, SEARCHING for something else are Christian not when the search is over for those who have the satisfying experience of salvation from a living God, Creator of the universe in their very being.
The early Christians, endowed by their Creator with newness of life would identify one another by drawing a fish on the ground... just two curved lines. It was called the “way”. Christ told us that He is the way, the truth, the life (John 14:6)
The communist, secular, state-controlled news media love chatter, want you thinking like them. There is usually a daily chatter about something, 911, Qaddafi, economy, Obama reading the Bible, etc. They do not realize that the real Christian, spirit-filled child of God has conquered the world, the flesh the devil. They know the truth and want others to know the truth, endowed by their creator with a separated way of life. We are not popular, politically correct ,usually estranged from family.
IF the millions of Christians around the world had stopped SEARCHING for the “things” of the world and were spending their spirit-filled lives and days showing Christianity, by prayer and testimony the world would be a different place. The world has changed the church instead of the church changing the world. Christians have forgotten what they are.
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