The dime (10 cents) is not considered very much money anymore but Bing Crosby made one song very popular “Buddy can you spare a dime.”
My life revolves around the radio, I listen to and participate in radio talk shows around the nation.
I keep hearing the phrase, “I want my country back”! Which country are you talking about? The country of John Adams an Thomas Jefferson is gone. The country of Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower is gone. The prosperity and protection of your country is gone.
The military-industrial entanglements of one war after another, since the Great Depression, is the only economical means that has kept this country afloat. It took WWII to bring America out of the Great Depression.
During this “Great Recession” which it is now called by the communist, secular, state-controlled news media, you young people just think things are bad. You have no idea how bad things can get. During the Great Depression, population of the country 1/2 of what it is now. 90% of the population lived on farms only 10% lived in cities. In the countryside, people could grow some food, pick wild berries, hunt for wildlife in the woods yet, nine million people died of starvation.
Today's “baby boomer” generation (those born after WWII) have never seen a county home, poor house. During the Great Depression each county had such a place... usually on the outskirts of the county seat, a large county owned building where the poor of the community could have shelter. These old people had absolutely nothing. The county home housed, clothed and fed them. The old men wore bibbed overalls. The old women, plain figured dresses with aprons if able to work, the women would help with the food and the men with the yard. Otherwise , they mostly sat in rocking chairs on porches... waiting to die a burial expense for the county.
Most of today's baby bloomers, young people have never seen a cheap casket.
The nation of Japan has the same problem as America, everyone wanting something for nothing, you spending your money on your wants, and the state spending your tax money for your needs. Japan has a large population of old people depending on the socialism of the state. As in America, their social security, health-care, housing broke.
In the cheap nations of the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand the Japanese government is building Japanese poor houses... communes to house, clothe, and feed their old people.
Washington DC, is the most prosperous place in America. The bureaucrats, lobbyists, politicians are wining and dining one another. My friends in government tell me that it is just one cocktail party after another. They do not care that you have paid your FICA taxes your entire working life. Like midnight basketball, lock box, “change” all just so much talk, fraud, corruption. Your frugal living, coupon clipping, conservatism has not slackened the junkets of congress the many vacations of the presidential family. The high rollers of Wall St. or “K” street.
Abraham, (name means, father of a multitude) first Jew, sitting on the mountain at Zoar (Genesis 13:10 and 14:2) watched the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, cities of the plain chosen by Lot, chosen because of their prosperity, destroyed by God for their decadence. If God allows Washington continued prosperity then he will apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.
There was a large memorial for the tenth anniversary of 911 in spite of the many questions concerning this tragedy including the falling of building seven. (skyscraper which fell on its own hours after the two which planes hit.)
There are many questions about Oklahoma City, inaccuracies about the Murrow Building and president Clinton riding high on that tragedy. Some have said that Obama must have an Oklahoma City-type tragedy. The very idea that America is involved in tragedy is an abomination to everything we hold dear but, 92% of all Americans believe that president Clinton was killed by his own government. Th e burning alive of women and children at WACO, TX is just one example of our decadence. What about Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan. This week, seventy seven Americans injured in that war.
The truth is our only salvation. A wealthy man invited hundreds of friends to a lavish party... beautiful home, lavish food, drinks, entertainment, he invited one of America's greatest actors, greatest voices, to read great pieces if literature... mostly Shakespeare. After each reading, wild applause. Then he said, “I will recite your favorites if I know them” He recited Lincoln's Gettysburg address. One of the host's favorite guests, an old white-haired Catholic priest with Roman collar stood and asked if he would recite the 23rd Psalm. He said “father I will if you will recite it after me.” The priest hesitated amid such glamor but then agreed. After the actor recited the familiar 23rd psalm he said “father now it is your turn.” The priest did so in a much lower sweeter voice. No one clapped, all gasped. The actor said “you heard from me a trained paid actor, then you heard from the shepherd himself.” You must experience a POOR HOUSE in order to understand a POOR HOUSE.
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